When a possum senses the danger is near, it just falls down to the ground and play dead. Incubate yourself and envision having a better, happier, and more peaceful life. The energy of this animal suits you completely and you can almost see yourself in some behaviors of this animal. I am struggling with my EGO, I am NOT a smart alec who thinks she knows everything, I swear.
If the situation requires you to be stronger and more fearless than you feel, do it! This is a natural cruelty, indeed. They only lie to protect themselves from other people’s nosey behavior. When you have the opossum spirit animal working for you, you are a calm and sensible person. Be there for them and keep an eye on them until they find a solution for their problems. This makes Opossum peoples’ lives a bit complicated.
cb: (new Date()).getTime() Do not be too quick to trust people, even the ones you have known the longest. They are very sensitive people who don’t like intruders and people who are overtly sociable. You can emerge renewed and filled with energy, ready to prove your doubters and bashers that you’re not someone to mess with! Like most possums, the common brushtail possum is nocturnal. Bad days are not eternal, and there is the brighter side of life. The meaning of the opossum warns you to expect the unexpected, and to always be on the lookout for deceptions and lies. If we put these three characteristics together, we get an incredibly powerful spiritual being of shadows and darkness. Be careful with your secrets and stay away from suspicious people. Your recent success probably agitated certain people and now they are out to get you. Opossum totem could be your helpful life guide, only you have to be very careful with channeling its energy. Possums and people haven’t had a very good relationship.
Since they were never the “helping” kind of animal, people categorized them as negative symbols. This trick helps opossums to survive in often dangerous habitats.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'dreamingandsleeping_com-box-4','ezslot_9',119,'0','0'])); Now that we know a bit more about possums let us dig into the symbolism of this small mammal.
There are certain situations that will exhaust you physically and mentally. These people always keep options open to themselves, and use them one by one, in case the other one fails. The opossum teaches you that it’s perfectly alright to pretend and act in another way if it means diverting their attention. Your totem animal is an animal that is determined based on your birth date and every person has its own totem animal. The opossum meaning urges you to use your head when you are in a confusing situation and to not get caught up in the drama. In Australia, possum is one of the symbols of the Australian Zodiac. You know what must be done to achieve your goals, and you know what you should avoid to keep your sanity intact.
Speaking of the possum playing dead or acting asleep, let’s look at the possums symbolism in dreams. You are a sensible person, in both mundane and spiritual ways. When you use your mind, you are quicker to react to situations, and the results will be more positive. Your email address will not be published. Don’t allow their toxic energies consume you because you can become somebody that you hate! To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! If you see a baby possum, it means that, just like these little ones are carried by their mother, protected in the specialized sack, you too identify yourself with these baby creatures and are depending upon someone influential who holds a powerful position in your life. People born under this totem or protected by it carry a strong dark aura with them. Some opossums live exclusively on trees, some on the ground, while several subspecies swim and spend half time in water. They are in love with mysticism and everything this entails. In Mexican culture, possum’s tails were very important to the Mexican women.
rcel.async = true; It is only the matter how you interpret their traits and use their spiritual energy.
With people who enjoy intellectual talk and exchange of ideas. This person will try everything to make you fail.
Dream about a dead possum is a positive sign that represents a fruitful period that is ahead of you. Totem animals teach you about your character and help you to be more in touch with your positive characteristics and to control the negative ones. The main confusion that opossums and possums are the same animals is due to the Sir Joseph Banks who named the Australian animal as a possum. In general, possum symbolism brings a bit of a dark aura around anyone who is protected by this animal. Open up your eyes and try to notice what is troubling this person, or talk openly about what is troubling him or her. This supposedly helped them with childbirth and protected the baby after it was born. These two reactions that the possum has adds to the animal’s symbolism. This gives the possum some rather negative symbolism for thievery and deceit. Baby possum – If you saw a baby possum in your dream, then someone young from your family is experiencing some problems. The opossum spirit animal is quite a bit of a trickster. It’s not all about physical appearance and strength. Possums or opossums are small mammals of which people have many different opinions. They need to use their wits in order to outsmart those stronger deadly predators. If you feel good about them or they appear in your dreams and waking life, it may suggest this mysterious creature is your guardian spirit.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'mydreamsymbolism_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',146,'0','0'])); If you put things that way, opossums might yet be perceived as good spirits. However, once they find people they share opinions and habits with; they express great respect and love for that people. In Mexico, pregnant women used to wear possum tails with them. })(document); Salmon – Spirit Animal, Totem, Symbolism and Meaning, Mongoose – Spirit Animal, Totem, Symbolism and Meaning, Fish Sign in Palmistry – Reading and Meaning, Mount of Venus Palmistry – Reading and Meaning. You leave nothing to chance because once something bad happens, there is no returning back. They are omnivores and would not hesitate feeding on carrion, as well. They believe this spirit animals possess great strength and consider it a powerful totem. If they are total introverts, they usually do not mind it, but most of them are not. They represent readiness to face the challenge. In Native American culture, possum was a symbol of cunningness and trickster. They are able to lie down, with open mouth and eyes, for about five hours; Opossums developed a special strategy to escape predators and avoid to be eaten by them. These people love to be alone. Someone from your family could get really ill or even die. Here are some of them: Resourcefulness. Sometimes you need to completely shut off so that people will leave you alone and you can focus on finding the best solutions. rcel.type = 'text/javascript';
Interesting facts about opossums . Before we pass on to interpretation of opossums’ spiritual and symbolical meaning, let us discover some amazing information about them. You are also very strategic and every step in your life is pre-calculated.
Dreaming of a ringtail possum gives you the message that, you are a good problem solver, and with your tactfulness, the lousy time going on in your life is about to come to an end. The easiest way to find more about animal’s symbolic meaning is by learning more about them as spirit animals and totems. + qs;
In today’s text, we will look deeper into the symbolic meaning of possum or opossum and find out the background of this animal’s symbolic meaning and how it was actually created. In order for you to see this page as it is meant to appear, we ask that you please re-enable your Javascript! Seeing a possum symbol in your dreams is supposed to represent a situation or person in your life who is doing someone wrong, and they know it. People are almost surprised that you were even able to read through their intentions and defeat them. var params = They love spending time alone with their thoughts and plans. Cunningness and trickery – Now that you know about the impressive strategy possums use to outsmart their enemies; it is not hard to imagine this clever animal is a powerful symbol for cunningness. Their well-being is something that is very valuable to you, and you are prepared to go great lengths to protect them. 'https' : 'http'; If you saw a possum in your dream, then this dream is a symbol of a friend who is not loyal to you.
Look to the meaning of the opossum for guidance and inspiration and you will know how to proceed. For example, Native Americans think of them as tricksters, while Australian people associate them with determination and success. You are being called to challenge the status quo and outsmart people who wish to trick and deceive you. The Opossum or Possum Meaning as a Spirit Animal. The possum usually has two general reactions to getting caught.
These little creatures aren’t fond of getting caught committing these crimes against your garden, or anywhere else for that matter.
{ If it’s trying to act tough, the possum may hiss at you, like a cat or a snake. But if all else fails, you can also choose to conserve your energies and save yourself the headache by diverting your attention to more worthwhile things. Even though they are seen as pests in most cases, we have to admit that these nocturnal animals possess many qualities that we can envy them on. Rather than allowing hurtful or taunting words to affect you, it’s even more dignified to walk away and refuse to participate. Healtholino is a Healthy Lifestyle Magazine. Try Different Quizzes People Are Talking About! Absolute twaddle. You may not have the physical brawn to deal with things, but there is no doubt that you have the mental aptitude to handle anything that is thrown at you. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Those little ones that do not feed on mother’s milk (because there is not enough for all) die. If possum in your dream was digging a hole, then this dream is a bad sign. However, it makes opossums symbols of fertility and abundance. You share your opossum totem’s intelligence, and you understand the need to use diversionary tactics in some situations.
Mischief – Possums or opossums often cause more damage than good. They are level-headed, patient, and take time in planning. Possum hopes the animals would only pass by if thinking it was dead (animals of prey are often exclusively hunters that feed on living prey). Possum people love working on jobs that require high concentration and solitude. In the battlefield, they would often pretend to be dead especially when the enemies had outnumbered them, or have suddenly drawn too close. Opossum people are very organized and focused to their work or hobby. They love keeping everything for themselves because this way they feel the most comfortable.