The difference was 42 runs; the regular Yanks scored 789 runs, while the A-Rod-at-the-bottom-of-the-order Yanks scored only 747. Share. The difference between two 100-season averages is the square root of 2 times that, or about 5.4 runs.But 47 runs is almost 9 standard deviations. badandy86.

Post Nov 08, 2019 #1 2019-11-08T07:42. When the simulation forced the bunt-avoiding Red Sox (27 SH in 2008, compared to the league-average 34) to do it more often, they lost 19 runs. (0 So I'm still not sure what's going on. A science column from Alan Schwarz a couple of weeks ago investigates the effects of various baseball strategies, using a simulation. The A's dropped by 20 runs, but the Rays *improved* by 47 runs, "suggesting that perhaps the Rays were running too often in real life.

Play Diamond Mind now. Anyway, while I like the simulation method, I wish the results had been presented more clearly. Important announcements. Left/right strategy remains a big part of the game, however. But, weren't both these numbers based on the simulation? In one set, A-Rod batted fourth; in the other set, he batted ninth. Get connected and stay up to date with the official Diamond Mind Baseball newsletter! 1 post Pro Strategy Football 2021 Pro Strategy Football 2021. Had an interesting play during my playoffs tonight. The A's dropped by 20 runs, but the Rays *improved* by 47 runs, "suggesting that perhaps the Rays were running too often in real life.". It's just that the left/right advantage is the same for every player, instead of being based on real-life differentials. If you're not already familiar with Diamond Mind Baseball, or you want an update on what's new in the game, here's where to find the information you need: If you like what you've seen here and would like to place an order for Diamond Mind Baseball, all of our products are sold through the store on this site via download only. But 47 runs is almost 9 standard deviations. If you're not already familiar with Diamond Mind Baseball, or you want an update on what's new in the game, here's where to find the information you need: for a quick summary of the goals and features of the Diamond Mind Baseball game, see our Product Overview Suppose a .280 hitter enters the last 20% of … Major Leaguer (Reserve) blueboy714. And it’s easy to exchange rosters, computer manager instructions, and game results with managers in other cities. Thought I'd provide a couple of updates on this fine Friday afternoon. Diamond Mind Baseball's Classic Past Seasons are a result of meticulous historical research using official statistics of the period. If so, the real-life situations should make no difference. Maybe the 2008 Mets and Red Sox scored more or fewer than the simulation because of luck? So the SD of a season's worth of runs is 3 times the square root of 162, or about 38 runs. Schwarz concludes that the Mets' real-life bunting was better than the Red Sox, that they chose to bunt in more favorable situations.