Use the HTML below. Please do not use ALL CAPS. Was this review helpful to you? A group of young shopping mall employees stay behind for a late night party in one of the stores. One Cut of the Dead english yts subtitles, One Cut of the Dead full movie download hd 1080p, [DE] Magical Mystery or: The Return of Karl Schmidt. is Not Responsible for The Accuracy, Compliance, Copyright, Legality, Decency, or Any Other Aspect of The Content of Other Linked Sites. An unknown killer, clad in World War II U.S. Army fatigues, stalks a small New Jersey town bent on reliving a 35 year-old double murder by focusing on a group of college kids holding an annual graduation dance.
Read the Slumber Party Massacre 2 movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on There is friction between some of the invited guests and the new girl, who is better at basketball than they, so the new girl decides to stay at home (which is conveniently across the street from the host's house). Review this Episode.
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On the set of a playwright’s new project, a love triangle forms between his wife, her ex-lover, and the call … California, Mojave Desert, 1998. 0. DIRECTOR. Shortly after her arrival, anyone with sinister or less than honorable intentions gets their comeuppance. A female high school student's slumber party turns into a bloodbath, as a newly escaped psychotic serial killer wielding a power drill prowls her neighborhood. Crystal Bernard. WRITE A REVIEW NO, THANK YOU. "+versionTails),isMobile:isMobile}}}return{name:"other",version:"1.0",versionNumber:1,isMobile:isMobile}}},methods:{default:function(triggeredEvent){if(!popMagic.shouldShow()||!popMagic.isValidUserEvent(triggeredEvent))return true;var||triggeredEvent.srcElement;var href=popMagic.findLinkToOpen(clickedElement);,"_blank");popMagic.setAsOpened();;if(typeof triggeredEvent.preventDefault!=="undefined"){triggeredEvent.preventDefault();triggeredEvent.stopPropagation()}return true},chromeTab:function(event){if(!popMagic.shouldShow()||!popMagic.isValidUserEvent(event))return true;if(typeof event.preventDefault!=="undefined"){event.preventDefault();event.stopPropagation()}else{return true}var a=top.window.document.createElement("a");var||event.srcElement;a.href=popMagic.findLinkToOpen(target);document.getElementsByTagName("body").appendChild(a);var e=new MouseEvent("click",{bubbles:true,cancelable:true,view:window,screenX:0,screenY:0,clientX:0,clientY:0,ctrlKey:true,altKey:false,shiftKey:false,metaKey:true,button:0});e.preventDefault=undefined;a.dispatchEvent(e);a.parentNode.removeChild(a);,"_self");popMagic.setAsOpened()},popup:function(triggeredEvent){if(!popMagic.shouldShow()||!popMagic.isValidUserEvent(triggeredEvent))return true;var winOptions="";if(popMagic.config.popup_fallback&&!popMagic.config.popup_force){var height=Math.max(Math.round(window.innerHeight*.8),300);var width=Math.max(Math.round(window.innerWidth*.7),300);var top=window.screenY+100;var left=window.screenX+100;winOptions="menubar=1,resizable=1,width="+width+",height="+height+",top="+top+",left="+left}var prePopUrl=document.location.href;var,popMagic.getPuId(),winOptions);setTimeout(function(){popWin.location.href=popMagic.url},200);popMagic.setAsOpened();if(typeof triggeredEvent.preventDefault!=="undefined"){triggeredEvent.preventDefault();triggeredEvent.stopPropagation()}}}}; The Slumber Party Massacre; Play Now Stream HD. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. A man, crippled in an accident, returns to the woods after rehabilitation, certain that he’ll not see Bigfoot again. If your review contains spoilers, please check the Spoiler box. Writer, beer drinker, cat lover. Orbiting above a planet on the brink of war, scientists test a device to solve an energy crisis and end up face-to-face with a dark alternate reality. That night, Jackie's friends, Diane, Maria, Juliette, Janine, and Susie, arrive for Copyright © FMovies - All Rights Reserved. I've seen more gore in other 80's horror flicks. When the mall goes on lock-down before they can get out, the robot security system malfunctions, and goes on a killing spree. The Slumber Party Massacre (1982) 123movies, The Slumber Party Massacre 123movies Watch HD Movies Online For Free and Download free movies on 123movies gomovies 123movies A teenage girl and her friends find themselves terrorized by a psychotic rock star who has a weaponized guitar fitted with a drill bit.
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