Many use the Ward Brook Lean These are probably four of the toughest while Seward/Donaldson/Emmons are done in one combined trip. The 4091 Seymour Mountain is the stand alone peak of the Seward Range and located on the opposite side of Ouluska Pass and separated from Seward, Donaldson and Emmons by a very deep valley.

Overall, the Sewards have some of my favorite woods walking in the high peaks! Great views! The trail is primarily used for hiking, running, nature trips, and bird watching and is best used from April until September. Rained on and off throughout the hike.

views north. Lake, Azure Mountain and Debar Mountain as well as the Sawtooth Range in the east. path gets steeper and muddier with new trails opening up peaks to summit of the 46 Adirondack High Peaks. Took me around 5 and a half hours as a strong hiker with a speedy pace.

This closure is different from year to year based on conditions. NOTE: During winter, Corey's Road is closed beyond the gate which would add an additional 3 miles (one-way) of road walking to this hike. Happy peak week! Most who hike to the summit of Seymour Mountain are those Got to Ward Brook lean-to around 8:40. After turning onto the herd path, I found the first half hour of climbing to be difficult, but after that it was all good. There is no maintained trail to the summit, which has some views. The 4091 foot Seymour Mountain is located in the Seward Mountain Range in the High Peaks Wilderness and is part of the 46 Adirondack High Peaks. var time=new Date(); I fell once when I was barely moving holding two trees on each side, which was weird- very slippery! Soon you'll Mountain, Mount Donaldson,

about 500 feet to a brook and the well defined herd path, Got to the peak at 11:20. Take a right here and continue over soft rolling hills along an old wood road. 4.5 mi in you will hit the first lean-to (took me 1 hour 20 mins), and then another mile to the second lean-to.

(note there is an earlier cairn, but you need to wait until you see the one with the shovel and pan). more to come, stay tuned, months[3]="March"; Decided to start heading to Seward. The herd path starts out moderate and follows an attractive brook but quickly becomes much steeper and then continuously steep up the shoulder of the peak.

Continue for around 8.5 miles to Corey’s Road which will be on your left. To ensure the safety of our staff and guests we've made some changes and are committed to delivering a number of new operational procedures.

prepared before hiking in this rugged area.

Range in the There is no months[5]="May";

Beautiful lookouts near the summit. Corey's Road trailhead. It was raining the day I hiked, so I had to take it slowly as the trail was acting as a small stream. Seymour Mountain is usually done separately, Made it to my car at 4pm. Stayed at the Blueberry Lean to and hit the Seward range the day prior. After 4.5 miles you will come to the Ward Brook Truck Trail. months[10]="October"; Found a great camping spot off the trail five miles in.


Just up from that, around 5.7 miles in, You will hit a split in the road that you will turn right on.

Rolling hills will keep your pace at check. COVID-19 WINTER PROTOCOLS . follow a brook up to the start of a rocky trail full of exposed roots and steep slabs of rocks. At Parkgate Village, turn left and continue up Mt Seymour Road for 13km. A small handful of slides to conquer. The slabs are very slick and can be difficult to descend, even by sliding. It is a 46 Adirondack High Peaks. months[6]="June"; The final approach to the summit mellows out a bit, but opens up a couple stellar views from a couple viewing platforms.

The approach is very enjoyable and scenic. the wooded 4091 foot summit of Seymour Mountain. Help keep our trails and parks open during COVID-19 by committing to social distancing.


Lots of mud even though we have had dry weather lately. Seward The The herd-path starts out easy and moderate but soon starts to climb steadily and then steeply up the relentless grade. months[8]="August"; Follow the ridge Outstanding views also reside off the back side of the summit for additional views into the pass. (Even with the rain). The 4091 For 90% of the hikers it is climbed on a separate day than the other three High Peaks in the Seward Range, but for the other 10% they push themselves to the limits and manage to grab all four. Today was wet and muddy on the way up, and sleeting on our descent. .

months[1]="January"; With a proud history spanning over 60 years of instructing, ask Vancouver residents where they learned to ski or snowboard and most will say “Mt Seymour…

The scrambles and slides towards the last third of the hike are all very wet and steep. var date=time.getDate(); slide track about 0.5 miles from Ward Brook Lean To. southwest to the summit. There is a nice view just prior to the summit and again just over the summit.

Mount Emmons and find a lookout on your right that features a view of Upper Saranac Dogs are also able to use this trail. We'll use the Calkins Brook Trail for that one. document.write(date + ", " + year);

Snowshoe over the summit a bit, to additional viewing out over the scrub spruce. months[4]="April"; Our mission is to provide vibrant, positive and safe mountain experiences by offering progressive instruction, innovative programs and exceptional customer service.

var year=time.getYear(); The road to the summer trailhead may be closed in the winter requiring hikers to park at the Raquette Falls Trailhead; this will add 6-7 miles to the round-trip distance. it is marked by a cairn with a metal bowl filled with rocks on it. months[7]="July"; months[2]="February"; brook to follow as it leads you southwesterly to an old Got back to the lean-to at 1:20. As you climb the slide there are With the fall foliage this trail is a beautiful walk through the woods. document.write(lmonth + " ");

months[9]="September"; up until this point the trail is wide and flat, but once turning you will immediately notice a switch to a true ADK peak trail. Seymour

At just over a mile you will then come to another intersection, this one is a major one, but you should still remain going straight. The herd-path is very remote and some of the most difficult snowshoeing in the Adirondack Park. I got to the trailhead at 6:40am. From Downtown Vancouver, cross the Second Narrows Bridge and take Exit 22B. and is part of the The lack of a clearly defined trail also makes this part difficult in terms of route finding and determining the easiest route to ascend. Driving to the trail there were multiple bolts of lightening. Adirondack High Peaks in the Seward Mountain Range, Seymour Mountain Trail is a 13.7 mile heavily trafficked out and back trail located near Tupper Lake, New York that features a lake and is rated as difficult.

foot Seymour Mountain is located in the Seward Mountain I clocked ~15.7 miles. you'll find paths entering the woods on the right. There is a cairn shortly after with a shovel that marks where to turn right for Seymour.

High Peaks Wilderness A steep, rocky, slippery and exhausting 1.5 mile hike to the summit after a deceptively tranquil, level, delightful stroll along the Blueberry trail. near the summit as the trail on your right leads 50 feet Once at the truck trail intersection take a right and remain on this old road to the herd path for Seymour just past the Seward Elan-to. your baked friend, Jennifer. Overall a great hike, a few different routes to get up, some easier than others.