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Need further help from the community? You can use a libname to access the Excel spreadsheet (this link talks about Excel access) and this is a great paper which details how to get at the Excel data just like a SAS data set. Following the import into SAS the corresponding unformatted value in the output dataset is -10037753.4 (losing the final decimal place). During his tenure, he has worked with global clients in various domains like Banking, Insurance, Private Equity, Telecom and Human Resource. Yep, you read that right: it can’t do it through the wizard and it can’t do it through Proc Import. Truncation error when import excel file to Microsoft SQL, How can I write a macro to import a text file into Excel where the text file to be selected is based on a variable in the spreadsheet.

Unforunately if you can't use the Excel Libname and you can't convert the file to csv dynamically (i would also recommend a Excel macro that you simply call from Excel) then you are pretty limited in your options. (Special case: Lock-in amplification). Thanks, the method works, but some time it is not convinience to change the excel before read it into SAS. Method 2 : Use the generated PROC IMPORT code and Modify it. proc import datafile  =  '/folders/myfolders/SASCrunch/cars_excel.xlsx', proc import datafile = '/folders/myfolders/SASCrunch/multi_sheet.xlsx'. Can someone tell me why this is happening and how I can fix it?

Is there a name for paths that follow gridlines?

Why does SAS correctly import the widest column, but others are truncated during the importation process? Important Note - Earlier SAS Versions before SAS9.2 does not support XLSX formatted file (Excel 2007 or later files).

Here is how you can use the point-and-click tool to import an Excel file into SAS: 1. The following SAS notes explain the issue you are encountering. If the data that you want to import is a type that SAS does not support, the IMPORT procedure might not be able to import it correctly. To my impression reading Excel files (at least via PROC IMPORT) is still a risky adventure, that has not yet been designed optimally by the SAS developers.

In SAS 9.1, setting the value of TypeGuessRows to 0, along with specifying MIXED=YES and SCANTEXT=YES in PROC IMPORT, should import the data with the correct type and length. In Base SAS 9.4, you can import JMP files and delimited files. I am a new SAS user and I had similar problem with numbers with commas. SAS has been giving me problems when I'm importing the file because it truncates some of the longer cells and the text gets cut off mid-sentence. Here is how you can use the point-and-click tool to import an Excel file into SAS: 1. You can take advantage of "Advanced" option in Access Import Wizard and set the length of each field then import Access file into SAS. The problem can have several causes. However, due to a bug in the MS Jet Provider, values in an Excel column with mixed data and long text strings may be truncated when imported into SAS. All rights reserved © 2020 RSGB Business Consultant Pvt. The notes recommend editing the Windows registry to resolve the issue. The following code runs as part of a DI Studio job. I’ve also set guessingrows to the maximum value but, again, this makes no difference.

He has over 10 years of experience in data science. Since you must have access to a copy of Excel to use the DBMS=EXCEL option in PROC IMPORT use it to save the file as an XLSX file and IMPORT the new file using the XLSX engine instead. I don't think there is a way to tell proc import to specifically apply one format to a given columns (I could very well be wrong). SAS supports numeric and character types of data but not ( for example, binary objects). For the widest column, which is 5500 characters wide and called FK_word, SAS imports this variable correctly and no log warnings are issued.