The hope, very roughly speaking, is that by injecting this randomness, the resulting prediction functions are less dependent, and thus we'll get a larger reduction in variance.

In such a situation, we write the dot products in terms of the "kernel function": k(x,x')=〈f(x),f(x')〉, which we hope to compute much more quickly than O(d), where d is the dimension of the feature space. Much of this material is taken, with permission, from Percy Liang's CS221 course at Stanford. In the Bayesian approach, we start with a prior distribution on this hypothesis space, and after observing some training data, we end up with a posterior distribution on the hypothesis space. With the abundance of well-documented machine learning (ML) libraries, programmers can now "do" some ML, without any understanding of how things are working.

More...In more detail, it turns out that even when the optimal parameter vector we're searching for lives in a very high-dimensional vector space (dimension being the number of features), a basic linear algebra argument shows that for certain objective functions, the optimal parameter vector lives in a subspace spanned by the training input vectors. Errata (printing 1). �D��77�ąSA���U�I�����N���/�7���\� $.��.u�.����et{�;�T��7B^�2JY^f 9:���H�c���W��+?�D@KiKٰ����0Yp�"_�}R��vS��t������Y�������EZ��ӐX�lo3� h4|�N����]]����rlWbK�̉!���+��?�㟖�(,HI�X�}c�\Pl‘Y7`6#�t+:���|�g �P[���I�o�/U?Wᚇ(���Q����a6HB�D�K������endstream David Rosenberg is a data scientist in the data science group in the Office of the CTO at Bloomberg, and an adjunct associate professor at the Center for Data Science at New York University, where he has repeatedly received NYU's Center for Data Science "Professor of the Year" award. We define the soft-margin support vector machine (SVM) directly in terms of its objective function (L2-regularized, hinge loss minimization over a linear hypothesis space). How can we best combine While regularization can control overfitting, having a huge number of features can make things computationally very difficult, if handled naively. This allows one to use huge (even infinite-dimensional) feature spaces with a computational burden that depends primarily on the size of your training set. Kaggle competitions). Given this model, we can then determine, in real-time, how "unusual" the amount of behavior is at various parts of the city, and thereby help you find the secret parties, which is of course the ultimate goal of machine learning. In our earlier discussion of conditional probability modeling, we started with a hypothesis space of conditional probability models, and we selected a single conditional probability model using maximum likelihood or regularized maximum likelihood. Using our knowledge of Lagrangian duality, we find a dual form of the SVM problem, apply the complementary slackness conditions, and derive some interesting insights into the connection between "support vectors" and margin. When using linear hypothesis spaces, one needs to encode explicitly any nonlinear dependencies on the input as features. In this lecture we discuss various strategies for creating features. Finally, we introduce the "elastic net", a combination of L1 and L2 regularization, which ameliorates the instability of L1 while still allowing for sparsity in the solution. Gradient boosting is an approach to "adaptive basis function modeling", in which we learn a linear combination of M basis functions, which are themselves learned from a base hypothesis space H. Gradient boosting may be used with any subdifferentiable loss function and over any base hypothesis space on which we can do regression. This is the best place to edit foundations of machine learning solution manual past minister to or fix your product, and we wish it can (Credit to Brett Bernstein for the excellent graphics.). What can we prove about methods for summarizing 1. We also discuss the fact that most classifiers provide a numeric score, and if you need to make a hard classification, you should tune your threshold to optimize the performance metric of importance to you, rather than just using the default (typically 0 or 0.5). Separators, brief discussion [More info] [People and office hours], The PAC model for passive generalizing from large amounts of data. optimization III: FTRL contd, and Follow the Perturbed Leader, Boosting: 10/21: Online learning and optimization IV. The first lecture, Black Box Machine Learning, gives a quick start introduction to practical machine learning and only requires familiarity with basic programming concepts. The primary goal of the class is to help participants gain a deep understanding of the concepts, techniques and mathematical frameworks used by experts in machine learning. of Disagreement-Based Active Learning, Active Learning of Linear For making conditional probability predictions, we can derive a predictive distribution from the posterior distribution. It turns out, however, that gradient descent will essentially work in these situations, so long as you're careful about handling the non-differentiable points. The real goal isn't so much to solve the problem, as to convey the point that properly mapping your business problem to a machine learning problem is both extremely important and often quite challenging. optimization II: ERM and Follow the Regularized Leader, Shalev-Shwartz We will also examine other important constraints and We start by discussing various models that you should almost always build for your data, to use as baselines and performance sanity checks. He received his Ph.D. in statistics from UC Berkeley, where he worked on statistical learning theory and natural language processing. algorithms with provable guarantees for making sense of and optimization, game theory, and empirical machine learning This course doesn't dwell on how to do this mapping, though see Provost and Fawcett's book in the references. We have an interactive discussion about how to reformulate a real and subtly complicated business problem as a formal machine learning problem. We discuss weak and strong duality, Slater's constraint qualifications, and we derive the complementary slackness conditions. leverage multiple related learning tasks, or leverage multiple weak-learning, strong-learning, and adaboost, Streaming Algorithms:

At the very least, it's a great exercise in basic linear algebra. of Classification: A Survey of some recent advances, Online learning and We review some basics of classical and Bayesian statistics. David received a Master of Science in applied mathematics, with a focus on computer science, from Harvard University, and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from Yale University. To make proper use of ML libraries, you need to be conversant in the basic vocabulary, concepts, and workflows that underlie ML. topics in Machine Learning and Data Science, including powerful It is designed to make valuable machine learning skills more accessible to individuals with a strong math background, including software developers, experimental scientists, engineers and financial professionals. Backpropagation is the standard algorithm for computing the gradient efficiently. of multilayer networks, Differential privacy and

For practical applications, it would be worth checking out the GBRT implementations in XGBoost and LightGBM.

questions such as: Under what conditions can we hope to


In fact, neural networks may be considered in this category. Please email remarks, suggestions, corrections to ... tion areas of machine learning where learning systems can adapt to changes in the ways spam messages are generated. Random forests were invented as a way to create conditions in which bagging works better. We discuss the equivalence of the penalization and constraint forms of regularization (see Hwk 4 Problem 8), and we introduce L1 and L2 regularization, the two most important forms of regularization for linear models. for infinite hypothesis spaces, Sample complexity results Feel free to report issues or make suggestions. to Statistical Learning Theory, Theory We also discuss the various performance curves you'll see in practice: precision/recall, ROC, and (my personal favorite) lift curves. Regression trees are the most commonly used base hypothesis space. The code illustrates L2-boosting and L1-boosting with decision stumps, for a one-dimensional regression dataset. In practice, it's useful for small and medium-sized datasets for which computing the kernel matrix is tractable. Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory, Directional Derivatives and Approximation (Short), Zou and Hastie's Elastic Net Paper (2005), Mairal, Bach, and Ponce on Sparse Modeling, 8.

We compare the "regularization paths" for lasso and ridge regression, and give a geometric argument for why lasso often gives "sparse" solutions. In fact, with the "kernel trick", we can even use an infinite-dimensional feature space at a computational cost that depends primarily on the training set size. We also make a precise connection between MAP estimation in this model and ridge regression. In practice, random forests are one of the most effective machine learning models in many domains. 4. Foundations of machine learning / Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Ameet Talwalkar.

24 0 obj meaningfully generalize from limited data? We motivate these models by discussion of the "CitySense" problem, in which we want to predict the probability distribution for the number of taxicab dropoffs at each street corner, at different times of the week. With this lecture, we begin our consideration of "conditional probability models", in which the predictions are probability distributions over possible outcomes. The essence of a "kernel method" is to use this "kernel trick" together with the reparameterization described above. - (Adaptive computation and machine learning series) ... Each chapter concludes with a series of exercises, with full solutions presented separately.