This one is kind of obscure, but don't worry; I'll walk you through it. Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. ...and you know what they say about karma.....Hope you have a handicap pass or that Karma is gonna bite you in your a**.
These Funny Coincidences Have To Be A Glitch In The Matrix, Clever Restaurant Names That Take Food Puns To The Next Level, Very Funny 4chan Pranks Where Nobody Got Hurt, 20 Excellent Office Pranks Your Coworkers Won't See Coming. She has published three web humor books and six calendars, including You Had One Job!
Can you believe this made it through the New Jersey DMV? Be right back... Gotta check the DMV in out state and see if it's available. If you're going to get a fire engine red car to celebrate your mid-life crisis, the least you can do is maintain your sense of erectio-- er, adventure. Turns out, even the jokes are bigger in Texas. What could possibly go wrong? Love the plate but I could find another car to put that on!
According to Reddit, even the car's owner couldn't believe it. RELATED: Gallery: 30 Ratchet License Plates, 18 Ridiculous Vanity Plates Spotted on Instagram. What a beautiful ride!
Statistically, vanity license plates are unique.
Did you ever think of that, ya' big perv? : If you wanna start custom plate business, please check Custom License Plates Maker: Definitive Guide.
New York was the first state to require that vehicles display a license plate, doing so in 1901.
Are you sure?
It's a way to publicly announce something to the public, but on an extremely short and to-the-point platform.
Hey, at least he's honest! We hope.
You've got to love following this guy in traffic! You can't just have something dumb like "OHSNAP" or "H8TERS" on there.
We're just amazed that these rather risque slogans made it past the DMV censors! Ah yes, "Deez Nuts."
Wish that was mine! In a way, they're kind of like the Facebook bio or the tweet before any form of social media existed.
20 Clever and Risque Vanity License Plates. I get it; I smell like farts. Before New York created state-issued plates, drivers had to make their own which they did by writing their initials on a vehicle-identifying tag. Now it's kind of-sort-of a little sad.
"Walk into the club, like..." 40. Yikes! The more you know, right? But if you're going to pay for a special license plate, you need to make it really count. Ummm, not many. Here we thought that driving a bright yellow Hummer around was, in and of itself, the ultimate sign of douchebaggery, and then this happened. He's civic-minded, that's all.
So... this was clearly an accident. As these twenty hilarious vanity plates show, Americans are really messed up. Quagmire's Evo 39.
Still funny though! Always pee before you go. Live and learn. See more ideas about License plate, Personalized license plates, Vanity plate. RELATED: 18 Ridiculous Vanity Plates Spotted on Instagram You have seven letters/numbers to really make it count. However, just like all creative endeavors, personalized license plates can offer be a great opportunity for the funny people of the world to crack dirty jokes!The best part is that other drivers are pretty much forced to read, interpret, and react to your funny plates as you drive around town. Maybe this isn't dirty after all; maybe he just really likes hot dogs. Beverly Jenkins is a humor and pop culture writer. Who doesn't enjoy seeing tittays?
Okay, okay, fine.
*sniffing shirt*. Vanity plate decorates the roads, and the coolest vanity plate ideas are not easy to get or change. We love them. Jun 11, 2012 - If you are looking for ideas on what to put on your personalized license plate, we've got ideas to inspire you!. The rest of us stop what we're doing, point them out to our friends, and we all ask why? Vanity license plates are a popular way to make your car stand out from the crowd.
Get your witty juices flowing with these 25 Clever License Plates that Will Make You Question Your Creativity. The best part is that other drivers are pretty much forced to read, interpret, and react to your funny plates as you drive around town.
You're giving me a complex!
I'm talking to you, kids.
Still, was a vanity plate really necessary?! "J is lord" quickly becomes Jizz Lord. Personalized license plates, also known as vanity plates, allow you to make a statement that's seen everywhere your vehicle goes. Wow...I don't think I would pay the fees to DMV to express that feeling! Aug 30, 2015 - Explore Liz Denae's board "funny license plates" on Pinterest. Okay, this is just plain awesome. Vanity license plates are a popular way to make your car stand out from the crowd. It becomes a part of your car, a part of you, and it should display your personality and creativity.
I'll allow it. © 2020 Complex Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Well duh 42.
He's clearly just inquiring about whether you're old enough to vote.
to help give you the best experience we can. No thank you, but thank you for asking. Again, another accidental act of naughtiness (not to mention blasphemy)? We list 100 top best staff-picked car vanity license plates from Twitter posts.
However, just like all creative endeavors, personalized license plates can offer be a great opportunity for the funny people of the world to crack dirty jokes! The drivers in this gallery all brought the funny with them to the Department of Motor Vehicles on the day they registered their rides. Making people laugh while operating heavy machinery?
And someone paid extra money to put that short message on their vehicle. How many older model Audi's do you see on the road these days?
But if you're going to pay for a special license plate, you need to make it really count. Vanity plates have become their own corner of the art world. Put down your copy of Fifty Shades of Grey and keep both hands on the steering wheel, where we can see 'em. Your … Human beings are forever fascinated by vanity plates. And that's exactly what these people have done. This isn't raunchy; it's just good advice! You're welcome. A "moose knuckle" is the male equivalent of "Camel Toe."
Is she Pennsylvania's "nicest" mom, or should someone alert the authorities?