This medium-telephoto prime is weather-resistant and weighs just 355g (12.5oz). Instantly transport your soul to the most beautiful places on Earth. entity... then when there's interest and news about it, sell you other works for much more than they'd have gotten before.
Lik's images Illusion and Eternal Moods have also reportedly been acquired for $2.8 million and $1.3 million respectively. I've decided to reduce the price of all my photos to only $5 million each. "These prices are very high and certainly, in terms of other successful photographic artists, seem somewhat bizarre," the Herald quoted art consultant David Hulme saying. This week, he sold a photograph named Phantom, showing a shaft of light cutting through a monochromatic Arizona landscape. Thomas Kinkade. The buyer has requested anonymity, but is a 'long-time collector of Lik's works', according to his or her representative Joshua Roth. Experience the stunning beauty of Peter Lik's masterwork, Alluring Spirit. Sure this image may be an exact representation of what others here hale as their own work. What’s the best camera for under $1500? Presumably "Fine Art Photographer" means the same as "Fine Art paper" and "Fine wine"- More expensive, comes in a smart box, only sold through smart outlets, plenty of well-written spiel to sell its virtues and appears basically identical to a product 1/100 the cost, unless you move in the "right" circles. The photograph is nice; the price is but a detail. For over 30 years, Peter has followed a calling to capture and share the most beautiful places on earth.
It would be very interesting to find out if the buyer who reportedly gave him 10 million all together walked away with more than just a few prints - maybe some shares in the company? Because this one is going to look fantastic. When it comes to estimating an artwork’s value, there are many factors involved: The technique, circumstances, visual impact, to only name a few. Fact is this mans skills come to fore in his sales ability, marketing and talent at attracting high bidders. The same private collector who preferred to remain anonymous, on the same day has purchased two more shots - "Eternal mood" and "Illusion." "Phantom is a black-and-white shot taken in Antelope Canyon, Arizona," he wrote. Hasselblad has released what is effectively a Speedbooster for adapting HC and HCD lenses to X system cameras. To find such a buyer and get that dollar amount, I'm sure we are all million miles apart from this guy. If someone can afford and wants to pay $10 or $100 Million, it's their call. Just come at the right time on the right season (when the sun punches through the cracks) and the Navajo guide will even kick the sand for you. When I was eight, my parents bought me a camera – and after a fateful snapshot of a spider web in the family garden – I was hooked. It's dishonest, and very low, but none of that matters if money rules your world. Well, introduces the idea anyway - the products won't ship until March next year. Overall, he has four galleries in Las Vegas and nine others across the US. Thus the scale and saccharine color becomes a thin veneer incapable of hiding a gestalt inelegance of something which seems quite clearly to have aesthetic motivations. The only thing I have against Mr. Lik was his failed Weather Channel series where the camera follows him to all of these 'remote' areas (that half of DPR has been to) and he goes on about how difficult it is trudging to get there.
Antelope Canyon. A self-taught pioneer in the field of landscape photography, he has become synonymous with pristine images of cascading waterfalls, ethereal mountain peaks and peaceful desert canyons. I personally think Peter Lik is a pretty damn good photographer. Its not even about the quality of the photo anymore. He went on to open another Manhattan gallery, in the SoHo neighborhood. After looking at Mr. Lik's web site, I felt somewhat nauseated, and concluded that he is the Thomas Kinkade of current photographers. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. I'm familiar with photographic competitions. Nor do I mock the people who buy it. He travelled back and forth between the US and Australia, taking pictures and establishing a prominent position in the world of fine art photography. The widest shift lens for full frame systems, the Laowa 15mm G4.5 Zero-D is designed for architectural photographers who like to keep their verticals vertical and their edges straight. Fast continuous shooting, reliable autofocus and great battery life are just three of the most important factors. But that's not where the skill comes in. Australian photographer Peter Lik will rarely pass up an opportunity to show his biceps.
In my eyes this man is quite skilled. He already has a position in the ranking with a previous $1 million sale of famed image, “One.”. PS My prints are available from my website, which is myname dot com. In the late 1990s, Lik began work on a project now known as Spirit of America, travelling 80,000 kilometres and using 1,000 rolls of film to take images from all over the US. There he was, wearing a cowboy hat, trekking up a snowy mountainside, arms bare. I can understand when REAL masterpieces sell for a lot of money, but this one? Modern & Contemporary Art Resource. There is nobody on this site that would turn down a seven figure offer for one of our photos. Oh, and to reply to those people here who admire his "marketing" skills, I say that being good at fooling people does NOT make you an artist or a great photographer. The reply I got was Mr. Lik is far too busy for that sort of thing. This photo is reportedly the most valuable photo ever. ", Some art experts haven't been able to figure out how, then, his artwork has sold for so much. LOL, this is a photo of Antelope Canyon every amateur has taken. The Laowa 15mm F4.5 'Zero-D' Shift lens is the widest shift lens available for full-frame camera systems. Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Australian photographer Peter Lik will rarely pass up an opportunity to show his biceps. These midrange cameras should have capable autofocus systems, lots of direct controls and the latest sensors offering great image quality. Viewer Q&A: How to start a YouTube channel. Or else every con man, every megachurch pastor and every used-car salesman would be an "artist." Click through for a closer look. Canon has introduced two new lenses for its RF-series cameras: the 70-200mm F4L IS USM and the 50mm F1.8 STM. His prints are huge, technically excellent, very very color saturated and if you like that sort of thing and have a very big wall, they're quite impressive. Ok, so where the heck did he auction this off & where can I post some of my pics to be sold? The Sony a7S III is optimized for video, but its 12MP sensor is very capable and performs well in low light. While the photo might be considered visually appealing, many agree it is not worth a small fortune. I'm sure dpreview, being a reputable company owned by a multi-billion-dollar corporation with strict standards knows how to verify claims before they post it as news on their website. Looking to get in on the instant camera fun? "Phantom" is a black and white rendition of his "Ghost" photograph, and though Lik doesn't often produce black and white imagery, he found it compelling in this case, saying: "Certain textures and contours found in nature lend themselves beautifully to black and white photography.