Was it believable and did it work for you?

I like your questions. I love to use the Amazon Whispersync feature to go back and forth between audio and digital reading. Movies? How would the story have changed if characters had taken different actions than what they did? Do they remind you of anyone you know (real or fictional)? Did the book’s pace seem too fast/too slow/just right? If the story could be told by one of the other character’s, which character’s perspective would you prefer to hear? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

If it’s later in the series, how has reading them in order – or not – affected your enjoyment of the book? Tired of the heavy tear-jerkers that your book club usually picks? Did you ever feel that the author wasn’t being completely honest? Get your copy of this month’s book club pick: Buy the book on Amazon. Does the book discuss broader social issues? Does it remind you of other real or fictional places? Your email address will not be published.

Is anything left unresolved or ambiguous? How would the book have changed if it were written now? (humor, anger, etc.).

How did you respond to the author’s “voice”? Required fields are marked *. Is the book part of a series? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Does the book remind you of any other books? Thank you, I am wondering how to print these book discussion questions too…. Did the book succeed at its purpose? On this gorgeous, magical night, the bride’s father, Alejandro Cambria, a wealthy power broker whose unbelievably successful career in private equity made him one of Chicago’s celebrated elite, discovers the limits and possibilities of cell phone range.

Did the story unfold the way you expected? Did you guess the culprit before the end? 23. What do you think about the author’s writing style? “The Lowcountry of South Carolina is where By Invitation Only begins at a barbecue engagement party thrown by Diane English Stiftel, her brother Floyd, and her parents to celebrate her son’s engagement. How else could they have structured the story? The Cambrias’ dearest wish is for their daughter to be happy. If a mystery is well-written the reader should suspect a number of characters throughout the story. The book club questions below can guide your group through a meaningful discussion about almost any book. Your email address will not be published. How does this book compare to other books you’ve read? Does it fit the scope and style of the book? If so, do you feel the love aspect enhanced or detracted from the story? Log in, DeliberateReader, (2015) Booked: Reading Together {All About Book Clubs}, 31 Days of More Great Nonfiction: Loving the Little Years, Book Club Resources - The Deliberate Reader, January's Book Club Selection: The Count of Monte Cristo, Introducing July’s Book Club Selection: 1776, Intro to June’s Discussion Title: The Sparrow, Introducing May’s Book Club Selection: Wuthering Heights. I like the idea of generic questions that can be used with all books and seem to get the conversation going. How does the author draw the reader in and keep them engaged in the text? By Invitation Only Dorothea Benton Frank Audio-book: Narrators - Susan Bennett, Courtney Patterson, Sarah Naughton These narrators did an exceptional job of bringing to life Diane, Susan and Shelby. A difference in legal opinions, a headlong dive from grace, and an abrupt twist will reveal the truth of who they are and demonstrate, when it truly counts, what kind of grit they have. By clicking "Ok" you accept our use of cookies. What was your biggest takeaway from the book? Does the author give the characters freedom of choice, or are their actions fated? We meet in a private Facebook group and chat about a new book every month. If so, what is emphasized or minimized in the film version? What Changes/Decisions Would You Hope For If The Book Were Turned Into A Movie? What do you think happens after the book ends? Who would you recommend it to?

What did you particularly like or dislike about the book? Was the reality created in the book believable? Would you read another book by the same author?

Did you agree with the author’s point of view? Did the story make you question any of your own beliefs? They are very generic and will work for most if not all books. Nearly a thousand miles away from her comfortable, familiar world, Diane is the antithesis of the bright lights and super-sophisticated guests attending her son Fred’s second engagement party. 25. Maybe it had been assumed that the first one wouldn’t be up to snuff? Book Club Discussion Questions for Fiction. How well do you think the author built the world in the book? How are the place and time period in which the book was written reflected in the text? If you’ve read other works by this author, how do they compare? Were you amused, upset, bored, angry, intrigued? My heart goes out to all the brides changing their plans but hopefully, that happy day will get back on the calendar soon!

Here are some other resources to make your book club meetings more meaningful. I'm a work at home mom of five children. Did the book remind you of any other memoirs or biographies you’ve read?

If the book is already a movie, are you happy with the representation? Was there a lesson for modern readers could be taken away from the author’s life? Which character would you most like to meet? How do you think the main character is similar or different from the author? If you had any preconceived opinions about the topic, what were they and and did they change after reading the book? Be sure to check out the official discussion in our book club group right here.