Untraded Deaths - The number of untraded deaths for this player.
Echo is a truly troublesome pick because he has two invisible drones at his disposal. Get detailed statistics of everyone's performance in the match.
A reminder of what gamemode you are playing, integrated into the Enhanced Scoreboard. Spawnfails track how often you die whilst trying to get a spawnkill. Our after-action report will combine all gameplay data collected for you, and present it in an easy-to-parse dashboard, for you to view.
And much more... - Scroll down for more info. Disabled Defuser - The number of rounds where this player disabled the defuser as a defender. The Rainbow Six Siege developer team published a blog post - in the middle of Year 5 Season 2 - showing data on the popularity and win delta of all characters in the game, and on the top 10 most banned operators by side. In LATAM, 5 operators got banned once(Alibi, Doc, Mute, Finka, Buck), EU had 8 operators(Ash, Zofia, Thatcher, Thermite, Blitz, Montagne, Bandit, Mute)which got banned only once. The information is gathered from Ubisoft's own public API. A large variety of statistics can be viewed and analysed. More information about how Overwolf keeps users safe from bans can be found. The more you play, the more detailed and valuable the information gathered becomes.
The more to the left in the graph, the more this Operator is banned overall by all players this season. Maverick’s Breaching Torch can break the mirror by destroying the four locks.
Find out on what Maps, and via what spawnpoints, you get spawnpeeked the most. The R6 analyst app on Overwolf has a variety of features that will improve and enhance your Siege experience.
Map Stats tracking will automatically pop up during non-Action phases of a Ranked match, if R6 Map Stats is enabled. A reminder of what Operators are banned, integrated into the in-game scoreboard.
R6 Analyst is not affiliated with - or in any way officially connected to - Ubisoft.
And we've made sure our app is as light-weight as possible, to minimize any impact it may have on your system's resources. Now you can find out, without relying on gut-feeling. Copyright ©2017-2020 Esports Tales, All rights reserved. The Enhanced Scoreboard is an overlay that appears on top of the in-game scoreboard when you hold Tab. For Defenders, around 54%. The higher up in the graph, the more value this Operator provides for YOUR team. Note: using the torch on the window itself does nothing. You're free to just install and check it out.
In my opinion, it is one of the biggest mystery to me including Immortal’s Doc ban on Oregon. I don’t think Ubisoft will release more shield-based defenders after all the balance problems she caused. It can also use their relative MMR to weigh bans appropriately.
Hover over Operator icons with your mouse, to get more detailed stats like K/D and Win% for this player on this Operator. The Smart Bans widget will automatically pop up during the Banning Phase if R6 Smart Ban is enabled. Nope, no login required! For example, see if someone on the enemy team is a Montagne-main. Map vs Average - Compare your performance against your average across all Maps and/or against the entire R6 Analyst community.
Otherwise, zoom in or click the grey area of each table to swipe and sort them. Smoke’s gas grenade is one of the best counters as Montagne must escape to not die. Vincenzo is an esports writer with seven years of experience. Find top R6 pros and streamers, and try to match them on our R6 Leaderboards!
Currently, the meta is very electronic based, and there are not many great alternatives to Thatcher. It will tell you in detail why this operator is important to this player, on-the-fly. Win-rate is the percentage of rounds that the player has won, when playing this Operator. Untraded Kills - The number of untraded kills for this player.