Please call Payette County Dispatch at 208-452-3110 for large burns to prevent dispatch of fire trucks.
Mayor Brian Howell began his current service in January 2018. Fruitland City Hall is open to walk-in customers.
Items to be considered for the agenda need to be presented to the City Administrator, Rick Watkins by noon on the Thursday prior to the meeting date. 200 S. Whitley / PO Box 324 Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Phone (208) 452-4421 Fax (208) 452-6146.
Councilman Ed Pierson began his current service in January 2018. 200 S. Whitley / PO Box 324 Fruitland, Idaho 83619 Phone (208) 452-4421 Fax (208) 452-6146. We are following social distancing protocols and we ask that anyone entering City Hall wear a mask. Voter registration is open daily at City Hall during regular business hours. Our cleaning contractor will be doing extra cleaning and sanitizing of the Police Department.
The clerk may be reached at 200 S. Whitley Drive or phone 208-452-4421. City Council: Perry Anderson (563)506-9148, Susan Garrett (563)299-4679, Sarah Hillman (563)262-8520, Chris Painter (563)260-7704 ... // The Mayor and Council are elected by the citizens of Fruitland to serve a four year term. Open burning regulations within city limits can be found in Title 4 Chapter 2 of the Fruitland City Code. FRUITLAND — Don’t put another dime in this jukebox.
The City Council meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 200 S. Whitley Drive. City Council meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:00 P.M. Councilman Ed Pierson began his current service in January 2018. The above Agenda is subject to change without notice and the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Session as may …
City staff members will sanitize meeting areas after in-person meetings or interactions with the public. Councilman Stuart Grimes began his current service in January 2016.
We have installed floor markings indicating where citizens should stand while conducting business on site.
The City of Fruitland Receives Maryland's Sustainable Communities Designation... Press Release....Fruitland City Ball Fields - June 16, 2020 He has previously served on City Council since 2011. Click the “Departments” link above and select the relevant department, You can mail the completed form (and payment if applicable) to: Fruitland City Hall, PO Box 324 Fruitland, ID 83619, You can email the application to the address listed on the application or form.