(Loved that The Seekers sing it!)
MG Singh emge from Singapore on April 22, 2020: Everybody has a personality and induvuduality. 1991. She eventually decides to end their affair by telling him she hopes that he finds what he's looking for. Appreciate the uniqueness that you bring to this world. Which group's "Runaway" song may I ask? Linda Lum from Washington State, USA on December 30, 2017: Flourish - First, I did NOT receive a notification for this post. When we know what we're looking for, we can be more effective in choosing the right direction. Shame, poor Ricky Nelson! 30. Whatever it is, celebrate the uniqueness of you with a playlist of songs about individuality. Finally both are found and connected.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Trending Questions. In this rock song from 1986, the narrator recalls his days of being a renegade and delights in the fact that even the wildest among us eventually settle down into predictable lives. (I grew up in one.) In doing so she became the youngest ever solo artist to write and perform a #1 hit. Hope you have a great weekend! I drew a blank on this topic, but I love "Geek in the Pink" by Mraz....and Brooks "Against the Grain" is a classic....great list! How boring life would be (not to mention more than a bit creepy) if we were all the same (Stepford Wives for example). What's that Paul McCartney song that goes like, "Ohhh, I think I'm going dowwwwn?"? I did not want to be too annoying which it is tough, but on the other hand -.
You. - Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States, Chase Elliott Clark via Flickr, CC-BY-SA 2.0.
2011. I stopped receiving any e-mails from HP about 10 days ago, and I'm not the only one. I found it by logging into HP. If you're like the cowboy in this 1980 theme from the movie Urban Cowboy, your love quest probably lead you to singles bars. (It's never a good sign if they're in the freezer.)" ."). The narrator bemoans a lack of unity in the world, a discord that causes people to turn against one another. I hope you have a wonderful 2018 filled with happiness, health, and success. All we really need is air to breathe, a place to rest our heads, and of course, each other. It's about why he loves his lady. Although her partner lies and is unfaithful, she cannot seem to let him go. When her husband is wheeled in for a visit, she successfully searches her memory for him: Where've you been?I've looked for you forever and a day.Where've you been?I'm just not myself when you're away. They'll give you conflicting messages, and you'll just wind up confused and unhappy. I am standing out (aka outstanding), am ahead and beyond, I am too (2) of everything & (I should make a list).
FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on April 07, 2017: Robert - Thank you for the kind encouragement. Now he's exercising, watching his diet and living a satisfying, average existence. We're all looking for purpose in life. All he desires to be is himself, whatever that involves.
Me against the World by Simple Plan If you feel like the world is against you, this is the song for you. Right now you're probably searching for something. I found this hub by going in and checking for any new hubs by people I follow for a few minutes.
Bryan Adams. "Searching is half the fun. Audrey Howitt from California on April 10, 2017: Loved this list! After a long week at work, the guy in this country song from 2008 is out looking for a good time in the local bar, and he'll promise just about anything in order to get it. It makes like intriguing. But I think they're all beautiful! The message in this jazz-influenced 1976 number should resonate with listeners of today as much as it did then.
Seeking love from someone who doesn't love you back is heart wrenching. You're awesome! Hope you are doing well. What a great list on such an important topic. (Take people like this at their word!). Today, we'd wonder whether the is behaving like a stalker.
FlourishAnyway (author) from USA on December 30, 2017: Linda - Sometimes I search for a way to turn back time, as it's crazy how fast it's flown! Here's my suggestions! No one could accuse Rihanna of getting philosophically deep or sentimental with this 2011 pop hit. Another a great list, and very appropriate as we get ready to start a new year. Don't be afraid to be you, even if others don't get it. In this international hit from 2003, the narrator is happy to no longer be waiting and wondering whether she'd be spending her life alone. Song Artist Year Released; 21. Every redneck girl's dream, he won't be single long! Happy New Year! Catherine Giordano from Orlando Florida on April 09, 2017: What do Ricky Nelson, The Doors, and Lady Gaga have in common? Thanks for sharing.
The riff for The Sex Pistols' "Pretty Vacant" was pinched from a very unpunk song, the ABBA ballad "S.O.S. What’s that song that goes like “na na na na na na na na na na”? Make 2018 your best year ever! And the charismatic Huey Lewis! I've Been Waiting for a Girl Like You. Have a wonderful week!
Say what you feelLove who you love'Cause you just getSo many trips 'round the sun. The MBTI? Please help me find THIS song about unborn/growing child.
", Elton John didn't win a Grammy until 1986, when he got one for singing on "That's What Friends Are For.". Whatever it is you are searching for, I hope you find it in 2018!
Know a pop, rock, country, or R&B song about searching or seeking that should be on this playlist? You simply must listen to this 2001 pop song. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on April 20, 2020: I can hear the song "I've Gotta Be Me" by Sammy Davis, Jr. in my head now after looking at this list. Media's got this whole thing tainted, that's all fact Feedin' you lies like this whole thing wasn't built on our backs Assimilate our history then made it a mystery Now they all inherit the bittersweet victory. Does it ring a bell with anyone?
Maybe someone else who is reading this can help?