Mood and feelings of well-being have both psychological and physiological factors. A coconut de-husking farm. I wanted to stay in bed, away from the world, and I was cold, very cold. (18). This is, in fact, a good thing for your brain. I forced myself up, and tried to accomplish something … anything. I was afraid of coffee and wine … two of my favorites … because I didn’t know if I could handle the stimulation. This can be an effective shortcut. I develop a hypersensitive tinnitus, the so-called ringing in the ears, that becomes a constant disruption to your brain’s ability to focus. This promising antistress activity may be attributed to the polyphenols and medium-chain fatty acids present in VCO.”. You should consult with a qualified health care professional before making changes to your lifestyle, starting any new health care regimen, or if you have, or suspect you might have, a health problem. I’m sure my initial return visits to my psychiatrist were alarming. My poor wife, who was extremely supportive during this period, became totally beside herself with my indecisiveness and my fear. It will immediately solidify when it hits your cool veggies. Information provided by is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ➤ Works with your type of brainwave patterns.

California Scientists Developing Cow-Free Dairy Milk From GMO Yeast and 3D Printed Milk Proteins, Rockefeller Foundation Sued for $1 Billion for Infecting Citizens with Syphilis. Cholesterol is important for mental health. Unlike other oils, the fat in coconut oil is not stored as fat, but is converted by the liver into ketone bodies, which can then be used by the brain for nourishment. (26), The US National Institutes of Health reported that increasing fat intake to 50% of calories improved the nutritional status of study participants, and did not increase their risk for heart disease. Do it another day … or not? There are few natural sources of MCTs, namely various parts of the coconut (oil, meat, cream, and milk), palm oil, and full-fat dairy products. I was babbling on and on about indecisiveness and my fearfulness. In late April 2012, I began taking three tbsp (1/4 cup) of coconut oil each morning (note Dr. Newport used 9 tbsp for her husband), by melting it with my milk before pouring it on my cereal. (17). I was managing my brother’s finances now, along with my mom’s. In the winter of 2012, I went through a period of fairly severe depression. I was a totally different person than the person she had seen before. Certainly the drying up of portions of your brain does not a healthy brain make. I feared that my lack of focus may cause me to be in an accident. We had recently discovered that my brother was suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s, and I began wondering if dementia was hereditary, that it was beginning to happen to me, and I was doomed. In fact, a study found that when treated with virgin coconut oil, mice exhibited higher levels of brain antioxidants. One last site that I found easy to understand that summarizes everything in a coco-nutshell is: Researchers have called coconut oil an “antidepressant functional food” due to its unique combination of medium-chain fatty acids and antioxidants. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. You try to stop the slide, but you can’t seem to fight it. Learn how to use coconut oil for brain health. There are rare reports of people experiencing brain fog, fatigue, or an increase in anxiety or panic attacks when they consume coconut oil. Remember, my mind was buzzing all of the time.

Let me explain a little about what it feels like to be depressed. The mechanism by which coconut oil uniquely feeds the brain is no exception.