Selene was the Greek goddess of the moon — she was sister to Helios, the god of the sun. At the moment, it isn’t viral, but we see it as a possible replacement for Eric. Nephele isn’t common in the U.S., but it’s still a beautiful name we hope to see on the charts soon. i love to know more about greek history. 11 female astronauts who pioneered spaceflight.

Pandora was the name of a calamitous mythological girl — the name means “all gifted.” Pandora is said to let her curiosity get the better of her and opened a forbidden box that unleashed all evils upon the world. Claudius Ptolemy (A.D. 90–168): ancient astronomer. Paris was a mythological prince who is believed to have caused the Trojan war. However, it’s not the most popular Greek mythology name for girls. Around the second century AD, early Gnostics (ancient Greek religious thinkers) used the word to describe their god.

Get ready for this Halloween’s Blue Hunter's Moon, Infinity & Beyond — Episode 9: Saturn's rings, Infinity & Beyond — Episode 8: Black holes 101, Queen guitarist Brian May and David Eicher launch new astronomy book. Achilles means “thin-lipped” and was the name of one of the most famous Greek heroes. As a mother of two, she loves to write about parenting issues and is dedicated to educating other parents at every stage of their child's development. Odysseus was brave and resourceful — but the name might be too much for some parents. Check out our other articles! Hector means “holding fast” in Greek. Evander was a migrant from Pallantium, Arcadia, who settled down in Italy, where he founded the town Pallention. The name means “radiant” or “the shining one.”.

In ancient Greece, Xanthe was a name often given to blonde baby girls. We’re not sure if she was an inspiration to name the continent, but we adore this name.

Hera equates to “protectress” in Greek, and she was the queen of Greek gods. Cybele draws roots from French as well as Greek and translates to “the mother of all gods.”. its good want to learn more about greek mythology. We snuck this Roman god in because we like the name, and there’s no real Greek equivalent. He was instrumental in developing a lot of the nuts and bolts of America’s earliest crewed missions, combining “his technical acumen with a broad vision of the future of aeronautics and space,” according to his NASA bio. He is a famed poet, and two of his greatest works are the Iliad and the Odyssey. Penelope means “weaver” in Greek and was the name of Odysseus’ wife in Homer’s Odyssey.

Mom Loves Best® is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The largest one is Ganymede and it is named after Ganymedes, the hero of the Greek mythology. Despite Ajax being a mighty name with a strong meaning, it’s also the title of a cleanser.

Ariadne is an ancient Greek word for “most holy.” It was the name of King Minos’ daughter. Ouranos is the Greek name of the planet Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun. It reached its highest spot in 2018, ranking 117. According to ancient myths, Hermione was the daughter of the Spartan King Menelaus and Queen Helen. Iris is a popular name on the list, which is probably due to the number of celebrities who’ve used it. Apollo was the name of the son of Zeus and Leto and twin brother of Artemis. Pollux was Castor’s twin half-brother, mentioned in both Greek and Roman mythology. Hades was the king of the dead and brother to Zeus and Poseidon. Unsubscribe at any time. When looking at Janus, he’s often depicted with two faces, gazing in opposite directions. By signing up you may also receive reader surveys and occasional special offers. Rhea translates to “flowing stream” and was the name of the earth mother of all gods in Greek mythology. Pallas means “wisdom” — it was the name of the goddess of wisdom and arts, called Pallas Athena. Still, if you want something unusual, then it could work. The legend says that she was gorgeous and attracted the attention of many gods including Hades, who took her to his world and married her, making her the goddess of the underworld.

So, Zeus turned them into the constellation Gemini. Aura means “soft breeze” in Greek. During the 17th century, Lanthe was a favored name used by pastoral poets, and in the 19th century. In Greek the name of the planet Jupiter is Dias, the Greek name of god Zeus. The planets in our solar system got their names mostly from the Greek Mythology and the Roman nomenclature.

Nereus was the father of the sea nymphs in Greek mythology. He’s generally depicted as a merman, with the upper body of a man, but fins like a fish. There are also several famous Jasons today, like Jason Segel, Jason Momoa, and Jason Bateman. However, it is making a comeback as a boy’s name after a few celebrities have used it. She was the daughter of Epione and Asclepius and was often seen as the employee of her father. Calypso is a known name, often used in movies and books and even for ships. Herakles (also spelled Heracles) was one of the most celebrated heroes in Greek mythology. According to Greek legends, Oceanus was a Titan who ruled over the ocean. It was the name of the Titan of the breeze as well as fresh and crisp morning air in Greek mythology. Castor means “pious one” in Greek and defines one of the twins making up the Gemini constellation. Endymion was a handsome figure from Greek mythology.

The character of Hercules has been the star of movies and television shows.

In ancient Greece, Anthea was a poetic symbol of spring. Damon stands for loyalty and unselfishness. Finally, if you’re looking for a specific baby name or nationality, make sure to check out one of our many other categories . ignore name meanings: keywords from the name meanings are ignored. She wasn’t viewed as a positive goddess.

Andromeda is an exclusive choice as not many babies in the U.S. carry that name. There are hundreds of beautiful ancient greek names. In mythology, Jason was the leader of the Argonauts when they went to search for the Golden Fleece. You may recognize the duo Damon and Pythias — if not, Matt Damon and former F1 world champion Damon Hill are other famous bearers of the name.

He’s thought to ride his golden chariot across the skies, towing the sun from the east to the west.

It is the eight planet from the sun, and its predominant color is blue, which makes its name a rather excellent choice. If you name your child Homer, though, be prepared for some jokes from the animated television series, The Simpsons. In Greek, Hades means “unseen,” and he wasn’t exactly known for being a fun guy. Demeter was the goddess of agriculture, growth, harvest, grain, and nourishment. Troy was a city located in a region called Asia Minor, where Turkey is today. Kore is another name for Persephone, a daughter of Zeus, who was kidnapped by Hades. The following is a list of male Greek god names. It can be shortened to make cute nicknames like Sandra, Sandy, Cassa and Cassie. Join Us in Tucson for Our Annual Public Star Party! It’s perhaps too much for a first name but would make an unusual middle name. Leda is Greek for “happy.” Leda was the beautiful mother of the also ravishing Helen of Troy. He was formerly known as Ajax the Great. Athena continues to gain steam as a girl’s name in the U.S.

Atlas is a mythological Greek titan, who was responsible for holding up the heavens for eternity. It’s also the title of a constellation located between Canis Major and Crux. Derived from a Greek mythology figure, Adonis is a name often related to masculine beauty. This name is widely used in video games and books. Hector is also widely used in movies, books, and television shows. It’s a dramatic name with a punch of power. She helped Theseus escape from the labyrinth where the Minotaur was.

Jason means “to heal” in Greek. Cronus is a rare name, which some might associate with rebellious behavior.

She refused to marry unless her suitor could beat her in a footrace. It’s a favored name in Europe, particularly in France, where Oceane is a popular choice for girls. Anthea was the goddess of flowers and floral wreaths, which is also what the name means in Greek.

Today, it’s ranked as number 366 of baby boy names in the U.S. Ajax is another Greek hero, known for being featured in Homer’s Iliad. Some ancient Greek theaters, like the one at Ephesus (diameter 475 feet, height 100 feet), are still used for concerts because of their superior acoustics. Despite all his power, he did have a vulnerable spot dubbed the “Achilles heel,” which is an expression widely used to this day.

The name has also been featured in movies, thanks to the character of Apollo Creed in the Rocky franchise. Maia resembles Maya and is perfect for spring babies.

Acantha means “thorn” or “prickle” in Greek, and it was the name of a nymph. Anthea is another name for the goddess Hera, who was the queen of Olympus. His story was written by a Roman poet named Ovid and resembled that of Romeo and Juliet. Aether

She was the daughter of Polemos, who was the daemon of war. Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia and was known for her beauty. Enter the Space & Beyond Box Photo Contest! Many will know the name from the 2012 movie Argo, starring and directed by Ben Affleck.

The Trojan War in Troy is one of the most famed events in Greek mythology.

However, it’s reputed to stem from the screeches an owl makes. Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, is the largest planet in our solar system. Cadmus is another mythical hero, known for slaying serpents. With Nereus, there’s always the possibility of using nicknames like Nerio or Nereo. The name has often been used in pop culture. Morpheus is the Greek god of sleep and dreams. you should put more planet and star names. It’s a rare name in the U.S., but common in some European countries — in Italy, Leda is pronounced as lay-dah. Helios is the famous Greek Titan god of the sun. Her Roman counterpart is Diana, but Artemis seems a more updated and upbeat name with a trendy vibe to it.

For a complete list of Greek gods and goddesses, click here. Iris was the goddess of rainbows, which is also what the name translates to. Dionysius isn’t a widely used name — it’s unique. Delia has a charm to it that we can’t ignore.

The three headed dog – guardian of the gates of the Underworld, known with the name Kerveros in Greek, is given to the large black spot on the surface of planet Mars.

more filters (1) Filter ... -zeus will match Greek names of myths or legends not about Zeus. It’s a quick pronunciation, like eros, but without the “r.”. Irene means “peace” in Greek, and it was the middle name of an ancient goddess named Serene Irene. Finding the right name for your little one is imperative — you want one that sounds well and is suitable for them at every age. Greek God Names - A to Z. But Apollo and Mercury specifically were the brainchild of one man: Abe Silverstein. Together, they were called Dioscuri. She was the goddess of peace and had one of the most recognizable names in mythical history. The name Calypso means “she who hides” in Greek. This is a mighty name, especially if you love the ocean.

Alala was the goddess of war-cry in Greek mythology.

The Greek name of the planet Saturn is Kronos. However, he was killed by Achilles at a young age. You can also spell it Helius. Since the early 2000s, Adonis’s popularity has grown immensely. For instance, the word Galaxy comes from the Greek Galaxias, the Greek name for Chaos is Haos, while the word planet comes from the Greek word Planitis.