Does this book contain inappropriate content? Number of pages: 29The languages used: Arabic, English, Arabic words transcribed in English. Bidek nake bi-Asyut krake We were several weeks into the class and were practicing sentence construction. Trotz des meines Erachtens eher abschreckenden und nicht sehr seriös wirkenden Covers ist die Gestaltung im Innenteil übersichtlich, geordnet und ansprechend. thank you for this valuable information, but I think we can not use these swearwords in our research papers. Man! You full of shit, if your talking to anyone with a brain they know your fucking it up but trying, you guys are telling people to be carefull for no reason. Good luck. My apologies to those who might be uninterested in learning these swear words, but I was inspired by the fact that most of my friends always ask me to teach them to swear in Arabic, because they’ve heard that we can get pretty creative. We were crazy that one day we talked to each other cursing in arabic while me of course i only know 2 or 3 curses in arabic.. Now i got more 7 curses to throw at basically were just messin up with each other no harmful intended. The Arabic word for mustache is: شارب, Thank you for all the information it’s very helpful by the way I love Lebanon :)), Great post. This is the common equivalent of “kiss my ass.” This literally means “lick my ass,” and is also used between friends or when someone is trying to mock or belittle another person in the group. temporär gesenkter USt. Again, be careful when, why, and how to use them. Enthalten in einer Kindle Unlimited Mitgliedschaft. A long-awaited book about swear words in different Arab countries. Any person smart enough to be trying to learn dialects or a second or fifth language knows when to say fuck etc. As i was searching curses in arabic and found this one. Both mean how are you in different ways. These promotions will be applied to this item: Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers. Her family name is Κοσσιφίδου, which is pronounced KOSS-IF-ITHOU… I guess you know what this means in Arabic. ..u can use words from 7 to 10 ..they’re less insulting and not actually related to specific family’s member or any sensitive thing or something ,,Ya kalb ,mean you dog ..Tozz feek is also accepted if u get really upset and the one who got u upset deserves it ,,also ,ya khara ,,it’s used more in Egypt ,Syria ..but in my country Libya ,we don’t use this word ,lol we have another similar word for SHIT ! I’m a white boy or American. You need a F-ing with a shovel handle, اشْرَف واحد منهُن عَرْصة Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2020,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften. Art Browning’s comment kinda explains a part of my opinion . I am learning slot from your website. Something went wrong. But please use any of these words with caution .
I am not sure if I remember them correctly, but they sounded something like this: I am not sure what they mean, but I guess the the first one is related to father and the second one to mother. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. A long-awaited book about swear words in different Arab countries. Another source of inspiration for this post comes from a colleague at the Transparent Chinese blog. @Lu,ay Salam! Top subscription boxes – right to your door, Study & Teaching Reference (Kindle Store), © 1996-2020,, Inc. or its affiliates.
funny story, I was insulted kus umuk in a mini bus in Cairo, I was studying Arabic Fusha so I had no idea what it meant. But it is interesting to understand the meaning anyway. Ashrof waHad min-hon ArSah Variation an der Kasse je nach Lieferadresse. Someone made a comment about me in a bagel shop to his coworker in Arabic when I asked him politely if he could pour hot water on the tea bag before the cold milk, he turned to his coworker and asked “what is she saying?”, the other one said “she think you are goofy and you don’t know how to make tea and she is the goofy one” then gave me my bag and wished me a good day, I wished him the same and left. Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. This was actually a milder story. I grew up in a Syrian centered family in an Arab neighborhood in Brooklyn NY. Schlicht, aber gut. The exercise given to us was to say what kind of sandwich we like. 2- Which accent or country this Arabic is from. please please use them with caution or simply avoid using them . Thanks! . - Russia Beyond…, Helping an #ESL or #ELL student prep for the US Citizenship test? Many swear words in Arabic center on genitals, sex, prostitution etc. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. I did learn all of the curse words but NEVER used them, I don’t use curse words at all, I can express myself with other choices of words to make my point. like, there’s a Syrian word for saying “woman”, which, if used here in Egypt, would be an extremely horrible insult. So allmost days there will be a problem with customers.. Thanks so much. It literally means “my penis in you.”, 5) Telhas Teeze Pronounced as: TEL-HAS TEE-ZEE. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Is it true that in Egypt they use Kuss Ummak whereas in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine they use Kiss Ekhtak? 4) Ayreh Feek Pronounced as: AY-REE FEE-K, This is the common equivalent of “fuck you” or “screw you.” This is a common expression between friends or prior to a gruesome fistfight. (There were several young Palestinian ladies in the class; they knew Arabic, but a different dialect, and were auditing the class to get up to speed with the Libyan dialect.) @Adrien It’s great you people come together and share. Another was about our grandfather “jidduh” telling a customer in his store “shit on your moustache” in Arabic. Lol. 1) Kess Ikhtak Pronounced as: KISS EKH-TAK. I always use el cacahuate, cacahuete instead of El maní. Please try again. You’re the hen, I’m the rooster, you bend over, I fuck, @Miles I found the last one so catchy I can’t stop saying it xD, @Evana Salam, that’s good! So i think i should learn these.. Because they people mostly using these worda.. Now i know the meaning.. Thank You for your blog. A week later she was back from that country. He said “shonak” means “how are you” and “akbarak” means “what’s up.” Is that correct? Das E-Büchlein bietet das, was es verspricht – nicht mehr, aber auch nicht weniger. A long-awaited book about swear words in different Arab countries. Because, as an Egyptian, I do know that every Arab country has its accents and culture. The reason? Swear Words In Syria, Egypt, and Other Arab Countries, a Guide. The first ‘Shlonak’ is used more frequently in Syria and Iraq, while ‘akhbarak’ is used more commonly in Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine.