Although the Vietic languages are also within the Austroasiatic language family like Khmer, there are very few cultural connections between the Vietnamese peoples because the early Khmers were part of Greater India while the Vietnamese are part of the East Asian cultural sphere and adopted Chinese literary culture.[4].

Being isolated in the highlands, the various Khmer Loeu groups were not Indianized like their Khmer cousins and consequently are culturally distant from modern Khmers and often from each other, observing many pre-Indian-contact customs and beliefs. I wish Khmer are racist as these yuons kantop accused them so they can chase out all those millions yuon kantop killers and invaders out of Cambodia. Dear All,I left Cambodia in 1979 not because I like to run away from my country of my birth. The largest of the ethnic groups in Cambodia are the Khmer, who comprise approximately 90% of the total population and primarily inhabit the lowland Mekong subregion and the central plains. Interaction between those who are Muslim and those who are Hindu is often taboo. These are all traits that the Vietnamese do not follow, quite contrary to their Cambodians counterpart. 1:56 PMThe comment "He is born Khmer and when a Khmer is too ashamed to be called Khmer, what is that telling you?" we subjugated the siem, eradicated the Cham.we love the Chinese and hate the Vietnamese.we killed our own was our most hated enemy- the youn that had saved us from ourselves. There will be no one to buy stinky and faking products from Vietgook.

I do respect your perspective, but aren't you the one is being a part of contributing to Khmer extinction since your are marrying to tha diffeerent raise? See methodology for more detail.

That is why Vietnamese has the upper hand now. i know Dr Tith personally so i know he has a genuine concern for our people. For examples, some Vietnamese people who live in the U.S. and who were born in the U.S. would think that it is a shame to be born as American, but those persons might have done something very bad and committed criminal for the U.S. and those persons were punished and put in jail. The average annual rate of population growth from 1978 to 1985 was 2.3% (see table 2, Appendix A).

Data based on the 2008 Population Census) : The total fertility rate in Cambodia was 3.0 children per woman in 2010. But to a prison system that limits its population categories to “Black,” “White” and “Hispanic,” I’m the race version of a misfit toy. Dr. Tith Naranhkiri raised a number of issues showing why Cambodia remained under the inevitable influence of Vietnam.

The Khmer people don't have to look far to find an example! They try to scare Khmer people and kill Khmer/Cambodia people9.

They will get hit and destroyed by Khmer heroes and real Khmer/Cambodian military and soldiers.Please, Khmer people, don't be fooled and don't be afraid. The three groups most often included are the Chinese Cambodians, Vietnamese and Cham peoples.

Either we can sit on our hands and keep arguing and crying or we can go out and do. Source: Pew Research Center analysis of 2013-2015 American Community Survey (IPUMS).

I've appreciated very much his following quote, "if one person is totally committed to the defense of the principles of justice, dignity, and freedom, he or she can do a lot to change any thing in this world". There are also small numbers of other minority groups.

The Chinese descended between the 19th and 20th century in Cambodia.

No date and time have not been set up yet, but very soon.Many Yuon/Vietgook folks, CPP Yuon supporters and evil Yuon friends and family members of the bad ass Hun Sen will be gone to Vietcong Hanoi.

Only in Thailand alone about 200000 Cambodians have take refuged each year for loosing their lands. [12], In the northwest of the country, approximately 5000 Tai Phuan live in their own villages in Mongkol Borei District of Banteay Meanchey Province. Researches show that up to 90% of Cambodians are Khmers. The Cambodian Khmer people speak a dialect of the Khmer language. Vietnam unlike Thailand, wanted Cambodia to adopt Vietnamese governmental practices, dress, and language.

I doubt how often this guy goes to Cambodia to know anything.

These peoples are considered by the Khmer to be the aboriginal inhabitants of the land. (+1) 202-419-4349 | Fax Furthermore, he said that there is also the issue of the king who assumes a very heavy and dangerous burden for the dictatorial regime – a regime that irresponsible, that is immoral, that is selfish, a regime whose leaders only think about their own interest.

of course, there are some aspect of cambodia as a nation that we all should help to preserve and conserve, even the natural environment and so forth. Figures for all Asians based on mixed-race and mixed-group populations, regardless of Hispanic origin. Note: Family households are those with a household head and one or more persons living in the household who are related to the household head by birth, marriage or adoption. Two of these highland groups, the Rade and the Jarai, are Chamic peoples who speak Austronesian languages descended from ancient Cham.

Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, Chinese 1%, other 4%.[13]. This quote, everyone shall "constantly, constantly​ and constantly" keep it in mind for a real happiness of man kind.សូមឲ្យគំនិតនិងស្មារតី របស់ លោកសាស្រ្តាចារ្យ និងលោកបណ្ឌិត ណារាញ្ញគីរី ទិត ផ្សព្វផ្សាយឲ្យបានគ្រប់ពេលអង្វែងទៅ ។. Mr Tith is right: Cambodian is a race on the verge of extinction.Because of the traitor Hun Xen, the Cambodians will be soon the largest ethnic minority in their country.How to eliminate him and expel the yuons to their countryWe the Khmer people. The majority of Cambodians arrived in France as refugees as a result of their country's heavy turmoil during the latter half of the 20th century. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 USA This message is for the yuons in khmer skin here.Non Khmer hates any yuon because of yuon race, culture or color.

The Khmer are historically believed to be lowland people choosing to live on one of the tributaries of the Mekong thus making them indigenous to other regions. you know, it is his personal opinion, maybe drew from history of cambodia and youn from during the dark ages, etc. The success of the Kola in Pailin encouraged further immigration of Shan directly from Burma who then joined the Kola community. Intermarriage between the Chinese and Khmers has been common, in which case they would often assimilate into mainstream Khmer society, retaining few Chinese customs. Due to data limitations, figures for Cambodians based on single-race population only, regardless of Hispanic origin. Roughly 50,000 Cambodian refugees arrived in France by 1989. The main religion in Thailand is Theravada Buddhism that is practiced by more than 90% the population. [12] The Kola in Pailin were historically active in the lucrative gem trading business and were the most prosperous ethnic group in the region before the war. The remaining population consists of more than twenty distinct ethnic groups, most of which are small indigenous people groups, known collectively as Khmer Loeu, living in isolated mountain areas. Vietcong keep lying every products and history the world markets. Right now, our people have a lot to lose from South Koreans and new-arrival chinese (and other ex-pats) who are abusing our weak fiscal & institutional supertructure in their business dealings.