Mercury's benevolent influence will keep a person in god stead in relation to family, society and occupation linked with accounting and education. Its ruling planet is Rahu and the presiding deity is Varuna – the God of rain. Again “The Donald” comes to mind.
Lighten up. The timings are mentioned in another post. It is suggested that for those in whose birth Nakshatra is Satabhisha, where solar eclipse is occurring, better donate copper coins, throw old coins in moving water (stream or a river), visit Lord Shiva Temple, donate the red lentil related to sun and Udad Dal for Rahu. EYE ON THE SKY: MERCURY IN JYESTHA AND CONJUNCT SATURN, NOV. 23RD. They want to heal that’s it. Primary motivation: Dharma, Right activity.
Shatabhisha natives have a soft body, wide head, attractive eyes and prominent nose. The dark sun. Better Career, Health, and Relationship -- VEDIC Astrologer. When poorly afflicted, the dark misuse of power, authority and vanity come forth from this constellation and the conjunction with Saturn into Nov. 23rd will stir up the darker qualities during this transit. Mercury rules this constellation which give it its deceptive, cunning and childlike nature and reminds us of Donald again.
This post is all about remedies. The end of Scorpio, 27-30 degrees is called the stinger tail and is in the gandanta which literally means drowning. The search here is move beyond material dissatisfaction and look for the deeper aspect of Jyestha and connection to Scorpio and the mysteries of the universe. They don’t care about name.
Have a great week. The gana or type created by this constellation is the Rakshasa or demonic character. Good week to back up computers, make sure that you are doing extra edits on documents and checking that people are hearing what you are saying and not misinterpreting as confusion can arise like a Mercury retrograde. The Moon is in Purva Ashadha. Jyestha’s goal is to confront the mysteries of the universe, face its fears and transform them. Social justice norms. Your sense of humor will give you credit in […] In the end this constellation is very difficult as it does not create peace of mind. Being in the sign of Scorpio which is co-owned by Mars and Ketu, the combination creates either a policing nature or one devoted to study of the Vedas if Ketu is more dominant in the chart. Mercury in Vishaka Nakshatra: Good writer, pleasing communication, artistic, if in last pada then too much thinking and confusion in thought process.
I suspect this transit will support Christmas shopping as the season kicks off this week. Find the strength to heal and use this time wisely to go deep into the depth of the ocean and find the nectar. It is very connected to prosperity and Donald Trump has his moon in this constellation. Astrology happens to be our passion and we are on a mission to build simplified astrology learning knowledge base, Elements connected to Shatabhisha Nakshatra, Shatabhisha Nakshatra 1st Pada Characteristics, Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2nd Pada Characteristics, Shatabhisha Nakshatra 3rd Pada Characteristics, Shatabhisha Nakshatra 4th Pada Characteristics, Healing Cures, Innovation and Idiosyncrasy, Nature’s Hidden & Complex Functioning Knowledge, Mysterious Understanding of Life and Death, Secrecy, Solitude, Veiling & Hidden Aspects, Counter-Culturalism, Genres and Social Groups.
Eating Right for the Right Mind and Success Astrology, Saturn and Relationship/Marriage/Love in Astrology, Saturn in Different House and Karmic Debt Astrology, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg (Entrepreneur), Self-Analysis , Improvement , Assessment, Insight, Darakaraka (Partner /Spouse) In Astrology, Different House Lord in 7th (Seventh) House, North Node Soul Purpose in Life(Rahu and Ketu), Sexual Compatibility Husband and Wife in Marriage/Couples Astrology, Nakshatra (Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha) Ruled by Rahu (North Node) in Vedic Astrology, Physical Appearance (Looks), Relationship, Personality, Spouse/Partner (Husband or Wife) Astrology. Shatabhisha Nakshatra Prediction 2020. Great month to give to charity and to those in need suffering. Mercury transits into the constellation of Nov. 20th for a week until Nov. 29th. Write things down that you need to remember as you may easily forget them. Shatabhisha Nakshatra 2020-2021 Predictions, Chathayam Nakshatra 2020-2021 Predictions), how will be 2020-2021 for Shatabhisha nakshatra natives? Can he rise up to be a selfless warrior to humanity or get caught up in politics as usual and the lure of more material wealth. Not actually asuras. EYE ON THE SKY: MERCURY IN JYESTHA AND CONJUNCT SATURN, NOV. 23RD. The analysis/predictions made are based on observation, guidance from teachers, knowledge acquired through books and intuitions.