Read through the statements and decide as honestly as you can whether they apply to you often, sometimes or rarely and check the appropriate box.

Evangelists aren't as comfortable with Christians as they are with those outside the church. They bring the unsaved to God through service and love. This is a great tool for communities and leadership teams as a whole as it will allow you to ensure that you have a more complete ministry mix necessary to be missional church. Some spiritual gifts are presented where the person is not distinguished from their function. APEST measures an individual’s current ministry motivation and expression in ministry settings. Without the other types of leaders in place, prophets can become belligerent activists or, paradoxically, disengage from the imperfection of reality and become other-worldly. Ephesians 4:11–16.

Unlike others, Jesus had an authority that came forth when HE spoke. read this article by Alan Hirsch from Leadership Journal.

If these fruits are on that tree, you should recognize the tree. Read through the statements and decide as honestly as you can whether they apply to you often, sometimes or rarely and check the appropriate box. The people were amazed when Jesus spoke. The APEST Assessment is a reliable test that measures your behavior against the FiveFold Ministry standards found in Ephesians 4. What ministry does your personality mesh with the best? You can unsubscribe from our email newsletter at any time.

Viewing the works of God through scripture. Do not linger on each item as your first thought is likely to represent the most accurate response. The Pastor is the servant of the Body of Christ, spending their ministry encouraging and comforting.

Regarding any work for God, the evangelist always asks, "How many were saved?".

So we believe that the best way to know your ministry is to somehow assess its impact on people around about you.

Building Your House On The Word Of God, 13.

APOSTLES extend the gospel. Mentors are responsible for perfecting the saints (Ephesians 4:11-12). go into the room and something happens to cause "the answer", "the word" This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. (The Mystery of Christ, Chapter 8, by Watchman Nee). Which is more important to you - mercy or justice? Every person functions in unique ways. Without the input of the other functions, teachers can fall into dogmatism or dry intellectualism. Ephesians 4:11 speaks of a group of people who are for the Body; they are God’s gifts to the church, supplying Christ for the building up of the Body. These ones are also the representative authority of the Head. For there to be movement or growth in any context, a team should draw upon the natural energy and momentum inherent in each member. They are those who are sent by God to His people to convey His mind. Instead, he referred the matter to God, who made it clear that touching the anointed of the Lord was the same as touching the Lord Himself, and that repudiating the authority of His prophet was the same as repudiating His authority. As a result, APEST leads one to new areas of learning and integration for increased ministry engagement.

As a result, APEST leads one to new areas of learning and integration for increased ministry engagement. They are always ready to preach. The prophets not only predict future events but also speak forth God’s mind. - When a person identifies himself as apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher to the church - Nathan, a prophet, sent to David, a prophet, when David sinned - Prophets working together in the church - Elijah calling down fire Before you can answer, a friend you've been witnessing to calls asking if you can come over and talk.

They are tried and tested and instructed by Christ, and they are qualified to transmit spiritual values.

These infectious communicators of the gospel message recruit others to the cause. yourself in the area to which you know. In Texas, our district assessed and approved a church planter with a Th.

Viewing the works of God through scripture. Evangelists aren't as comfortable with Christians as they are with those outside the church.

apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers and your disciple making pathway by rick thompson “It was he [Christ] who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11).

Regarding any work for God, the evangelist always asks, "How many were saved?". In its definition, the word apostle means “ambassador or the one who is sent.” Taken into the context of the New Testament, an apostle was an

Viewing the works of God through scripture. APEST provides a quantified result to identify one’s current place for influence within a larger community.

We have to pay special attention to this group of members. This site developed and maintained by Tim Harvey (@tihm). It is remarkable when a group allows each member to function out of their natural capacities, thus contributing to the overall movement, direction, and wisdom of a team. They must be those who have gone through special training under the Lord’s hand and have been specially molded through the environment ordered by the Spirit; they have a history of knowing Christ. >Then He gave us the gifts of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher & Pastor for our perfecting and did not stop there,,,,, Ephesians 4:11-16 >Then He made it that our walk will bare good fruit IF WE REMAIN in the TRUE VINE, these govern us, the Fruits of Holy Spirit LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF-CONTROL against which there is NO … We will only attempt to send you awesome content and premium offers that can support you in your gifts. 4:16). The writings of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee focus on the enjoyment of the divine life, which all the believers possess, and on the building up of the church, the goal of God's work with man in this age.