The bottom line is this; do not underestimate to the work that goes into taking care of a new puppy. Picking an area that is easy to clean is also a good idea.

Never swat your puppy, yell at it, or try to rub its nose in the mess. They are usually scented in order attract dogs to urinate on them. But, it can also cause some problems that may prolong the training period and make it more difficult. Some puppies may become accustomed to peeing indoors that they start mistaking similar items such as newspapers on the floor, square mats in your bathroom, for their pee pad. Keep you and your dog motivated to potty train. To potty train a puppy, start by choosing a designated potty spot outside and take your puppy there every time it goes to the bathroom.

My husband was watching her to see where to place a pee pad. Consistency is crucial. Pug puppies are particularly harder to potty train since they don’t have the ability to control their bowel movements yet until they are 12 weeks old. After this you should act disappointed in your dog, but only for a few minutes. If your puppy has been playing all evening, you can take them out again. Pick a designated potty area in your yard and this is where your pup will learn to do their business.

Give it a treat when it uses the right area to reinforce the behavior. Thanks a bunch for the information. Like the other training methods, you should allow your pooch 3-5 months to become fully potty trained when using the clicker method. How to Potty Train a Puppy.

Pick an area that is easy to get to quickly. I am the proud dad of Claude the French Bulldog. As well as taking them out first thing in the morning, you should also take them out last thing at night or before you are going to leave them alone for an extended period of time: this is to prevent any accidents overnight or whilst you are gone!

The intent here is to get their immediate attention and know that you disapprove marking or pooping indoors. You should always take your puppy out to the toilet first thing as soon as they wake up – and this goes for whenever they wake up from naps too!

Citizen Hound has also been ranked #1 Dog Walker by the SF Examiner and A-List in 2017, 2016, 2015.

Very good information. Pups start to get an awareness of a full bladder at around 8 weeks of age. to relieve themselves.

All puppies have immature diet systems, which means that each meal tends to stimulate their digestive system faster than it would in adult dogs.

Discuss these possibilities with your veterinarian or trainer if you're not getting positive results.

You may be tempted to hit or punish your dog when an accident happens, but that won’t speed up the process of teaching your Pug to pee on schedule. Wake up and take your puppy outside. You may find it harder to train Pugs, if they are dealing with certain behavioral problems. As dog owners ourselves, I remember saying to my wife that having a puppy was like having a baby all over again – it really is that challenging, and you need to adopt a strict potty-training routine – here’s how we did it. David Levin. Dogs with a urinary tract infection (UTI) will urinate frequently in small amounts, and will not have much control. However, it depends on the puppy and how much time you have to devote to the training process each day. Some of the signs to look for include whining, circling, sniffing, barking, or any sudden behavior change.

You can buy puppy pads on Amazon.

After reading your advice, I now know differently.

They will not remember and could possibly become scared of you.

It’s important to not get disheartened at the first hurdle. The dog does not know it is doing anything wrong.

For example, if you sit then say sit, they will do the same. Regardless of the age of your Pug, it’s important to know that accidents are going to happen. Approved. Then, choose a command you want to use to train your puppy, like "go potty." Similarly, if you have better ideas on how to potty train a Pug puppy, please share those in the community too. You can use potty training pads to give a puppy a place to go inside. Keeping a puppy tied to a leash when unintended can be dangerous. 30 minutes after supper or the final meal of the day, it’s time to take them out again.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. To speed up the process, you’ll want to create a schedule that speeds up the process. This will help to get rid of the odor and the dog's attraction to the area. Here are the ones we used which also have very good Amazon reviews.

Taking your pup out after every meal will help to reinforce the idea of where they are supposed to go while minimizing the mess. Then choose a command you want to use to train your puppy like go potty when you go to the designated potty spot say your command and wait for your puppy to relieve itself even if it takes a while.

Indoor Potty Training.

Handy Hint: Never shout or punish a dog for getting it wrong; there are better ways you can discipline a Pug. A new puppy that you picked from a litter and implemented a regular potty training routine from an early age, can be successfully potty trained in 4-6 months, if not before. "Got a small wiener dog as a present. Be prepared for accidents, but above all, have some wipes and tissue paper on hand all the time as you will get through a lot of this stuff! ", "My dad trains dogs and always told me to grab scruff when my pup has accidents in the house but I don't like to, "I just bought a 10-week-old German Shepherd yesterday. Bringing home your Pug puppy for the first time is an exciting experience, but it will come with a lot of challenges… some of which new owners are never truly prepared for!

When you use punishment to stop them from going indoors it can confuse your dog and even make it worse. Go back to basics and don't punish him when he toilets indoors.

When it finishes doing its business, take it inside, and keep it in a separate room while you clean up the mess. Now that you have a timeline and a schedule to follow, let’s take a look at the different methods and the average timeline to expect when using them. How can you potty train a puppy when you work? Potty training a new Pug puppy is a tedious chore, that seems to take forever. How long does it take to potty train a puppy? You may still be unsuccessful in that time but starting early will still pay off. Just make sure that there is a divider in the crate so you only give your puppy enough room to turn around and lay down. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. When taking your dog outside, it's a good idea to keep it on a leash so you can teach it to go in a specific location. If you catch your puppy in the act, interrupt it by saying “No!” in a firm voice or clapping your hands loudly, then take the puppy outside to finish going to the bathroom. If you’ve adopted a Pug that is five years or older, it will be more difficult to retrain them, but with persistence, it can be done. The DoggySaurus website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Otherwise, they will end up sleeping in one corner and pooping in the other corner. Having the dog already on a leash also means that you can more quickly take it outside when necessary. At the beginning of the potty-training process there may not be much of a recognizable routine. It's an exciting time when you bring your new puppy home, but a new pet also comes with challenges.

", "This helped my puppy. Never punish your puppy for accidents. For example, you bring your Pug puppy home once it’s over twelve weeks old, it might be the case that it hasn’t been housetrained by their previous owners, and certain behaviours they’ve picked up need to be unlearned.

You should also ensure that the food you give your puppy is of the higher possible quality – this means avoiding dog food with artificial colours and preservatives and ensuring that real meat is the primary ingredient. Black Pug site is a website where I share things about my black Pug, as well as the ultimate resource for caring, raising, and learning everything about the Pug dog, or information if you’re trying to decide if it’s the right breed for you.

As a pet parent, you need to be patient and give your puppy the time they need to learn the new behavior. You will be visiting this area frequently during the training process. A full grown dog may take a few weeks to a few months, depending on how they were raised before you adopted them. This is one of the best and quickest ways to potty train your pooch. Other puppies have a submissive or excitement urination problem. This potty training Pugs resource was set up to pet owners get started regardless of age, where you live, or anything else. Once your dog has finished eating, take away the food bowl until the next scheduled mealtime. ", "Really good. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. This will help the dog to learn when and where it should be urinating or defecating. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t discourage you to train them as early as possible. Choose an appropriate toilet spot and take the pup there after a meal when they are more likely to need to go. "I think it's an excellent start. If your dog is confined to a smaller area, you will be able to observe it constantly to determine if it needs to go outside. Related: How To Potty Train A Pug Without A Crate. But, you should still do the same thing as part of the teaching process. She is only 7 weeks old!! This may sound discouraging, but as long as you’re consistent with your potty training schedule, your pooch will learn the house rules. We work on this, "We just got a new puppy and its had a few accidents.

Just make sure you don’t leave them in the kennel too long as a young Pug can’t hold their bladder for very long. On top of this, you should also aim to take your puppy out to the toilet every thirty minutes to an hour.

Please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. This is especially true with very young puppies. Older dogs may understand the process, but depending on whether they lived outside or in a cage in their past, it can be confusing for them. The crucial thing is to be present when he does toilet in the correct place, so that you can reward him. Read this article to learn how to potty train a pug puppy indoors.

It’s a good idea to discuss this with your veterinarian. There will be accidents in the early stages of training. After using this tactic long enough, whenever you say the magic words of “go pee pee,” your puppy will immediately know what they need to do.

Essentially, the purpose of the puppy pad is not only to reduce mess, but also to get your puppy used to the idea of doing their business in an approved, select area indoors (an area that is easy to clean up!). You can find a suitably-sized crate on Amazon which work well with the Pug breed. My puppy is only 6 weeks old, "I'm following the routine advised and feel more confident that what I am doing is the right way. link to Can Dogs Eat Chicken Nuggets? It’s important to remember that every dog is different, so the timelines we share will vary depending on each individual dog. Commons signs include: If your puppy shows any of these signs, take them out to your chosen toileting spot immediately. In addition, get rid of any scent markers he's left by peeing or pooping indoors, as these will draw him back to the same spot.

Reading this has shown me how to go about it the right way. My puppy is only 8, "Very informative. Conversely, if you have been telling him off for indoor accidents he may already feel inhibited about going to the toilet in your presence, including when he goes outdoors.