Changes the reflex scope glass to be clear instead of slightly shaded. This is kinda great! The sky’s the limit! Permissions and credits Author's instructions. Yup it was actually the vanilla game causing it to CTD for some odd reason. The second-most vital bit of our installation. Where will we get these mods? Open up the destination directory (you can go to the Merges tab, right-click the merge and choose “Open in Explorer” as well). Please see the. its not so much a mod that would cause a ctd (unless it is poorly made, this doubly applies to scripted mods), its rather where it is placed in the load order that would cause the issue, basically every single mod, can and probably will run flawlessly on their own, and to be fair, 99% of the mods are created solo, meaning these mods are not created with other mods in mind, so it would be down to the author to not only fully understand exactly what their mod does (with regards to scripted mods, as in understand how their mod interacts with game), but to also test their mod on a vanilla game (unless the mod requires other mods to work, then they would ovbiously need to make sure their mod works perfectly with the other mods they require, on a vanilla game), and it will be completely down to the mod user, to know what every mod they are downloading completely does and how they would interact with other mods. For it to work properly, you need to extract it to the directory where your Fallout4.exe file is kept. so with that said, it is entirely based on the Load Order, and How Heavy the Load is On the Engine, and lastly Never Uninstall/Delete mods on an Active Playthrough Especially Scripted mods, this will very likely result in many issues, this again, doubly applies for scripted mods, which will result in save bloat (which will cause very frequent issues, such as Crashing) and then Save Game Corruption (this part here is just for general reply, does not nessarary refer to your post, but it is very important information to have, Regardless). fTargetFramerate=59 Run LOOT one more time and apply changes. We’re so close. A very powerful plugin creation tool, a lot of Fallout 4’s early mods were made purely with this. Adds new weathers, overhauls existing ones (textures, sounds, particle effects etc. I would rather have slightly blobby skin textures than use those. Raider Overhaul Valdacil’s Item Sorting Compatibility Patch. I don’t know, I just know all the best things need this. Required file for most of the following mods. (I've all permissions from authors involved granted by personal messages in almost all cases or from usage approves in their mod pages Permisson tab) Main Repack - HD DLC Armor and Clothes, HD Vanilla Clothes, HD Vanilla Armor, Super Mutant HD Armor, Creature Pack DLC Redone, Better Robots and HD Liberty Prime, Weapon HD DLC, Organic Gore, Power Armor HD DLC, Synth HD, Organic Super Mutant, Junk and Props DLC, Food and Foodware, HD Settlement and Clutters, HD 1k Buildings and Interior, Detailed Hair, HD Vanilla Landscape and Landscape Interior Building DLC by SavrenX - Enhanced Blood Textures by dDefinder1 - Thaylar's Armor and Clothing Enhanced by thaylar - BoS Jumpsuit Retexture by guidethisonekalaheria - Power Armor Jetpack HD by dpillari - More Realistic Pipe Weapons by AlexSlesh - Assault Rifle Retexture AR-51 and Better Ammo Boxes by DeviousMeth0ds - Dogmeat 4k Optimized by SavrenX - Detailed Deathclaws by jimhsu - Detailed Feral Ghouls by erkprok - Police Protectron Re-Texture by Nikoli Grimm - Vivid Fallout All in One by Hein84 - HD Alien UFO Retexture by jiveo123 - Better Settlements and Camps 2 and Haul'd Out by DUST2DEATH - 2287 - Billboards and Posters by Apolocrato - Improved holotapes by ClearanceClarence - Stromberg Retexture Project by Stromberg90 - Far Harbor Pine Branches 4k, Defined HighTech Floor Tiles, Fix For Tiles02, Fix For Forsythia and Finer Vanilla Vines 4k by mediasylum - Wasteland Nights by CptJoker71 - Bottles Labels Overhaul by BlastoLho - Monkey Trap HD by mm137 - Proper Flyers and Posters by mindkiller316 - Retex_Skeletons by kj666 - HD Lockpick Interface by dpillari Performance Overhaul - Performance Textures by Nero1024 - Potato Textures by kkthebeast - Optimized Vanilla Textures by AlpineYJ Quality Addon - Grafix Texture Overhaul by koojinn - PhyLight All in One Textures by Phylith - Thaylar's Armor and Clothing Enhanced by thaylar - Assault Rifle Retexture AR-51 by DeviousMeth0ds - Detailed Deathclaws by jimhsu - Detailed Feral Ghouls by erkprok - Vivid Fallout All in One by Hein84 - Better Settlements and Camps 2 and Haul'd Out by DUST2DEATH - Improved holotapes by ClearanceClarence - Bottles Labels Overhaul by BlastoLho - Proper Flyers and Posters by mindkiller316 - luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO, luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt2, luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt3, luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt4, Vault 111 HD, Diamond City HD, Interiors HD and Real Water HD by luxor8071 - The Lavish Laser Collection, The Top-Notch TommyGun, The Delightful Deliverer, The Radical Ripper, The Meritable Minigun, Power Armor Jetpack HD, Power Armor Frame 4k UHD and T51 4k UHD by dpillari Restyle Pack - Shadow the Dark Husky Companion, Siberian Husky and Classic Dogmeat a.k.a. But the “definitely not MIT” version for the Institute is extremely tempting. Craft flashlights for different armor slots, with different bonuses. If you would rather find a skin texture, I wish you luck wading through them titty mods. Vanilla textures: 7/10 quality and 5/10 performance - HD official pack= 7.7 and 3 - Texture Mods= 6.9 and 8 Adds crafting stations for armor, weapons, clothing and ammo. Seriously, it’s going to save me (and you) so much time and pain and heartache. Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30. If you can’t click OK to move on, scroll through the list of plugins. In the prompted Windows you get just click ok or yes. For those unable to download the OneDrive links, you need to be signed in to OneDrive in order to get the download option. Revamps and balances reverberation and ambient noises, with two separate audio sliders in game settings. Get. Also changes stealth detection at night. Apply changes. I use the “add” option, and don’t forget the add-ons for custom weapons (there’s one for the M9 and the M2216). Thanks, of course, since i cannot update the mod list in this site, i recommend you to visit the nexus link the top of the page and see the updated one in there. ENBoost does more than just make your games look pretty! Vanilla = “plain” = unmodded, baseline Fallout 4. - Nexus Mod Manager - Download it and install it. To make things easier you can right click on it and select send to-> desktop option. I have the most recent version and want to go back to 1.9.4 where all my mods worked. if i don't say different. - All Dlcs (NO HD TEXTURE PACK) - To disable that HD Pack you just need to untick it from the steam library page, where all downloaded contents are displayed. Fallout 4 mod load order Xbox one - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting: Gday all.
Now, click the “sort plugins” button. Only pick the ones that begin with Radrose - Valdacil Patch. FOR AN UPDATED LIST AND GUIDE SEE THE OFFICIAL NEXUS MOD PAGE, I CAN'T EDIT FROM THIS SITE. 11) If your Comments are deleted, it means you are not under the Rules, see Sticky Post!STEP 0: Tools and Optimization.
Fixes blown lights, interior and exterior. I use this program, Merge Plugins, which makes everything easier. Remember, if any of the other texture mods conflict with these ones, overwrite these base packs. 1) Modlist is in Order, Loot can be used only to make it sort masters (esm), plugins (esp) must stay in this order. Log in to view your list of favourite games. # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. LOOT anyway, is really a mess on huge modlists, like this one, so i never suggest to leave completely the automatic order from LOOT.
I wanted to create my own mod load order with the most optimization and performance I can get out of it.