Dadan Family (former); He wondered how good food behind that sturdy of a door could be. After witnessing it for while, Luffy's group were suddenly trapped in the room by Buhichuck. Luffy realizing this, asked Usopp for directions and dashed ahead. Luffy then counterattacks using 'Elephant Gun' and finally defeats Hody Jones. Luffy and Ace are later seen reacting with stunned horror to Whitebeard's declaration that he is staying behind. [30] Fortunately, Luffy was able to slow down the Going Merry before it could hit the whale by firing a cannon. After a lot of rest, Luffy wakes up being told he indeed did win the fight. Hearing this, Luffy, along with Sanji, decides to carry Nami up the mountain to the castle. Name Nickname Bounty Monkey D. Luffy "Straw Hat" 300,000,000: First Bounty: At the end of the Arlong Park Arc, after Luffy defeated Arlong, the Straw Hats beat up the corrupt Marine captain Nezumi so he would return Nami's treasure. Ace and Sabo arrive, cut Luffy loose, and defeat Porchemy. Luffy instantly activated Gear Second and intercepted the blow, soaking his leg in water and knocking Crocodile away.
With some convincing by members of the association, the Risky Bros. of the Rolling Pirates, Luffy was told that they knew a way to beat Moriah. 6-BLACKBEARD Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, is the admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates and a member of the Yonko. Using special diving suits created by Usopp, Luffy, along with Zoro and Sanji, explored the sunken ship. Enraged by Krieg's act, Luffy then charged at Krieg and resumed their fight. However, Luffy is distracted by Choppers fight (because of Chopper's ability to transform into several different forms thanks to the Rumble Ball) letting Wapol escape into the castle. As Luffy escaped with his crew, Smoker, a Marine Captain who was watching the whole spectacle, noted that the way Luffy was smiling was very similar to the way Gol D. Roger smiled before his death. He says that Luffy shouldn't worry about him being dead, because he wouldn't die, hitting Luffy on his head.
[57][58]Luffy defeated by Crocodile the second time.Added by Mugiwara FrankyDuring his previous fight, Luffy noticed that water made Crocodile unable to turn into sand as he and the water barrel that Toto gave were pierced by Crocodile's hook. The Marines seeing their corrupt leader finally defeated rejoiced and allowed Luffy and Zoro to go free. It is currently unknown how Ryuname received her bounty. Buggy explains that the hole leads to Level 2. Initially, Aokiji was non-hostile to Luffy and his crew, despite him being a Marine and causing Luffy some fear when he told him that he knew his grandfather. Luffy comes out, but Hancock explains that she cannot accompany him further into the prison. With a rubber fist, he punched the Sea King in the face. During the meal, Zeff and the other chefs angered Sanji by saying the soup he made was bad. Luckily Robin manages to carry him away in time. With a net, Krieg attempted to drag Luffy with him into the ocean. [121] After Zoro's disappearance Luffy orders the crew to escape but all of the crew, one by one, are teleported to different and unknown locations by Kuma. After a pause during the battle Luffy reveals he is thankful for meeting the CP9 as he now learnt a few new techniques to keep his crew safe. When Luffy thanks him, Ivankov states that it is his duty to make sure Luffy doesn't go and kill himself. He then uses Gomu Gomu no Stamp Gatling to shatter the frozen mast, and sending the chunks of frozen debris at the three Admirals, who only passively used their respective powers to nullify the attack. In an attempt to free themselves, Luffy and the others tried to coax one of the Bananawani into biting open the cage. Kizaru derides Whitebeard, saying that it was a poor choice to have "trash" like Luffy to lead the charge. With that, Luffy and crew sailed off to where they could ride a Knock up Stream.[77]. Though a bit suspicious, upon learning that Whiskey Peak is on one of the paths that the Straw Hats needed to follow to travel the Grand Line anyway, Luffy and his crew took the two aboard and sailed towards Whiskey Peak, leaving Laboon with the promise of returning once again. Fortunately, apart from some tense formalities between them and her, Luffy and his crew didn't have to fight her as she let them go for her own reasons. It is currently unknown how Darcy received her bounty. Seeing this and Crocus' attempts to save the whale, Luffy took out the two trouble makers. Scattered everywhere before Luffy, were the beaten up bodies of the townspeople that served him and his crew. Unfortunately, Luffy and Sanji's bubbles had broken, so they had to share Zoro's coating. She then takes the four pirates to Mermaid Cove where they meet more mermaids. He then has Jinbe launch him through a jet of water, where he lands right in front of the execution platform, with the three Admirals standing before him, all commenting on his boldness. Foxy comes to congratulate Luffy on how he fought in the match, giving a handshake gesture, then attempting to throw him overhead, forgetting his arm is rubber. With Luffy's resolve to go to the island to get his long awaited musician (in fact, nearly since the beginning of his journey) and to explore the island, Franky and Robin decided to join him also. Early the next day however, they suddenly realized that the pirates would attack from the other coast. While sailing across the ocean, Luffy accidentally came across a whirlpool. After two days of recuperation, Luffy and his crew decided to leave Thriller Bark for Fishman Island. Having passed the steam the same time as Mr. 2's ship was passing through, Luffy and his fellow fishermen accidentally hooked the Baroque Works agent. It is currently unknown how Jinbei received his bounty, but it has been reinstated after the events at. Upon being separated from his shadow, Luffy fell into a coma. Indeed, in the 10 minute headstart Luffy gave himself, he was able to defeat up to 500 World Government and Marine personnel before reaching the Courthouse of Justice, causing a crisis on the island all by himself, even without his crew, let alone the alliance forged by them. As he ran, the wound from his chest unfortunately opened, and Luffy, feeling unusually faint, briefly fell unconscious. Luffy and Usopp luckily helped Yosaku gain some strength back by giving him some lime juice. He tells Buggy to deliver the hat back to Luffy, not wanting to break their promise by meeting earlier than intended. Wapol then shoots Dr. Hiluluk's flag a symbol Chopper highly values. Luffy however merely thanks them for taking him so far.
[14][15]Luffy asks Zoro to become the first of his crew.Added by Mugiwara FrankyUpon arrival in Shells Town, Luffy and Coby learned the truth about Zoro through Rika. The increase of Luffy bounty in recent times is very rapid as we can see below. While the ship is burning however, the Merry appears to speak to everyone present, apologizing for not being able to take them to the end of the world, but it was happy.[81]. Later on it shown that more passengers, Chimney, her rabbit Gonbe, and the remnants of Galley-La (Paulie, Tilestone and Peeply Lulu) managed to stow away on the train as well. Claiming that he doesn't care if Ace objected, and that he would rescue Ace even if it killed him, he presses forward; only to be attacked and subdued by Commodore Smoker. Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, is the admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates and a member of the Yonko. As one of the most infamous rookies, Luffy arrived at Sabaody Archipelago with a bounty of 300 million berries before the time-skip, which, at the time, was second only to Kid. Usopp does not take the news too well and a large quarrel ensues between the two. When he first touched the coral, he heard a grunt, but thought it was someone outside. Soon enough, another large commotion was caused with Luffy and his crew being chased all around by the Marines. As she continues crying, an axe thrown by Vander Decken IX comes flying into her room aiming for the princess. Due to the situation, Luffy took Marguerite and jumped over the mountain walls surrounding the village into the jungle. Luffy’s First Bounty: 30,000,000 Berries for defeating the three top pirates of East Blue; Buggy, Don Krieg, and Arlong. After passing the factory, they arrive at Pappug's house. [173] The rest of the crew then gather at the plaza, and are prepared to engage Hody's crew in combat alongside Jinbe. After much attempts however, Nami gave in and asked Luffy for help. Luffy then wanders off and get caught by Porchemy. It is unknown how Wolf received his bounty, but it was most likely due to the fact that he was a criminal so horrible that he was written out of history and locked up in Level Six of Impel Down. After declaring war on the world government by means of Luffy issuing the order for Sogeking (Usopp) to set fire to the World Governments flag, Luffy grabbed his crew and jumped together into the waiting Rocketman train below; Franky fell down, pushed by Spandam and fell together with the Straw Hats. To Luffy's and everyone else's amazement, the two figures are a mermaid, Keimi, and a talking starfish, Pappug.