Veterinary Manual, Bacterial And Mycotic Diseases Of Rabbits. Depending on how bad the area around the eye looks, your vet may then send you home with eye drops and systemic antibiotics (usually a liquid you give via your rabbit's mouth) to prevent the infection from spreading. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. Noninfectious Diseases Of Rabbits. He had an injury to his right eye, perhaps from old barbed wire or from another animal. Your vet may use a scalpel blade or a needle to open the abscess and then gently squeeze the infected material out of it. In the following days the glaucoma decreases. Snout’s eye was discharging.

A clean environment, cage, and water are imperative.

This will relax your bunny and allow your vet to work more quickly without causing harm to the eye. An iris prolapse is painful and also rare.

Really the only way this would ever happen is because of major trauma, such as a dog attack, or if your bunny is squeezed so tightly that its eye comes out. If any of these bacteria enter the animal's body, or eye, through a scratch or cut, it could result in a major infection. Remedies: Jot cannot load because the snippet code version (1.1.4) isn't the same as the snippet included files version (1.1.5). The remaining option was homeopathy. Other causes are a corneal ulcer (ulcerative keratitis), which may result due to traumatic injury, conjunctivitis (pink eye), or environmental irritants. If some sort of physical contact has occurred, the most important thing to do (and this holds true for any emergency) is to remain calm. After a month, the ulcer has disappeared completely; there are still some visible capillaries. He escaped into the garden when the children were not watching, and was only found two days later. Rabbits have very large eyes that are located on either side of their heads. Despite their benefits in the wild, rabbit eyes also have weaknesses. How Much Does a Pet Rabbit Cost To Care For? A red ring of capillaries was forming around the pupil, a sign of renewed circulation, showing that the healing was proceeding in the right direction. … Then they'll use a special light that illuminates any stain that's sticking to an ulcer. It will still be able to smell where its food is in its cage, but be aware that it may have trouble navigating outside of an enclosure that it's not used to being in. Sometimes it can be surgically replaced. If you are unsuccessful, take your rabbit to your exotics vet so that they can safely remove the foreign body without injuring the eye. He has a pupil reflex, indicating that he can see with that eye. These are signs that the eye is painful or irritating to your rabbit. The veterinarian may monitor the intra-eye pressure at the time, as as secondary glaucoma is a risk in cases of anterior uveitis. Rabbits that are allowed to play outside of the cage (preferably in a rabbit-proofed room) are at risk for being stepped on, inadvertently kicked, sat on or otherwise injured.

A foreign body is anything in your rabbit’s eye that shouldn’t be there, such as a piece of bedding, food, or something else that doesn't belong in or around the eye.