When he was at around 45 meters from the nearest soldiers he shouted a thunderous HALT!

[6]:216, According to Dietrich's plan, LXVII Armeekorps would secure 6th Panzer Army's northern flank. General-Major Lauer wrote later on this situation: Follow up attacks with white phosphorus grenades finally caused the surviving 25 Germans to surrender, while 75 were found dead within the buildings. [2]:33 By 07:45, the Germans withdrew, except for a group which had penetrated the Battalion's center and was soon repulsed. [23], On the American side, the defense depended on field fortifications, innovative use of light anti-tank weapons such as the bazooka and anti-tank mines, and most importantly the support of a formidable array of indirect fire.

SS-Panzerdivision on its left. [6]:216 As they had done in 1914 and 1940, the Germans planned to attack through the Losheim Gap in Belgium. Volksgrenadier-Division overwhelmed the American lines that lay near the German jump off point, but the two more southern units, that first had to cross a field a kilometer wide, were held up by American machine gun and mortar fire. [2]:33 Historian John S.D.

Volksgrenadier-Division and the 12.

Some of their bodies were not found until the following spring when the snow melted. "[18]:173 The 3rd Battalion lost four killed, seven wounded, and four missing. [3] By the afternoon the tankers had reported destroying twenty seven tanks, two Jagdpanzer IVs, two armored cars, and two half-tracks while losing eight of their own tanks. It will then penetrate over the Meuse in the sector Liege-Huy with the 12. The Americans received order around noon to pull back via Mürringen towards Krinkelt, but due to problems with communication this order did not reach all soldiers. They were supported by the German 560th Heavy Antitank Battalion equipped with the state-of-the-art Jagdpanther tank destroyer. Soldiers of the West Front: Your great hour has struck. Despite their superiority, the advanced German tanks were few in number and often experienced breakdowns because of unreliable mechanical parts. So, when I say that in withdrawing to Elsenborn Ridge, the 395th Combat Team utilized the procedure known as leap-frogging, you will already have guessed what I am now going to tell you—that I did not know that leap-frogging was going on until I read about it much later. Had the Germans been able to capture this area, the outcome of the battle may have been different.

It was aimed at cutting off allied supplies.

Its objective was to seize terrain and bridges ahead of the main body after the two corps broke through the American defenses. The entire attack had come to a standstill and near our new position we saw approximately 20 Americans appearing from houses that we had already conquered!". [25]:221 Robertson's troops were heavily engaged and withdrawal was complicated, but successfully completed. SS-Panzerdivision and the two southernmost were destined for the 1. [17] The infantry at Höfen occupied a line of foxholes along 900 metres (3,000 ft) of the front to the east of the village, backed up by dug-in support positions. [35]:323[37]:478–87, Von Rundstedt had sacrificed most of two of the best divisions on the Western Front during his repeated attempts to overrun the Elsenborn Ridge and Monschau. They were met by a deluge of American artillery and anti-tank gun fire from units of the American 1st Infantry Division, backed up by strong artillery support.

[9]:73 LXVII Armeekorps was composed of 326th, 272nd and 246th Volksgrenadier Divisions and 3rd Panzergrenadier Division. A possible counterattack of three American divisions in the Elsenborn region was taken into consideration. [47] The effectiveness of the new fused shells exploding in mid-air stirred some German soldiers to refuse orders to move out of their bunkers during an artillery attack.