Get all the latest election results from across the country, with up-to-the-minute maps and more. . Trick-or-Treat - If you don't make the trap. . Refers to the clock system of scanning the envelope around the aircraft; 12 o'clock is straight ahead, 6 o'clock is directly astern. .last name Meadows.
Delta - When an aircraft arrives at a boat for recovery, this instruction tells the pilot to stay clear and save gas; refers to a holding pattern at the boat.\Delta Sierra - "dumb shit": describes a stupid action, negates previous Bravo Zulus and Sierra Hotels.
. FAST - Fleet Air Superiority Training.Father - Slang term for shipboard TACAN station. Giggles – Female pilot, also known as “gigs” always laughed in formation. – Premature Ejection – pressed the ejection switch in an aircraft while it was still on the runway.Pyro – Forgot to “Fence Out” on LAO at Osan. Coverage of the tragic plane crash at San Francisco International Airport — which killed two girls and injured dozens of others — on Sunday has proven tricky for some news outlets. Catshot - A carrier takeoff assisted by a steam-powered catapult. A periodic training exercise conducted over b. Padlocked - To have a bogey firmly in your sights.
DRADIS is the BSG word for “radar”.Duck – It took a while before he got the hang of evasive maneuvering, so he was a sitting duck. More Gas!”Myzone Got drunk and tried to catch a lady, to which she just simply said, “Get out of my zone!”, NAG – Not A Guy First Marine Corps F/A-18 female weapon system office (WSO)Notso – Fighter jock – last name Bright!Nuts – Embarrassing incident in the ‘O’ bar, Omelet – Dutch pilot who wanted to be called Bouncer because he used to be one at a club in Holland. SAM - Surface-to-air missile.SAR - Search and Rescue.Scooter - Nickname for the A-4 SkyhawkScope - A RIO.Section - Two aircraft operating together as a tactical unit.Shoe - Short for "blackshoes," a derogatory term for nonflying personnel; aviators wear brown shoes. Carrier jets do not flare due to increased landing distance caused by float time. Shrek – 6 foot 2 240 pounds – loud when sober, intolerable when drunk.SLAW – Shops Like A WomanSalad – First name CesarSalesman – Apparently a guy who had a hard time closing the deal. Best callsign I ever saw was a guy that came to us after his first squadron tour was interrupted halfway through for a FAC tour with an Infantry Battalion.
FORD – Found On Road Dead. We apologize for the error.".
Clean – Clean configuration – Gear up, flaps up. F-15 pilot at Kadena, callsign “Audrey”. . During my 34 year sojourn I had been given two call-signs (both of which I didn’t particularly like, but tough so-what-cowboy, in naval aviation you get what the brotheren crisen you with – if you didn’t like your given call-sign, all the better)… First one was “Pumpkin” as I had traded one of my flight suits to a Coast Guard buddy for one of their “cool looking” orange ones…Yup, I looked like a big ol pumpkin in that thing (6’3, 220+)…Second call-sign (different squadron) was “Bub’s” as I always referred to my squadron mates as (well) Bub’s or Bubster if… Read more ». Also known as "paddles". “Soup” IMCGoon Up - Screw up.Gouge - The latest inside information. OAST - Overland Air Superiority Training. ECM – Enlisted Chick MagnetElvis – This guy was always hard to find when you needed him, so when someone was looking for him, other people reported sightings (“I saw him over at the…”).Electroman – This guy was like electricity with the ladies: he took the path of least resistance.Elvis – This guy was always hard to find when you needed him, so when someone was looking for him, other people reported sightings (‘I saw him over at the…’).EPU – For those unfortunate pilots who inadvertently fired their Emergency Power Unit on the ground.Exxon – In pilot training on his initial T-38 solo, this guy was so excited and in such a hurry that he kind of blew through the preflight. Departure - Literally departure from controlled flight, usually brought on in high-performance jets by excessive angle of attack.