The waterfall was nice but I would rate it a 6 out of 10. There is another optional trail along the way: Ross Creek Trail 142 is 4.5 miles that follows Ross Creek. After crossing the creek it is a short distance to the junction of trail 321 and 142.. Beautiful place to rest for lunch/snack. Being a jerk / offensive? 1,844' Up Intermediate.
• 562.64 m Down. NOT OKAY! Land Manager: USFS - Kootenai National Forest, 8.4 mi It is a easy 2.8 miles to the first main creek crossing from the Ross Creek Cedars parking lot. We went about another mile in total of 2.5 at this time my wife had an encounter with a cow moose she spooked it ran to me and it ran up the hill after coming towards her. This is an interpretive loop trail about 0.9 miles. There are two trails (#142 Ross Creek and #321 S. Fork Ross Creek) that continue on but both eventually dead-end. I was surprised that there were many more Giants Cedars along this Trail also not just down at the nature Loop. Once you cross the Bull river, you have to backtrack to where Ross Creek joins it. View sold price history for this house and research neighbouring property values in Smythesdale, Vic 3351 There is a deep gorge just shy of reaching the falls. Luckily we were on the other side of a small creek when he came running down the opposite creek bed. The last mile pretty is rough. Community trail Building Days! During high runoff fording the creek may be difficult, so caution should be exercised. We are partnered with the Texana Ranch just outside of Blackwell, TX. Share a Gem . Follow this track as it takes you on a loop around until you meet the Pineapple track. This is an easy walk. The road to the Cedars is paved but because the road is somewhat steep … Turn right onto Ross Creek Road 398 and follow for 4 miles. the trees are amazing. Please explain. Ross Creek Trail #142 Reroute. Something else? Create Recommended Route or Trail . Hiking with Dogs Presentation Tuesday Oct 13, 2020; Our Mission. The big cedars are cool in the loop at the beginning. Thank you for your interest in this Event! There were a few sections where the trail crosses a creek where we had to hunt for the best way to get across, but nothing too far out of the way. About 2 miles from the South Fork Trail head.
Some advice when trying to find the trail. Well worth the wading through the crowd of people kids & dogs to get to the “real” hike. The first part of the hike is through the Ross Creek Cedars which is very easy open trail (great for kids). tried to find the North trail but lost it at the creek. Safety comes first, every time.For more information, please contact the Three Rivers Ranger District office at 406-295-4693. The cedars are larger than I thought, and the walk along the creek is very nice. The South Fork trail intersects Trail 142 … In fact I seem to recall there were two trails. Beautiful hike, first 3 miles are perfect, last stretch where the creeks split is extremely flooded and you are not able to continue up South Fork Ross Creek to the falls. Some trails or park services may be closed this weekend so check with local authorities before heading out. Flag Inappropriate Post . It starts in the parking lot your amazed by the view of the trail head “seriously breathtaking! Please revisit our, The Unlikely Thru-Hiker | Gonzaga Univ. So many trees and streams. To pass on a Scotchman Peaks Wilderness for our children and grandchildren. Share on Trail Run Project. It is probably more spectacular earlier in the season. There are two trails (#142 Ross Creek and #321 S. Fork Ross Creek) that continue on but both eventually dead-end. We didn't hike very much of the area, maybe 3 or 4 miles total since we started late in the day, but I want to come bike and hike the whole thing! Share a Photo . Ross Creek Trail 142 is 4.5 miles in length and is an excellent day hike through a closed canopy of cedars and hemlocks. Took the dogs up to the waterfall today, absolutely gorgeous. We will be announcing our Winter 2020-21 events soon. Cross over the road and then along a bit and you'll see signage for McGouns on your left. Kootenai Mountain Riders. the weather was good and the misquotes weren't bad at all, I got there 8am and didn't see anyone until 1200. my dog wasn't sure about the tree bridge but after a little convincing he was fine. You feel small walking among those trees. This trail follows Ross Creek the entire way., It's a beautiful fall in the Scotchmans and there's every reason to get outside for a little escape. It was flooded in some spots and the trail disappeared in a few areas. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from April until September. Local Trail Association. The 3,288 sq. Begin this hike by fording Ross Creek. From junction of Montana Highway 56 and Road 398, follow Road 398 to the Ross Creek Scenic Area. No Experience Necessary Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Ross Creek Trail #142 Add to Favorites. The trail to the falls is not much more than a game trail but once you find it, you'll be good. Presentation, Ep 23: Horses, Wilderness, & Louis L'Amour. Turn left, and follow the road until just before the camping area, where you will make another left. After leaving the bottom part of the trail, depending on how fast you proceed, there is a pretty steep section. 1,846' Down Trail 321 heads up the south fork to the water fall.
I would rate the waterfall a 6 of 10. Particularly Special Place. I did not make it to the falls this time but hope to do this again sometime soon! Lots of fallen cedars to take cover at this time we jumped on one and waited 10 minutes after we went back on trail at this time roughly 2.7 miles in the trail is washed out from the creeks over run from snow.
Property data for 142 Ross Creek-haddon Road, Smythesdale, Vic 3351. You must be comfortable in using GPS because several spots you need to go “off trail” to find a log to walk across to get across the creeks. Being a jerk / offensive? Share a Video . You can simply come for the snowshoe, or you can stay for one of our special food events. Add a Symbol . One of the water crossings across a pretty large fallen tree as your bridge about 10 ft over the water. Trail 321 heads up the south fork to the water fall. Taking other people's content (text, photos, etc) without permission is a copyright violation and Your FREE account works with all Adventure Projects sites. Ross Creek Trail closed due to fire July 28, 2006 (Troy) As a precautionary measure for the Little Spar Lake Fire, the Kootenai Forest Supervisor has decided to close Ross Creek Trail #142 above the Ross Creek cedars, as of today, July 28. The Ross Creek Scenic Area is located on the Kootenai National Forest in northwest Montana. The side slope is eroded in a few places and should be hiked with caution. This hike goes through an old growth cedar ecosystem. The actual trail up Ross Creek is not great in August for sure, since the “creek” is dry. The snow was hard packed but at least 3 ft deep in some areas. Very easy to hike, sometimes it can become busy but most of the times your alone in the cedars. (Troy) As a precautionary measure for the Little Spar Lake Fire, the Kootenai Forest Supervisor has decided to close Ross Creek Trail #142 above the Ross Creek cedars, as of today, July 28. Some of these trees grow up to 12 feet in diameter and 175 feet in height. The trail begins about 2 miles along the Nature Trail through the Scenic Area. Thank you for your interest in this Event! Turn off your ad blocker to see a map of this trail, Callahan Creek and Historic Railway Trail. Saw a young grizzly at the 3.5 mi mark on the way back, he was real skittish so no worries. The second part was much less attractive with a very steep path full of high blue flowers. The nature loop and the first part of the hike (till the passing of the 2 rivers) are really worth to do amongst the giant cedars. #mountaingoat #mountainlife, Can you tell them apart? View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. I took my hound on a hike today. So quiet when I walked it and there was lots of wildlife to see. Trail. We got to the final creek crossing and couldn’t cross due to the time we had and how high the water was. Parking and restrooms at the trail head of Ross Creek Cedars. Cruise through some 500 year old cedar trees on the easy nature loop or continue on trail #142 beyond the cedar grove farther upstream. Again, there is no creek later in the summer, so just setting expectations. Know before you go. Create Recommended Route or
I had 4 miles on my gps to the water fall from the parking lot. Do these horns make my ears look big? The turnoff to the Cedars is located just before the south end of Bull Lake. A bear was seen the day before. Getting salt from unsuspecting humans since 2009 Spam? The first part is really easy. The hike up to the falls takes about 3 hours from the parking lot and about half that returning.
Length: 4.5 miles Trail Begins: Ross Creek Scenic Area at end of Road 398 Trail Ends: Sawtooth Mountain; access to Scotchman Peaks area Area Map: Kootenai National Forest Visitors Map USGS Map1: Sawtooth Mountain Township 28N; Range 34W; Section 12, Beautiful hike, the falls were worth the effort. Please email to let us know you are coming. Also you walk a long way through the cedar forest, which is OK. Consisting of 500-year-old giant red cedars in a rain forest atmosphere, this area is a favorite with visitors to the Forest. 142 Idle Creek Trl , Abilene, TX 79602-7536 is currently not for sale. National Forest Trail Following Ross Creek the entire distance, Ross Creek Trail (142) is an excellent day hike through a closed canopy of cedars and hemlocks. The trail has flooded in some areas but you can easily follow the pink and red ribbons tied to the trees to keep you on track! Taking other people's content (text, photos, etc) without permission is a copyright violation and NOT OKAY! I believe the high ratings on this are for the short nature trail loop in the beginning. !” Trail is clear and easy to navigate....until! Montana Mountain Bike Alliance. This 100-acre scenic area is home to a grove of giant, ancient western red cedars. It's about 6.5 miles RT from the parking lot. It was great!!
This place is unforgettable, when hiking in and around the giant cedars you'll think you stepped back in time. The trail was beautiful. Definitely realized how out of shape I am once we started the uphill portion of the hike. The trail is so peaceful and shady, reminds me of fern gully! Once you leave the nature trail, keep the Bull river on your left. Upcoming Events & Hikes. The further you go the less people you see. Awesome spring view of falls.
Dogs are also able to use this trail. Nice day hike with a couple of small water crossings. The cedars are enormous and beautiful. Travel 21 miles south on Montana Highway 56, then west 4 miles on Road 398. From this point, it is just a little over 4 mi. Join Henry as he reads a selection from Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay "Nature. We got back. Highly recommend if you want to do all that you wait until at least end of may to middle of June. This is about an injury or accident Something else? Be careful out there and be sure to make plenty of noise. Our GPS measured a 12K hike. The road to the Cedars is newly paved, but becomes somewhat steep and winding a little ways up. I am 200 lbs my wife is 105 and got a kick out of me kept falling into holes up to my knees!