Relatively rare sights in Low Sec plexes (at least alone), and a magnet for other cruisers, or advanced ships such as pirate frigates and T3 destroyers looking for an expensive killmail. Not disagreeing on tank and damage, but you can fit MJD + MWD too and also has selectable damage types. For this reason, slower ships such as the Harpy which are rarely seen in Low Sec 1v1 PvP are much more viable in Null Sec, This massive reduction in speed has many other collateral effects. An additional consideration when trying to minimize damage, is tracking.
Many, such as the Succubus or Daredevil are deliberately designed to "break" the typical rules of the solo PvP meta in some way, making them hard to counter with tactics alone. It's sweet stuff. If a module/rig is fitted to the ship, its icon will show in them. Looking for any kind of Tactic (Fit/Ship + Site you would run) on how to kill Rats for the Skilling spree in as little time as possible. The Widow doesn't have to be a jam boat. Description; Hull: Scorpion Class : Developer: Kaalakiota: Role: Black Ops: Black Ops battleships are designed for infiltration and espionage behind enemy lines. First of all there’s no “scram kiting” a cruiser. Just watch out EM resistance hole. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
These appear on your overview and probe scanner window as beacons which all players can warp to with names such as “Gallente Novice Outpost” or “Caldari Large Installation”, The key factor to note is the “size” of the plex, as denoted by the middle word in the description. OP i just want to say I think they could've been nicer about answering your question. ... Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. Go fly frigates until you understand why that fit is bad. For EVE University members, our Low Sec Campus is located on the edge of Faction Warfare Space, and the primary activity of this campus is PvP in the surrounding region. You can still be overpowered by a gang or fleet of ships if you are not aware and careful. A more reliable way to find fights is simply to annoy residents enough and provoke them into fighting you. For example, the difference in speed between a webbed MWD Atron and a webbed MWD Merlin is only 50m/s (the difference with Afterburners is around 150m/s). The Dual-Web Kestrel and Caldari Navy Hookbill noted earlier can also be equally effective as a scram-kiter as rockets can deal effective damage up to 9km, while the dual webs maintain your speed advantage. - CCP Dopamine, Rolling Thunder News Post, (stats correspond to a T2 hull resist bonus increase from +12.5/+18% shield/armor thermal resist to +37.5%/+18.33% th/kin for shield, +40.0%/+18.67% for armor.
Likewise, when entering a plex where an opponent is already within, they will have positioned themselves knowing where you will appear. Other ships such as the Caldari Navy Hookbill and Imperial Navy Slicer are also effective at fighting a wide range of opponents. These will equip a warp disrupter to tackle at 20km+ ranges, and use long range weapons to fight well beyond the range of other ships. This is one of the most complex EVE player guides I've ... Ready for some Friday evening philosophy? It is always an option to brawl as a Cruiser vs frigates, destroyers and even T3 destroyers. Due to range being key, fast brawlers like the Atron or Federation Navy Comet are very useful here due to their raw speed, as well as the damage boosts to brawling weapons. I would recommend Vespa ECM-600s and Warrior IIs. Common kiting ships are the Condor, Imperial Navy Slicer or Tristan.
There's nothing like wrecking scrubs Bill Cosby style with friends, jamming them out, and then moonwalking the fuck away. Widow has a 75m3 drone bay, so enough space for 1 set each of medium and small drones.
It should be noted that widow has abysmal lock time, so if you want to fly this is organized blops BS gank gangs you'll be very dissapointed when the redeemers volley everything before you get a lock.Additionally, blops gangs are commonly armor tanked with Sins as RR support, so shield widows don't have much synergy with that. This makes sniping, and kiting ships very effective at defending plex, although they are also much less effective when attacking a plex. The tool for this will be your Directional Scanner, or D-Scan. But a 150m/s different is not nearly enough to orbit at 0 and create big enough transversal velocity to outtrack the Incursus, this means that if the Incursus burns away from you, he will be able to apply his full theoretical DPS to you as well. A dual-web brawler will catch-up to its target quickly and a dual web scram-kiter will be able to exit the range of a brawler in seconds; this makes the initial engagement range largely irrelevant and is great to invade a plex for example. The Widow doesn't have to be a jam boat. Orbiting your opponent while using these weapons is therefore not the optimal method of engagement, instead use the “keep at range” command to minimize the transversal velocity. Common scram-kiters include Breacher, Tormentor and Incursus. 2013-06-13 03:22:51 UTC, -
Once they’re annoyed they are likely to send a gang, what you are going to need is to try to split this gang using advanced tactics such as gates, bubble and aggression mechanics, or simply splitting them on grid. Large plex have no gate and allow any ship to enter. These are pretty popular ships that rely on a simple gimmick: sacrificing all range control in order to have as big of a tank as possible and win thanks to pure DPS/EHP ratio, this is basically the opposite to a dual web ship. Have you not even read the responses to, you're not supposed to jump on top of anything as an ECM ship, And here i thought this thread was going to be about getting wife aggro. In order to effectively engage these gimmicky ships you need to stay out of their range and poke them until your opponent runs out of cap booster charges and is unable to maintain its repar modules. For instance, buffer armor tank fits with armor plates are very rare due to the speed penalty incurred, with most armor ships favoring active armor repairers which do not harm your speed or acceleration. This indicates the size of ships which are able to enter the arena for fights.
For this, the substantial speed boost of the MWD is invaluable. is a killboard for the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) EVE-Online. Therefore, engaging in regular PvP as described in this guide will inevitably reduce your security status. Go fly: -
You might think this is opposite of what we just saw, the fast brawler will catch the slow scram-kiter and kill it. 2013-06-14 07:14:18 UTC, -
This emphasis on speed and range impacts on all aspects of Low Sec PvP. Now as the initial engagement range increases, the match-up gets tougher and tougher for the Atron because he first has to catch-up before being able to apply his whole DPS. PVP/Ratting test: 3.185.961.051,97: TylerDerden ... Hidden fits are excluded from the frontpage and search on EVE Workbench, the fit is still available if you know the URL. To import fittings players first need to ensure that the 'Browse Modules and Charges' section of the fitting window is visible. 2013-06-13 11:09:29 UTC, -
Therefore there are only Brawlers and Kiters. However as a MWD can be switched off by a warp scrambler, if they can be closed down and tackled they will usually die quickly. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. Jester's ramblings about EVE Online, MMOs, gaming, geek philosophy, and -- very occasionally -- life. It's possible to import ships fittings which may have been provided by another player, from a web site or ship fitting guide. The Widow is unique among the other blops in that it receives bonuses to both ECM modules, as well as ECM burst modules. - Open the Browser for saved Fittings. Even our old friend Dinsdale might have to sit d... Posts (c) 2011-2013 Jester. Another thing you can do in Nullsec is to bring a few warp disruption bubbles and set traps next to system gates. So keep that in mind. Prior to the patch to Assault Frigates, T3 Destroyers were the dominant ship in low Sec, and remain a very challenging fight for most ships. You’ll generally want the highest tracking guns as possible. Ships using blasters, drones or rockets also suffer much less from tracking issues, and a fast orbit in these ships can minimize incoming damage from poor tracking weapons while ensuring good damage application for your own weapons. The exception is large-sized plex, which have no acceleration gate, and therefore can be warped to at range as with any normal cosmic object. This is a good way for fast brawling ships to get within range of scram kiters without dying before they can close the range.
A good Kiting ship who is already inside a plex is very difficult to kill, as they will orbit the beacon well outside of scram range, and closing them down is very challenging. For instance, a Condor is almost always kiting fit, Atrons are usually brawling fit, Breachers are most commonly scram-kiters. With good intel, you can avoid fights which obviously don’t favor you, and devise tactics to win fights which would otherwise be equal engagements. In order to look in more depth at the ship meta, and how different ships, tactics and strategies match up in space, the below describes some example ship fits seen in Low Sec PvP. Finally selecting the 'Import from Clipboard'. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Brawlers use high damage, close range weapons, such as blasters or pulse lasers. If a player is 100km away from his mates, he’s effectively alone for a while as you can only warp to fleet mates further than 150km. Examples include the Garmur or combat interceptors such as the Raptor, Another big change with MWDs is that you get a strong capacitor penalty simply for fitting one, and on top of that using the MWD in itself uses a lot of capacitor. If frigates can easily get under your guns, you are going to get killed repeatedly. Other fits may vary, however the broad themes of meta-match ups described below remain the same: The following will examine the use of the ships described above in various 1v1 scenarios. Less experienced pilots should simply avoid these ships without substantial support. T1 fits which work effectively tend to be "surprising" fits designed to out-wit more expensive ships, such as a dual web Merlin or kiting Punisher. In EVE, many of the best FCs started out in solo or small gang situations, and many of them still roam solo when not leading fleets.
Autocannons, Artillery, and Balancing Fitting Requirements.
Killing their ratters, killing their miners or simply taunting them in local might do the trick.
Often, just knowing the type of ship via D-Scan gives you some indication of the fight you can expect.