Incredible: Hey, you’re wearing your hair back?
It's different okay? Incredible): Guys, strap yourselves down like I told you! Lucius: I can’t lay down a layer thick enough! That moment the phone rings, Bob is too quick to insist that he’s got it and Helen isn’t to answer. We’ll get him!
or anything like that.
[over radio] Roger. Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be a good mentor. This is a transcript form The Incredibles.
[He picks up the table, so does Helen, with the kids still fighting.]. Helen (Mrs.
It's hard tell from where they are. Now, we might be able to nab him if we set up a perimeter. I’ve still got time. Violet hears the rumble, sees Dash, both race out of cave, clear the entrance just as the wall of flames burst from cave entrance. ), (Bob and the Omni-Celtics spots the bomb as they tries to swim away from it, although they are soon caught in the blast), (They emerges out of the water, gasping, in a cave system. (Violet attempts to create a force-field but the force-field never gets any larger than the size of her head), (The Plane explodes and Helen wraps around Violet and Dash. Structurally unsound. PA Announcement: Morning break is over. Come on.
Bob demands release or he’ll crush Mirage. Analyzing them even more so. Supportive, encouraging. We’re discussing YOUR! Violet makes it into river, Guard throws dirt to find Violet’s outline in water, Guard raises his gun, Dash blurs passed Guard, knocking his gun upward. If it runs on that track, all of those innocent people will get hurt! [echoing] COOL!!!!! You still got the mask.
out! I know you’re upset!
A remote? Bob runs toward base. Dash/Violet: [Dash] Oh, my gosh!
Some show in Prayge...Prague? Elastigirl: YOU'RE NOT GONNA MISS IT!!!!!!!!!!
My name is Mirage. It's probably the most emotional. DASH: (Punching GUARD) Don’t touch my sister!!! Jetbug: That thing's becoming self-aware!
There could be trouble. Throngs of screaming people!
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Honey Best: Uh-uh! Bernie: He’s a disruptive influence and he openly mocks me in front of the class. Helen's call ends, as she worries for Bob. Prone to weakness. They’re just talking. Meanwhile, Bob continues reading the paper where he made a discovery.].
Bob (Mr. Helen tells hime to throw her.
Bob (Mr. [He shoots a breeze of ice, freezing the officer and even the bullet], [They enter the building, guns drawn. ", "If you haven’t noticed, Mom, we’re not doing so hot either. Incredible and the Omni-Celtics (with Connor who changed into ChamAlien) hide beneath the cliff]. I am your biggest fan. ], [Mr. Bob (Mr. Girls, come on.
Violet: We ACT normal, mom! bored.
- Run, Dash! I can handle it. Mr. Elastigirl: Well, I think you need to be more... [stretches around Mr.
Incredible finds Purse Snatcher on roof, he pulls a gun on Mr. Listen, I know this is short notice, but I was hoping that I could get you to... Violet: What are these? [to Violet] Vi! SYNDROME: I knew you couldn’t do it.
Incredible: Certainly, ma’am but I suggest you stand clear. P. 5–7: Mr.
Mirage: Trust me.
Brad Bird That’s a new feature. Syndrome leaves on that note. FLASHBACK of Buddy’s disappointment as he rips down his bedroom shrine to Mr. You made a cool outfit? (Hands the two masks) Your identity is your most valuable possession. But first... (Activates the Ultimatrix and transforms), Diamondhead: Diamondhead! DASH: Hey, mom! I just... E: Yes, words are useless. They won’t exercise restraint because you’re children. This is gonna get hot! Syndrome surfs channels on giant screen, Incredibles are all imprisoned side by side in suspension beams. Helen (Mrs. Bob (Mr. Helen: You see?
Mr. [Bob is on a interstate highway, heading home from Insuricare. After a while, it stops, weakened. Incredible. Well, then, I’ll send them a little greeting. Oh, the cape and the boots-, E: No capes! Dash [echoing] Cool!!
Brody. Violet: But you said we weren’t supposed to use our powers!!
Violet: Mom! P. 32–35: Bob and Frozone get away in car, Frozone vows to never do that again. This is one way to do that.
And goes back in the house.). He had a great look!
Incredible): You asked me how to get there and I told you. (Activates the Ultimatrix and transforms). Incredible): We have to stop him!
Can you call me? Helen: Dash!
Ikki Tenryou: We're certain it'll all go to plan. Interviewer: So, Mr. Incredible… do you have a secret identity? I’ve been a lousy father. Although we’re pretty sure it’s on the southern half of the island. (he shrugs) .... Fifteen years too late. Robot heads for remote. SYNDROME: Just like a movie!
Incredibile’s door opens and Incrediboy is ejected.
", "What's at the ship at DEVTECH?! Dash: I don’t know. Quintesson 1: Ultimatrus is back online after four million years.
Nothing. Now Omnidroid attacks Syndrome, knocks him out cold. Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle!
Incredible, “I work alone.” repeated.
Why would he keep secrets from you? Bob grabs Huph by the throat. Are you hiding something?
Call the number on the card. Language There you go.
[The film starts with an interview with Mr Incredible, Elastigirl and Frozone, three superheroes]. He lands, tries to get up and falls unconsious soon after.). What are you talking about? [Bob and the Omni-Celtics are on an advanced seats, they pass their belt on, and the seat shifts into a bed, as it is about to enter a shuttle. Syndrome: You married Elastigirl? Probe: Life readings negative.
P. 69–70: Bob distracts the Guards at the base’s vehicle entrance, his distraction is also his way in.
My best work, I must admit.
(Meanwhile, at the car where Lucius, the Omni-Celtics and Bob were listening to the radio for police reports).
Helen: You know how I feel about that, Bob! Mr. Eventually! How fast did you think were you going?
Elastigirl: A CLOSER TARGET!! Luck favors the prepared. The supers will be granted amnesty from responsibility for past actions, in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work. But we didn’t want you to worry. Not... happy. Bob (Mr. Suddenly, the Omnidroid surprises them from behind, as it tries to impale them unsuccessfully.
Bob makes quick work of the group, signals his family that coast is clear. I always wondered why she did that.
Nothing super about them. One more thing.
To us!
Can we keep it clean for ten minutes? Who’s super NOW?!?!
Incredible in the shuttle with the Omni-Celtics since they're slim.]. GUILTY, I SAY, GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!!!!!
Huph re-aligns it and starts.].
(They look at the creation of the Quintessons deep inside of a giant robot called Nemesis Anticron). It’s in your blood. You have more power than you realize. Frozone can’t put out fire, he’s dehydrated! We’re not gonna panic, we’re not gonna--LOOK OUT!!!!!!!! I’ll go get the police.
Incredible): Then what?
DASH: That was so cool when you threw that car! ), (He suddenly hears a probe entering the cave. If he even sneezes, we’ll be there with a hanky and a pair of handcuffs. But this, our family, is what’s happening now, Bob. Mr. Rest assured, your secret is safe with us. ), Violet: It’s not my fault! It's different okay? However, his belly didn't let him in 6 times.
Mufasa: Then we'd better make sure that his big test is ready for his arrival.
P. 94–95: Mirage sneaks into Bob’s cell, switches off the suspension ray, Bob drops to floor. Incredible: What the…? Darling! Mirage: He’s not alone.
And I almost missed it. (He slams Mr. Kan-It: (sarcastically) Yeah, you do that. Bob: Great. You will show him you remember that they are Mr. lncredible and the Omni-Celtics, and you will remind them who you are!