These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Claudia. If I have a daughter I'll call her Claudia Lavinia or Claudia Patricia. I really hope it gains popularity over the years, I think it dropped off the Top 1000 in 2019. It's perfectly conceivable that once upon a time there was a cripple or a con person who was named Claudius (Lamo) by his neighbors, who then passed on his name to his progeny as a kind of family totem. Claudey,

Give the meaning to Claude and then at least the feminine versions don't have to share the burden.

But Claudia is growing on me. This is my name.

I'm starting to like this name but I dislike the meaning. Biblical: a Christian woman of Rome greeted by Paul in his second letter to Timothy. This is my name. The origin of the name Claudia is obscure. Claudie-Anne, Claudi, I adore Claudia, it's my favourite female name. It's beautiful and classic.

Still sounds a bit awkward, though.

Although I have grown to like Sofia, I prefer Claudia. The name receives a fleeting mention in one of St Paul's letters to Timothy (2. I got it from my grandfather: Claude. In German Baby Names the meaning of the name Claudia is: Feminine of Claude.

This is my name, and I love it!

The name is mentioned in the New Testament in one of St. Paul's letters to Timothy as one of the Christian women in Rome. It really is a shame as it is a beautiful name.

Claudie, You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Claudia on Nameberry. Why do you say this used to mean something else? 4: 21 ‘Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia and all the brethren’), from which it was taken up in the 16th century (cf. I love them all. If I wasn't named Claudia I would think about naming a daughter it. I love the look of this name, and the sound. Claudia was mentioned in the book of Timothy in the New Testament. This was about to be one of my cousins names, but it was changed to Grace. Claudeen, English and German: from the Latin female name, a feminine form of Claudius (see Claude). Claudia ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced KLAW-dee-ah. Michelle Pfeiffer has a daughter named Claudia. But it's still a decent name. And Claude. when I first heard it, it wasn't my first thought of a good name, but now the more I hear it the more I like it.

She and some others wish to greet Timothy, then in Ephesus, and Paul attaches their warmest regards to his letter. I'm considering using this for my next daughter on the way. I grew to love my name. Feminine of Cladius (see Claude). It would say that Paul meant "small", but that Paula was "the Latin feminine version", Pauline "the French version", and so on. So, to me, it has a more special meaning than "lame." Claudette, I hate this meaning! I suppose that, in that case, it could work out to look at it that way. I have had people tell me that my name sounds like a disease, but honestly it is so unique that I don't care what people say about it. I always said that my name had no meaning, as name books didn't used to attribute the meaning to the feminine versions of names.

It makes me think of a little girl looking silly in very clonky high-heels.

Apparently, Claudia was among the congregants of Paul's Roman church, who visited him during his second incarceration in Rome (see 2 Timothy 1:8, 1:17 and 2:9). Claudia is a Roman (Latin) name, but it the Bible it occurs in the New Testament, which is written in Greek. Claudee, It sounds very elegant, lady-like, and antique, yet still an underused classic. Chloe). And I like to tell people that it means "lame" because it is okay to make fun of your name sometimes. A classic name with a hint of ancient Roman splendor that has never been truly in or truly out, Claudia still feels like a strong, modern choice — one of our "sweet spot" names. Model Claudia Schiffer gave it an infusion of glamour, as had earlier Italian actress Claudia Cardinale.