In some cases, even songs with more ukulele chords can still be easy if some of these other factors are in place. These ukulele chords are considered easy to play: Look for beginner ukulele songs with these chords in them. In the original it only uses 4 chords: A, B, Db minor, E. But, the chords can be changed to C, G, A minor, and F to make it very easy.
I think chord inversions are a big help here too. Key of G major.
Chords include G, Em, Am, D, C, and D7. The preset loops in’s track will be of huge help with this one. So let’s take Coconut by Harry Nilsson.
It uses 4 chords: A minor, C, F, and G. Difficulty: 2/10, Bob Dylan, who tops the Rolling Stones magazine’s 100 greatest songwriters of all time, wrote this tune with beautiful lyrics and a simple chord structure. Its normal chords are Bb, C, D minor, and G minor. Key of C Major. When you can hear a song in your head well, you will play it better. But if you don’t believe me, you can also check these 2017 case studies published by Sage Journals: ‘A smile on everybody’s face: a multiple case study of community ukulele groups’. The song uses 4 chords: A minor, C, E, and E minor. The song is short, but this makes it a great beginner ukulele song. Some people may struggle to move to the G major chord quickly, but because the song is A minor-G-F-G the entire time, it becomes simple. It just takes the right simple ukulele songs and good practice tools like to help you out. Chords used are G, D7, Bm, Em, A7, and D. “The First Noel” is a Christmas carol of Cornish origins. The song is fairly repetitive and the melody is iconic. It only uses 3 chords over and over again: Am, G, and F. These ukulele chords are among the first you’ll learn on ukulele. Difficulty: 4/10, Ben E. King’s song (famously covered by John Lennon) is a great sing-along tune. It was written sometime during or before the 1500’s, but the earliest known published version is from 1760.
2, 3, or 4 chord songs tend to be the gold standard for simple ukulele songs. This website may contain affiliate links.
It uses three chords: D, G, and A. Key of F Major. Number Of Chords - The first and most important factor in what makes a simple ukulele song are the number of ukulele chords. Your email address will not be published. Create a loop with and practice until you get it. Difficulty: 4/10, Train’s popular song actually features the uke in its original recording. This chord uses 4 chords: E minor, B minor, A minor, C. Difficulty: 4/10, Viva La Vida by Coldplay is one of the easiest popular ukulele songs to play. You can play this one within minutes rather than an hour. Chords used include: G, D, C, A7, and D7. This is a wonderful lesson! You can add more patterns and variations if you like and you don’t have to follow my approach. The earliest known printed versions are from the 1600’s. Chords used are G, C, D7, Em, D, and Am7. His popular song, Stitches, is one of the biggest one around now. If you want a few more strumming patterns you can grab my 32 strumming patterns PDF here. It only uses 3 chords: E minor, B, and A minor. The ukulele in the video is tuned to high G, GCEA tuning. “Hark! Difficulty: 3/10, Winter Walk is a children’s song focused on winter time.
The Ukulele used appears to be a tenor tuned to high G, GCEA tuning. "Auld Lang Syne" is probably best known as the song played to celebrate the passing of a New Year all…, 30 Christmas Songs Ukulele Chords & Tabs – Easy. Because the instrument is relatively easy to learn, you can also spend some holiday time teaching your family and/or friends to play, and then you can strum and sing the carols together. It’s a C7 chord throughout the whole song . Use your thumb on the G and C strings, your index finger on the E and your middle finger for the A string. The two chords are C and F. There are two of the easiest to play on uke. Difficulty: 4/10, Ellie Goulding’s hit is an easy ukulele song. This is one of the songs credited with bringing mainstream popularity to the ukulele. Break the song down. I’ve listened to a few groups and I know what you mean. It’s also a great way to warm up a big uke strum and sing group . Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Under the sheets are the chords used in Baritone tuning..
Difficulty: 2/10, Shakira’s song from Zootopia is a great example of a popular ukulele song. “Auld Lang Syne” was written by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns in 1788 to the melody of a traditional folk song.
Is the Ukulele a Good Instrument for Playing Christmas Carols? 2093 Philadelphia Pike It only uses 4 chords: C, D, G, and E minor.
One of the best ways to practice tricky chord changes is to loop certain sections of the song.
It only uses 4 different chords: C, F, A minor, and G. Many pop tunes use these chords in different orders for their songs. “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” – Key of E Minor, 20. In the Key of G major. Required fields are marked *. Its lyrics are more secular and about general winter fun than some more serious Christmas carols, but it remains a popular song for the season. This is another easy progression to learn/play on the uke. We need to do whatever we can to keep this one from getting boring. The easiest one is the one finger on the first fret of the A string. But if I do I want to keep them as authentic as possible. Now for other styles of ukulele playing (finger-style, claw-hammer, etc. Difficulty: 5/10, Another CCR hit, this song uses 5 chords: C, G, E minor, A minor, and F. But you can replace E minor with G if needed. Is there any maintenance of Can do to try and fix it, or do I need to by new tuning pegs? Difficulty: 2/10, If Ed Sheeran is a giant, Shawn Mendes will be right up there soon.
Difficulty: 2/10, Ed Sheeran is one of the giants in the songwriting world, and one of the reasons for that is how he takes 4 chords and makes them into something special. Here they are on the ukulele in GCEA tuning: “Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella” was originally a French Christmas carol written in the 1600’s. This video is also in the ukulele play-along style. London’s burning. This is a great post and the point should be hammered home. But it is possible to change the key if these chords aren’t the ones being used. Join our newsletter and get valuable resources in your inbox for free. It’s very repetitive which makes it a simple ukulele song to learn. Most adults know the chorus and most of the verses. This is one of my favourite songs from the sixties. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out.
Chords used include C, G7, F, Am, G, and D7. Chords used include C, Dm, G7, G, F, and Dm. Performing music is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can pick up, and the ukulele is one of the easiest (and most joyful) ways you can do it.