IF I ever got one, I'd probably prefer one in safe working condition, but how do you know if it is? It was cleaned, taken apart and put away in the attic above our garage. Green River Gunslingers, Wartrace Regulators, Doc Hollidays Immortals, Macon Cowboys, South River Shootists &Cherokee Cowboys, SBSS #44. Not something that I am ever gonna do on purpose. The BersaForum.com Bersa Thunder 380 Giveaway closes soon and I need you to get entered. Copyright 2019 sassnet.com Shotgun. It was cool though and different. Given the current climate of litigative probabilities, I won't recommend that ANYONE to buy or shoot any of the Marlin exposed hammer shotguns! As far as the shells not chambering properly, that is to say that the back of the shell sticks out at an angle and could theoretically be set off by the extractor slamming into the primer, I tried my darndest, using snap caps, to try to make this happen. The real reason Winchester recalled the 93 was that smokeless 2-5/8" shells had become the new standard, and they were rightly concerned that such shells could cause catastrophic damage to a 93. This is why real 93's are so rare, most of them were destroyed. Here is a rundown on the safety checks you can do to check it... http://marauder.homestead.com/files/marlin98s.htm. The only way I could cause was to tilt the gun to the right in excess of 45 degrees. See above referenced rule. He offered it to me for sale once, saying that he was certain it was in shootable condition, but I bought his Burgess shotgun instead. They will not sell it because of the danger mentioned above. Most orig blue remains on the receiver. Nice looking shotgun and great history about it. Most of these greyed out but this did not. (I have a '97 that had the bolt blown out the back of the receiver as the result of and OUT OF BATTERY discharge. So in about 1918, they reviewed and updated the procedures for hardening steel. However, keeping... First framed by founding father James Madison back in 1789, the fundamental rights protected under the Second Amendment of the Constitution to... One of the other sites in our network, BersaForum.com, is giving away a brand new Bersa Thunder Duotone .380 donated to the community by Eagle... [IMG] Shotgun. Unlock additional features, and fewer ads while browsing. I'll ad here that the Winchester '93 was only reported to fail when used with smokeless ammunition or when one or another of the safety features failed to work, usually from neglect or excessive wear, and that the '97 has and WILL do the same! Considered "unsafe" because of some safetly failures that keeps the bolt from flying back possibly when fired. We did that on one gun but the metal failed anyway and almost put a metal sliver through the shooter's eye. The shop took the gun back and I bought a Stoeger instead. Very few people or shops have the technology available to test the metals. They make no statement of any design flaw. Bear Claw in Jeremiah Johnson. Needless to say, I passed on it as well.
I have a model 49 and a model 42 that were made in 1929 and 1934 respectively. are they safe to use as cowboy guns? Sad, but it looks like I got me a wall hanger, Cool looking one. Although they had patented pump actions as far back as 1889, they didn't produce a gun until almost a decade later.
From what I have read, these later editions had no reported injures attributed to them, when handled and fired properly, but the reputation of the '98 stuck. "Should have put more dirt down, saw it right off." This was bought by my Dad in 1940 from a local farmer. The next time I was in the shop, the checklist was attached to the gun, and the tag said, "NOT A SHOOTER." The more research I did I found out that Marlin did not want these guns to be shot especially with modern ammo. I WILL say that if the ban was lifted in SASS, I'd have that old model 19 in my gun cart the next time I went to a match!! I have a Marlin Model 50.
Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Consider upgrading your membership for less than a box of bullets!
This was an uncles gun that was sold to my father in the late 30's. When you think Marlin, most people have a .22 rifle or lever-action cowboy gun spring to mind. Wilmington Rough Riders . I had one and had full intentions of making it my first CAS shotgun. The '49's barrel was shortened because someone damaged it before I decided to rescue it. The second one I found was at a gunshop in NH. I have an old Marlin mod. In fact, if you compare a 93 to a 97, the former is clearly much beefier in its construction. Just a slight change in time, etc would produce a gun with weak metal. It cycles fine and the trigger is very nice. Cool gun, but not worth the risks associated with them. I had a Marlin (there are several models based on the 1898, including the 19, 42, etc.). MarlinOwners.com is a community of Marlin Firearm Owners - Dedicated to discussing Marlin Firearms, Marlin Rifles and more.
Not SASS legal, and Marlin says not to fire them even with real BP loads. I know mine is. So we took it to the range and shot our mild cowboy loads.
Fredrick Jackson Turner had the same thing happen to him! 12 ga. 30" bbl with an exceptional bright shiny bore. I also did not at that time know of the safety checks. Unfortunately for some reason, it's not allowed for SASS either, due to the "The 97 is the only allowed pump shotgun" rule. We work hard to bring the best hunting forums Ohio has to offer! I have, and have had several of these. Or for that matter the 93/97, which is essentially a 97 made to look like a 93. No clue what these go for, so Ill just throw out $400 OBO I sold a pristine model 24 several years ago to a gentleman who still hunts with it … Got this old Marlin 1898, i think, from my uncle awhile back. I need some help... Marlin has long been the king of lever action rifles, and without a doubt the .444 Marlin has been one of the most popular heavy rounds of the... Marlin has long produced bolt-action rifles culminating with the MR-7 and later X7 series today as well as legacy semi-autos. In no particular order. Later in the 1930's they further improved the process even more, then again in the early 1940's. 870 or Mossberg 500 with slug barrel for peace of mind from Brown Bears, but here in the lower 48...having this shotgun in working order is just a nice thing to have LOL. In the "Marlin Letter" they claim that the materials are suspect. Pictures, help, discussions and more. If it passes the safety checks and you load up some 2-1/2" black powder shells, well, only you can decide if you should try to shoot it in the light of the above information. I gave a print out of the checks to the shop owner, and he thanked me for it. GAF #19, SoM, CC, BC
Ordnance Officer
Central Ozark Western Shootists
USN retired, CAS, Cars, Traveling
It passed the tests just fine. Both shooters had no issues but I don't think the shooter's knew any better......that was when information was MUCH harder to find.
History, music (Southern Rock/Blues/Oldies), racing (cars/motorcycles), motorcycling, weapons (mostly guns and knives), baseball, toy trains, WWII, cowboy shooting (targets of course), reading, and my wife and family. So guns were literally blowing up. Marlin declared them unsafe after there were many failures. I guess if I get tired of seeing it around I can take it to a gun buy back and get most of my gold back.. Bolt Action Marlin Sako rifles: The Model 322.
Bbl also retains nearly all orig blue although it has aged and not as bright as the receiver.