Submarines are just plain awful or difficult to use. Destroyer ships also pack high-damage torpedo attacks and have low oil costs. IMO the worst thing about both subs and SOS missions is equips - without any reliable way to get good sub and anti-sub equips (the beginner sub equip box only gives blue rarity equips or lower) other than farming SOS missions for blueprints, getting a sub fleet fully setup with good equips can take months. Submarine equipments are extremely difficult to obtain. A specific Aircraft Carrier you should consider bringing on your team if you get your hands on her is Enterprise. Calling subs out should immediately remove the need for any aux sonar. Honestly, we need to see sub equips in tech boxes, or even a way to farm them in regular maps. It's not like, say, 10-4, where you can pretty much farm it all the time with the right fleets. If CVs were made great again thanks to the Air Control mechanic, how can YoStar, Manjuu, and Yongshi make submarines great again? For the salvo attack to hit multiple enemies, they have to stand very close to each other, almost stacked. EDIT: Just noticed that 10-5 doesn't give any white drops. In combat when they are called in they can contribute a lot of damage. At the beginning of the game, Air Carrier ships will do more damage than Battleships, but as you progress through the game, Battleships scale better than Air Carriers, making them superior in terms of raw power. I think the sub equipment should have their own aux slots, too. On top of that, you have to control your units manually.
3 - Submarine Torpedoes Guide Equipment Priority: G7e > Type95 = Mark 16 Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020: Sub Torps.
BTW that title 'not in EN means' Submarines are not in EN, Airstrikes can often be the deciding factor in a battle because of the enormous AoE damage they bring, so consider placing an Aircraft Carrier on your fleet. Not only does she pack incredible power, her skill perfectly compliments her airstrikes.
In the submarine section of your fleet, there are only three slots, all of which are reserved for submarines only, so be sure to fill those up whenever you acquire a new submarine. To me, this seems like subs are made to make farming in high level maps easier with fewer ships, but by this point most players manage to do so without using subs so far.
This means that SOS missions are actually not that hard for even players without event-limited ships, as the starters are all great at anti-sub, the basic anti-sub equip box can be bought for 20 medals, and ships like Bogue and Shōhō are farmable. Credits to u/Blasterion for explaining the submarines' situation in JP, as well as some insights on the Air Control mechanic in JP. For anti-sub without Chaser, pretty sure you still need a sonar equipped to even see subs when they're underwater, but anti-sub planes do allow CVLs to hit subs. I have heard about this a lot since Chapter 13 came out. To avoid having only burst damage and low defenses, we recommend you bring a mix of cruisers and destroyers. So subs deal most of the surface damage now that pretty much the whole fleet needs to focus on shooting down enemy planes? Remove the bullshit SoS signal recharge. The game seems to be a bit complex as you need to set up the best team from the built-in Azure lane tier list. Join. A Destroyer ship definitely worth putting in your vanguard is Yukikaze, who brings incredible utility for the entire team and has great damage as well. If you have any suggestions or input for this guide, you can leave them in the comment section below. So, TL;DR: On EN at the moment, not only they cost extra oil, they don't really contribute that much for that extra cost. One of the best cruiser ships in the game is Roon, a heavy cruiser with great damage output and defenses. Cruisers have a more consistent damage output, as their main damage source doesn’t rely on a cooldown based skill like destroyers. I seen somebody on discord that cleared 10-5 on EN already. If for some reason you didn't get Chaser, you can still do anti-sub fleets by sacrificing only one aux slot for a sonar, so you can equip that on your most durable DD. Jack is an avid gamer who isn't afraid to take on a challenge.