Otherwise, register and sign in. Don't show users in user picker which are *not* in jira-users group, JRASERVER-13605 If you've already registered, sign in. NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Ability to add options to a multi user/group picker. Salaudeen Rajack's SharePoint Experiences! Multiselect-able limited user picker, CONFSERVER-1882 If you need any custom JQL for comments you can also contact with us, mailto:info@kostebekteknoloji.com. Thanks so much for your votes and comments on this feature request. It works like a charm. He realizado un filtro donde me muestra solo las subtareas hijas que ya estan en estado franqueadas, pero necesito que se asignen a un usuario en concreto de forma automática conforme esas subtareas vayan apareciendo. User Picker - Only users associated with one or more groups should be viewable, JRASERVER-11945 A custom field type multiselect containing a selectable pre-defined set of users, JRASERVER-28580 JRASERVER-44316 "Single User from Group Picker" desperately needed, JRASERVER-23807 As a user I would like to have the same UI for "limited user picker" custom field as System Assignee field. For example, follow these steps to first disable Teams for all users who have a particular licensing plan.
Use this JQL advanced filter for the All Issues list: comment !~ "junktext". You're one step closer to meeting fellow Atlassian users at your local event. Custom Field Type user (drop down list), JRASERVER-23649 Need a hand to get some editing/formatting of the pages? Stop and Start All SharePoint 2013 Services, Create URL Shortcut - Redirect to a Subsite, Upload File to a Library using PowerShell, Iterate Web Applications, Site Collections, Sites, Rotating Banner using Content Search Web Part, Configure Managed Navigation - Step by Step, How to Use JSLink with List View Web Part, Hide "Site Contents" Link from Quick Launch, Hide Form Field based on User Permissions, Allow Only Certain File Types in a Library, Create Custom Master Page using Design Manager, Cascading Drop down in List Forms using JQuery, Enable Link to Item/Edit Menu on Any Column, Connect to SharePoint Online from PowerShell, Get List Items using CSOM PowerShell Script, Add a Content Type to List using PowerShell, How to Hide a List or Library using PowerShell, Upload Files to Document Library using PowerShell, Configure Access Request Email using PowerShell, Add Site Collection Administrator using PowerShell, Site Users and Groups Report using PowerShell, Break Permission Inheritance using PowerShell, Find and Delete Orphaned Users using PowerShell, How to Create New Site Collection using PowerShell, SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 - Step by Step, MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010 - Step by Step, "Upgrade Required" Status in Central Administration, Database in compatibility range upgrade recommended, Maintenance Page - Quick way to Implement, Stuck and Never ending service pack upgrade, PSConfig Wizard Error - Update Conflict occurred, SharePoint Online: View Folder Size using PowerShell. We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. JamieA, thx a lot. Limit User Picker to members of certain groups/roles in System Fields, JRASERVER-40283 Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Share a use case, discuss your favorite features, or get input from the community, JQL query for comments for particular user, https://jamieechlin.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GRV/Scripted+JQL+Functions#ScriptedJQLFunctions-commented(commentquery. This might help someone find all issues with comments across multiple users, though you have to go to each detail to see them. Is there something I am not seeing that allows me to select that field in the results? page shows all content of the Chat with others in the program, or give feedback to Atlassian. Use the issue function commentedByUser([User]) to find the list of comment added by particular user. [User-Picker CF] this field should not fetch inactive users. And add permissions to that folder. As a user I would like to have the same UI for "limited user picker" custom field as System Assignee field. Find GUIDs of Web Application,Site,List,etc. User filtering configuration of custom field is not used in autocomplete on Customer Portal form, JRASERVER-12264 SharePoint Online: Download a File from Library using PowerShell, Migrate SharePoint 2010 Document Libraries to SharePoint Online using PowerShell, Enable "Link to Item" or "Edit Menu" on Any Column of the List in SharePoint, Reset Search Index in SharePoint 2013 using Powershell, Create Autonumber Unique Column in SharePoint List. Install SharePoint 2016 - Step by Step Guide, Create SharePoint 2016 Farm using PowerShell, Install and Configure Office Web Apps 2013, SSRS 2012 Integration with SharePoint 2013, Configure SharePoint Environment for Apps, Configuring Workflow Manager in SharePoint, Search Service Application for Multi-Server Farm, Configure Secure Store Service Application, Configure AD LDS-Claims Based Authentication, Configuring ADFS Integration with SharePoint 2013, Add Administrator to Service Applications.
Exactly what I'm looking for, not like a workaround approaches above ;-), I installed the following free add-on: "Script Runner", as described in the documentation: https://jamieechlin.atlassian.net/wiki/display/GRV/Scripted+JQL+Functions#ScriptedJQLFunctions-commented(commentquery), You can use the JQL Tricks plugin .
You can try script runner and use the jql issueFunction in commented ("by username"). Is there any way to export the result ? Join the community to find out what other Atlassian users are discussing, debating and creating. Using JIRA Cloud? Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. JRASERVER-7467 Limit "Assign To" lists to real project users, JRASERVER-36833
To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our, Don't show users in user picker which are *not* in jira-users group, "Single User from Group Picker" desperately needed, Add custom field restricting list of users to those in a particular project role, A custom field type multiselect containing a selectable pre-defined set of users, Custom fields of type User Picker to be configurable by Group selection, Allow User Picker Custom fields to be restricted to Groups, User filtering configuration of custom field is not used in autocomplete on Customer Portal form, Limit "Assign To" lists to real project users, Restricting access to user names and profiles, Limit user picker to members of certain groups / roles, User Picker - Only users associated with one or more groups should be viewable, Ability to add options to a multi user/group picker.