With a half drow you can get 16 Dex and 16 Charisma to start.
The player, however, would have certain advantages now, by being a single class character, instead.
Essentially, you get a pool of Stamina Points you can spend to add to your Attack rolls. All your great abilities happen levels 1-5, the majority happen level 1 and 3. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. You have to ask yourself are you a Swashbuckler or a "x" because level dipping away from swashbuckler is not optimized. ... (Best D&D Multiclass) What are the best D&D Multiclasses? the Magus saves would be a really nice addition, as the Swashbuckler's biggest weakness is its craptastic saves.
And there is the Paladin/ Dex Barb combination which makes your saves and hit/dmg rediculus in itself. Alchemist spells are largely focused on self-buffing, the Mutagen can buff your DEX and as cool as bombs are, the Vivisectionist archetype gives you Sneak Attack. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed.
i've never played a Magus but a quick look tells me that it might be an option. crzyhawk. This is exactly why I never end up actually multiclassing, even though it's fun to think about the interesting combos. With a free disengaging melee Rogue it is easily the best cantrip in the game, as it both stacks with sneak attack and gives them extra thunder damage if they then try to follow you.
It's hard to use but the combo is very good. So here's a multiclass post. Honestly, Swash is one of those classes that basically exists as a 1p dip. Yeah, caster-combos with Rogue can be brutally good and fun to play. Focus on buffing/utility spells like Vanish or Enlarge Person, rather than damage-dealing spells - you won't have the levels to make them count. These cancel out. Gunslinger: Grit and Panache stack, so even if your Wisdom is low, you'll be fine (or use the Mysterious Stranger archetype for CHA-based grit). I'll probably take Combat Reflexes or Weapon Spec as my 4th level bonus feat, but I'm not sure what to take at 5th. Because that refers to the fighters "Weapon Training". My character is Chaotic Neutral, doesn't meet alignment reqs for either class unfortunately. ESPECIALLY Cut from the Air and Smash from the Air. Smash from the Air - The same as Cut from the Air, but against larger projectiles ballista and trebuchet projectiles. - unchained Rogue with Rake Arctype for an Defensive/INitmidating build.
You get most of your deeds, challenge is a nice mechanic to have for duels, and some of the orders are also fairly cool. Idk, IMO Shadowblade, while better upcast than a lot of spells, is still not as good a 3rd level spell as just about any actual 3rd level spell.
However there is a really awsome prestige. Swashbuckler gains a enough scaling abilities that multiclass is hard.
Bard song for inspire courage and a +1 to hit and damage. Your Challenge power won't be too great, but Resolve is a very nice power to have. With decent Int and a favored class bonus, I'm both the party face and skillmonkey, and of course a frontliner in combat. I might be able to convince my DM to let me be a lawful evil Antipaladin, and the fear aura would go nicely with menacing swordplay. Scaled Fist monk archetype 2 level dip gives, 2 Bonus Feats, including Dodge and Combat reflexes, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Pathfinder_RPG community, For info, news, resources, and anything else about the Pathfinder TTRPG! Depending on what I get, a dip could easily surpass that 1-2 damage I'd be losing. So if you want to be not a Swashbuckler nows the best chance.
I was thinking of multiclassing my level 4 Swashbuckler Rogue with Drunken Master Monk (mostly due to thematic reasons; my character is a former bartender), but I'm still new to playing.
The feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker and Extra Ki can help compensate for your low level.
Playing this combo in a game right now.
If you’re like me, you love stacking enchantments on one super weapon.
If the DM allows the precise strike to stack, what about Daring Champion cavalier?
Magic Items: Bracers of Armor - Gives you +2 Armor AC, and you can throw some enchantments on them, like Spell Resistance or Spell Dodging.
1 Level gives you a bit of potential healing and access to some buff spells like Bless and Divine Favor, as well as one Revelation (you can get another with the Extra Revelation feat) and a Curse (or two, if you take the Dual-Cursed archetype).
Why delay that? Ah, damn, you should have gone the route of 1p Swash 19X...retraining isn't too bad. I’m glad it is fun for the player and the group.
2 years ago.
(Not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing® in any way), Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Smite works really well on a Swashbuckler (+CHA to parry someone you're smiting), and the combination of base saves and Divine Grace made my saves absurdly good. Cut from the Air let’s you deflect ranged attacks the same way as your Parry and Riposte deed. She is a fiend kit warlock, but hexblade is probably even better. I recommend a one or two-level dip into Fighter to make sure you have Dodge, Mobility, and Combat Reflexes, and then entering the Shadowdancer prestige class.
Mutagenic Mauler Brawler archetype is a far better dip for if you want to get mutagen.
Hi all, I'm playing a Gillmen Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade Archetype) and we just leveled up to level 6. Belt of Tumbling - Gives you +4 to Acrobatics to move around enemies.