Even if you are watering on an appropriate schedule, you can get wilting because your plants are in a location that is hotter or sunnier than they are comfortable with.

Therefore, the rex begonia is a plant that will appeal to those who are more satisfied with elaborate foliage displays than blooms, especially that there are several rex begonia varieties. Repot during spring and put the plant in a slightly larger pot. If the soil feels dry at least 1 inch below the surface, water your plants more often. But trust me, this is nature working its magic.

Petals show brown spots or transparent blotches where water drops have soaked in. Use your finger and thumb to ‘pinch’ or remove the small stems that branch off from the main stem. And nothing beats hand picking out that special plant yourself. I can't quite work out whether I'm over, or under watering them. catch any of the flying insects before they lay eggs on your plants. While it doesn’t actually do any damage to the plants, the fungus draws water before the plant roots do, leading to the drooping symptoms.

Cane begonias have these a-symmetrical angel wing leaves growing on long bamboo-like stems. A worm infestation will not only make your leaves dry but even kill the whole plant. This requires that you periodically (every 3-4 months) flush the soil to wash away any build-up.

Boston Cherries & Chocolate: This variety has dark purple leaves with pink or silver spots. This may burn the begonia leaves and make them drop. kill off the spores for the rest of the season. extra sun and regular water will help them perk back up. houseplants. Would it be best to just clip those leaves off or let them fall off on their own? Let your plant rest.

This plant has a better chance there.Don’t put it too dark though. Sorry to say, but Begonias are toxic to pets, according to the ASPCA. The potting medium for rex begonias should have well-draining soil that is light and rich. If you continue your regular watering regime through winter, it will be too much for the plant.

Ingesting the leaves of rex begonia plants can cause vomiting, drooling, and even kidney failure in severe cases. By far the best-known cane-type begonias are the angel wing begonias, which grow on upright stems with interesting leaves and magnificent displays of a pendant and drooping flowers.The dragon wing begonia, another beauty, also belongs in this category.

Affixing a support outside the pot can be another option that might be better for your plants. I live in a plant-filled home with my husband and six year old son. Above: Begonia rex ‘Red Tango’ mixes well with other shade- and humidity-loving plants such as asparagus ferns and geraniums.

Follow my recommendations below and you’ll have an easier time growing these plants. can also take a more straight-forward approach and snip the stem or Fix it by watering less often. These can be detected by inspecting your plant’s foliage and stem. Badly infected ones become discolored and distorted, then drop off.

Maybe it’s the reason your plant is dropping leaves. Hi Leanore, I'm sorry to say but stems turning black is generally not a good sign. Hi Antonella, your Begonia would love the humidity, if you have a window in your bathroom you could leave your plant in there all the time! This will give you bigger leaves and encourage blooms.

Other causes of wilt include improper lighting or watering. In case the leaves appear scorched when placed near the South facing window, then move the plant away from the window. Water regularly, because the Begonia maculata does not like to stay dry too long. Because the leaves of rex begonias grow clumped together, the plant is dense looking and rounded. Thank you.

With any of these insect infestations, If they are indoors, put them where there is bright, indirect light. able to draw in water properly.

If the plant is outdoors, move the plant to new location to help prevent reinfection by the root rot fungus.

Begonia ‘Irene Ness’ has large dark green leaves with drooping clusters of fragrant coral pink flowers; blooms from mid-spring to mid-winter. I currently water it every time I see that the top inch of soil is dried out. Treat the begonias with an insecticide that's safe for blooming plants or remove plants that have signs of pests. You want to avoid direct sun exposure, which will certainly burn the leaves of the rex begonia. Happy planting! Other types of begonia include rhizomatous, tuberous, and cones. Of course, you’ll also need to make adjustments and increase ventilation while also maintaining the high humidity levels the plant requires. the soil in that spot with black plastic and let the heat of the sun A drooping situation in just one part of the plant is a strong hint that the stem is the problem.

Botrytis Leaf Blight. However, just like any other plant, begonia might develop problems such as dropping leaves. Begonia flowers can be damaged by water spots due to improper watering. leaf off and dispose of it. It doesn’t necessarily have to be snapped right over to be a problem either. you can keep a sticky strip or two around your houseplant area to Rex begonias (painted leaf begonias) may not be the easiest plant to grow indoors, but with the proper know-how, you’ll succeed in growing a thriving plant that will add liveliness and color to any indoor space. Polka dot Begonias are part of the so-called cane begonias. They can be tougher than aphids One of the common mistakes begonia growers make is repotting during winter or summer. If they did good before, try to think of anything that has changed for them. Amend the bed with compost or aged manure before planting, unless your soil is exceptionally high in organic matter.. Set out the plants in spring after all danger of frost has passed and the soil stays warm both day and night.

Improper repotting of your begonia plant can cause the leaves to drop. Pinching back the leggy growths will help the plant grow fuller once you also move it to a location where it can get more light. The leaves offer a spectacular sight with silver leaves etched with a deep purple. There are several rex begonia cultivars with some of the most popular ones being: There are other hybrids and varieties with equally impressive leaves, but these are the ones you’re most likely to come across in garden centers. Look under the leaves for signs of an insect infestation, including small brown dots or holes chewed through the leaves. Hi! You The worms that are likely to feed on your begonia plant are cutworms. But watch out for soggy roots, no plant wants those. University of California: Begonia — Begonia Spp. Some cultivars can be very finicky, especially when it comes to humidity, but there are varieties that aren’t as demanding. Begonias are common in homes and outdoor gardens.

Hi Elisha, hope your begonia maculata is doing well. Doing these things daily might seem tiresome, but they will help you to have peace of mind knowing that your magnificent begonia plant is healthy and growing strong.

New stems will grow from where you prune.

With a little luck the water will continue to flow within the plant and it can reheal itself. Hopefully, the solution will present itself and you can go back to enjoying your gardening and healthy houseplants. Another mistake is repotting in the wrong pot/container size. why my begonia maculata leaves fall down eventhough the leaves are so healthy. - 5 Common Reasons With….

mealybugs. Fireworks: This variety certainly lives up to its name. Will they turn darker eventually or is that just that leaf’s forever color? During winter, you can even use grow lights to help them receive enough light for growth. If your Begonia is getting leggy, or you just want to shape it a bit, you can pinch it back.

Check the leaves and stems for signs of fungal infection. High mineral salt content can cause leaf edge burn in rex begonias because of their inability to deal with the high loads of dissolved mineral salts present in hard water. Improper repotting of your begonia plant can cause the leaves to drop. seem to be the root of the problem, take a closer look at the plants

The plant is done flowering and slows down over winter. For this reason, you should ensure that your begonia gets the right amount of light for it to flourish.

Posted on 6 October 2020 Categories Easy Indoor Plants, Flowering Plants, Foliage Plants, Home » Foliage Plants » Begonia Maculata Care. No green thumbs needed!

Rex begonias don’t mind being a bit root bound, but repotting each spring is beneficial to the plant. Scrape some dirt off the roots; they should look white and healthy and feel firm. Gardeners Yards is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, Why Is My Begonia Dropping Leaves? Nonetheless, begonias don’t need a lot of light as they may suffer from excess light.

If they are dark or mushy, cut those roots off with pruning shears and dispose of the potting soil in a garbage bag; the root rot fungus lives in the soil, so you must start fresh to try to save the plant. Begonia plants come in many varieties and hybrids, in different colors, sizes, and shapes.

If you notice that your indoor begonia plant is dropping leaves in winter, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Begonia maculata grows large clusters of white flowers on a single flower stem. If you’re growing begonia outdoors, this shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not that likely if your plants are inside, but definitely consider this for your outdoors garden when you see new drooping. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. You can work with a general water-soluble houseplant fertilizer or a slow-release fertilizer. Many thanks. No need for a green thumb to impress with this houseplant.

As I’ve said, you’ve already watered the plants to no avail so the issue isn’t just dry soil. Normally, you won’t need to water the plant more than once a week, but always let the soil guide you. Rex begonias are a flamboyant plant with many features to please the eyes. The plant is known to have a high resistance to pests. On the other hand, if you’re growing them indoors, then you should be worried.

Type above and press Enter to search. Begonias are susceptible to a few fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew and gray mold.

Move the plants if necessary so they receive morning sun instead of hot afternoon sun or to a location that receives dappled sunlight all day.