Printable version of pedigree (with / without images) HTML code for this pedigree (e.g.
Whip takes Best of Breed over the the #1 & # 2 dog in the nation. 2nd Place in Herding Titled Bitch, "CH Corral West Forever Entwind Safira HSAs, who also picked up her started cattle title at the nationals! at 12months ad 16 days! The Scottsbluff Kennel Club Show.
Mirk received a Award of Merit.
We didn't have anything entered at nationals this year (2014), but had the honor of being invited to judge the Sweeps Stakes classes. I'm The Sweetest Honey Bear Ever ~1997.
Mirk was Awared BOB over 4 other Specials, 2 were being shown by Top Professional Handlers. Safira also has her HSAS and her HSAC. Below is a sample search of our Collie breeders with puppies for sale. He also received a Select.
March 28th. ... Bar 6 Diamond Ranch Border Collies-> ... Blue Ridge Border Collies-> Located in Brevard, North Carolina.
Corral West Just You And ME "aka" Anna, Grand Sweepstakes Winner at the Texas specialty Jan 2015, Anna also was awarded Winners Bitch over 27 other bitches. Desert Kennels.
We are glad to show you around, and Please look at our wonderful friends and companions. Whip and Magic head to Kalamazoo Michigan for the reginal Specialty Whip was awarded Grand Sweeps Stakes Winner the following weekend Magic stayed home, Whip was awarded Best Of Breed on Sunday nade the cut in the group and Select on Saturday.
MIRK Finishes His GrandChampionship! Australian Cattle Dogs, home of Show and Herding Dogs, Border Collies, Colorado At just 18 months old that is a pretty great accomplishment! Arrow Of Blue Diamond Collies Of Colorado ~1997. The place where you can find an affordable & beautiful AKC registered collie for your family. Thank you for looking at our site. 2013 Austrailian Cattle Dogs National Specialty, Whip and Magic 2nd is 6-9 month puppy Sweeps, 4th in the very large Bred By Exhibitor Classes (they were the youngest in that class).
Corral West Cattle Dogs, Border Collies and German Shorthairs. He know only needs 1 more point for his Championship.
1/128. Breeder of the 2005 Reserve Winners dog from the Bred By Exhibitor Class, 2008 Eukanuba Dog Show Award Of Excellence, Invited to Eukanuba 2009, 2010, and 2011, Breederof the 2012 Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the National Specialty, AOM at the 2013 National Specialty Winner of the 10+ Veteran Dog.
We are projecting that 1 or more litters of AKC limited normal-eye sable & white rough-coat collie puppies will become available in 2021, If you would like to reserve a projected 2021 AKC limited normal-eye sable & white rough-coat collie puppy from our projected 2021 litter(s), please note that 11 collie puppies have already been reserved from our projected 2021 litter(s), please contact us at 1-719-568-1400 or email us at. Santistevans Commanche with Alot Of Kisses ~2002. I think Corral West pretty much rocked the Nationals! Happenstance Border Collies-> Located in Calhan, Colorado.
The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. Next year will be even better as I have been asked to Judge the Sweepstakes classes. Mirk is just starting and what a way to start! SAFIRA GOES RESERVE HIGH IN TRIAL SAT 5/19/12 AND THEN HIGH IN TRIAL ON 5/20/12.
or use the Pay-Pal button shown below on this page. Known Offspring: (Raven) Blue Diamond Collies of Colorado. GCH Corral West Feel The Sting aka "Whip" First Award Of Merit, with a large Dog Special Entry. Mirk was Awared BOB over 4 other Specials, 2 were being shown by Top Professional Handlers. Whip and Magic are in the top 10 September Stats. Hello and welcome to Colorado Mountain Collies Website. Very proud of them both!
(Detailed contact information has been omitted. Wizzard was the first red to ever win there. Our Tru Special Star Of Knight ~2002 Rough Collie. We use cookies to ensure our website works properly and to collect statistics about users so we can improve the website. GCh Corral West Feel The Sting, aka "Whip" Went Best Of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York, on Feb 16th 2015. In Grand Junction.
X-Ray a Spec son won the 3-6 month Puppy Dog properties class!
We are projecting that 1 or more litters of AKC limited normal-eye sable & white rough-coat collie puppies will become available in 2021. Breeder of Specialty Winners Best of Breed, Award of Merit, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Reserve Winners Dog. Breeder of the first Red ACD to win Best Of Breed at the Westminister Kennel Club Dog Show.
Enter your zip or postal code above to access our up-to-date directory).
Mirk goes Best Of Breed at his first show as a Champion. Working. Breeder of the 2000 and 2001 Best of Opposite Sex at the National Specialty. He also received a Select. Magic was Best of Opposite Sex, Whip was select Dog over a other Special. Claim Profile Magic finished her Bronze Grandship.
Whip was Select Dog at the ACDCA National Specialty, 1St AOM at the Cascade Regional Specialty, Best In Show at the ACDC Of Greater Los Angeles, Whip Reserve Best In Show and 5 X Best In Show Owner Handler. They did a great job together. Visit with us on Facebook! Saint Stephens, WY, 82524 #1 OH ACD for 2015 and 2016, In the Top 100 All Breed OH dogs. Spec Best 10+ Veteran Still moved beautifully! Our site in underconstruction so check back as it grows!
Blue Diamond Collies Of Colorado . Whip is a very special and handsome boy!
Plus in a very short time 21 Grand Champion Points. Commanches White Lady In Blue …
Mirk goes Best Of Breed at his first show as a Champion.
Blue Diamond Collies Of Colorado.
With very limited showing. View Our Photo Album Below! (Raven) Blue Diamond Collies of Colorado - pedigree - Scottish Collie pedigree database with calculation of COI and ALC. They are a great team!
Feb 2014 All under a year of age.
Whip was Winners Dog 3 of the 4 days in Denver, I missed getting into the ring on Saturday. From there you can see photos of their pups, find detailed information on their web page and contact them by e-mail, phone and even get driving directions. Sweetheart Of Blue Diamond Collies ~2002. Dixie made it to the final round of selections for the AOM.
Mirk curently has 23 Grand Champion points all obtained before 11 months.
Not to bad for a red girl who had no hair! Fowler, CO, 81039 Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs We live out on the Eastern Plains of Colorado. The Scottsbluff Kennel Club Show. Aspen Collies raises all the colors of the collie- Sable/white, Tri, Blue Merle, Sable Merle, and White. To locate a Collie breeder, enter your 5-digit zip or postal code: See real-time photos and information about the dogs currently in the shelter nearest to you.
Jan 16th 2013 at the Cascade Australian Cattle Dog Regional Specialty GCH Corral West Attitude With Juice, was awarded an AWARD OF MERIT, Juice is handled expertly by Eli Connolly. Whip was Best Of Breed over 6 other specials both days at the Terry All Kennel Club shows With a Group 3 and Group 4. Mirk is just starting and what a way to start. WHAT A GREAT WORKING DOG!
A Safira daughter was Best Puppy in Sweeps, Then was Best Bred By Exhibitor. We use cookies to ensure our website works properly and to collect statistics about users so we can improve the website.
She finished her Grand at just 19 months old! Generations in pedigree .
It is your responsibility to investigate.
With a Group 1 in the Owner Handled series. 29th ACDCA National Specialty, Breeder of Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, "Corral West Oh Be Joyful" aka Lark, Winner of the Bred By Exhibitor Bitch class with "Corral West Blue Peach" Peach.
1st Australian Cattle dog to win Best In Specialty Show out of the Herding Titled Class.
Working Dog: no. We raise AKC rough coat collies .They are normal eyed some non-carrier pups .We have MDR1 and OFA Hips And DM testing on some of our Adults.
It was a great honor and very thankful for the opportunity.
Magic Best of Opposite Sex over other specials and Select at Terry All Shows.
Working Description: Siblings.
With a Group 3 in the Owner Handled series. Magic finished Championshp with a 5 point major, The next day she was moved up to Best of Breed and was awarded Best of Breed and Then Placed 4th in the Herding Group With very tuff compition. Lots of Wizzard grand kids and great grand kids all did very well in the classes as well! With only being shown part of a year both years. out of 0 ratings.
Our second red boy to win at this show. Important: has not screened the listed breeders and accepts no responsibility for their reputation or quality.
We were so happy to have done so well in the 30th Specialty.
CH On The Lamb Let The Storm Rage On aka "Elsa" Best OF Opposite Sex, with a very large entry.
All of our pups are certified to be free of CEA, PRA, DM, and CN. Whip and Magic head to Kansas.
Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service,Rescue, Services: Puppies,Adult Dogs,Stud Service. Best Junior Handler was Eli Connolly, who expertly handled GCH Corral West Attitude with Juice!
Is this your business? Joy-Blue Diamond Collies of Colorado - pedigree - Scottish Collie pedigree database with calculation of COI and ALC. All rights reserved.
to embed on your private website) Pedigree; if ther would have been one more spot we would have been in there! © 2012 Corral West Kennels. just at 12 months.
GCH Corral West Forever Intwind Safira went Select at the Casscade Sepecialty in Portland Oregan, July 19th, She also went Select at the other 4 shows that weekend. Whip finished his Championship in Scottsbluff NE. Going Best Of Breed 2 days in Yuma Arizona. Then went on into the Owner Handler Herding Group and Placed 1st. See How to Find a Dog.