Functional? Has not been updated for a while but still useful, NV Damage Comparisons w/ Dark Visions Focus, FFBE NV Damage Comparisons w/ Dark Visions Focus.
You can look for other clues though. Putting in "刀魂" gets you Sword Soul, which is not word-for-word the same as Blade Soul but is the same meaning. I of course like the on that has Terra at the top, I do so love her. Dark Visions 6, Burst damage calculations for the purpose of DV, A damage calculation sheet for the purpose of rating units for the wiki unit rankings, Neo Visions - Not generic PvE score. I also cannot understand Japanese (whoops) but I can show you how to interpret some of the important sections based on the kanji (my parents always said that one day, I'd be grateful for what I learned in Saturday school, but they could never have foreseen this). Every time I see Trouseau translate as Wedding Tools I read it as Marital Aids and giggle. Thanks to your pics though now I know that certain terms mean these things if you use the translation option: High difficulty evaluation = Raid/Tower Score.
Cookies help us deliver our Services. Damage Calculations - So for Cid I should be focusing on up-ing the samurai job and not the sword saint? Posted by. Welcome to the War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius subreddit! Unfortunately, this section requires a bit of work to interpret because abilities are obviously different for each character. If translating the names doesn't work, you'll need to look at other context clues. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bearoda | 661,119,939. Also some 4* are rated highly as well such as Maria & Shan. Close. 4 years ago. Here is the link to altema's UR tier list:, And here is the link to altema's full character list: Next up, the job ratings + recommended job. Not rated for DV, FFBE GL Damage Comparisons for NV Units - With Vision Cards and Dark Visions Focus, STMR rankings to see the most valuable STMRs, Damage calculation sheet without STMRs, goes up to release of NV, Damage Calculations - There are some analyses below this for why they recommend a certain job, but unfortunately that's beyond the scope of my interpretive abilities. Yep. New UR Unit: Rairyuu (Halloween) update 05/10/2020. If you paste " 雷神" into google translate, you'll directly get Thunder God, which is the English name as well. I found a site with Tier List & why they are the top dogs, though in Japanese, google translate can roughly tell you some info of those unit … Press J to jump to the feed. You should be able to download that function for chrome on both mobile and desktop. On a related note, below job ratings, you'll see a poll that asks, what sub command does everyone prefer? Note also: Chrome has translation built in (on the desktop at least, not sure about mobile). Taking Auto-Refresh as our example, you'll see the letters AP mentioned, which clearly points to Auto-Refresh since no other reaction ability even mentions AP. Hello fellow gambling addicts (don't lie to yourself).
Confirm? Trying this with "オートリフレシュ" gets you Auto-Refresh, even though the Japanese technically doesn't mean that as the Japanese characters are a transcription of the English words (I'm impressed google actually got it).