Pirate talk and pirate slang have so many odd-sounding words, but that makes it more fun. I’m my own captain. Home » Browse Quotes By Subject » Pirate. To pluck a crow (or have a crow to pluck) is similar to picking a fight: It isn't a physical brawl, but you definitely have a bone to pick with a fellow peg leg. A piratical way to address someone in a cheerful, if not necessarily friendly, fashion. Bottom. Derriere. An instruction that an enemy crew is to be shown no mercy. I’m a pirate. Here's a few of the more amusing & popular examples of pirate talk, pirate slang, pirate words, pirate lingo, and general pirate jargon. Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit. In popular pirate tales, dredgies are the ghosts of traitor pirates who've met a nasty end at the hands of another pirate. : "Use yer deadlights, matey!". What Does “Ophiuchus” Mean And Is It Really Part Of The Zodiac? Under a black flag we sail and the sea shall be our empire. I have never seen a more informative, entertaining, and well-researched book about pirate talk anywhere. = "Hurry up!". To take a nap. A powder monkey was a boy (linked to a monkey) employed on warships to carry gunpowder from the magazine to the guns. He means you're going to die by drowning.To feed the fish can also refer to getting sick over the side of a boat, but no true pirate would admit to doing that.

It's the source of groggy. i.e. There are to be no survivors. Also a term to describe a very young child. 2.

2. Is that pretty much the limit of your pirate lingo? Just try to say, Monkey Jacket, Poop deck, or Futtock Shrouds without a grin or a chuckle. ", Quickly but well done. This is a term for the "ocean's bottom," especially when regarded as the grave for all who perish at sea. Term: Definition: addled mad or insane ahoy An interjection used to hail a ship or a person or to attract attention. After a cruise, a sailor would often have trouble regaining his "land legs" and would swagger on land. To spend the night in a house of ill-repute or visit. Here’s a robust pirate vocab list to make your weekend pirating just a little more authentic. Pirate sayng for leaving no survivors, since no survivors means no witnesses. In short, a term meaning death.

A redness on the nose or face of persons who drink ardent spirits to excess. Is “Exult” The Word You’ll Be Looking For After This Election? "Down to the depths whatever man thought up parley! Keister. We start with parlay. It can also simply mean beware or get ready for something bad. Bring in the sails; either furling them, or taking them completely off the yards. When you hear "hoist the sails" (as we're sure you often do), it's the boatswain's job to get that done.

Thus, a landlubber is one who is awkward at sea for familiarity with the land. The ability to adjust one's balance to the motion of a ship, especially in rough seas. (2) An insulting name given by a pirate. After walking on a ship for long periods of time, sailors became accustomed to the rocking of the ship in the water. This clearly pirate-worthy term comes from the French pouppe, from Latin puppis, "the stern (rear) of a ship.". Arr! Hempen refers to something made from hemp, a plant with tough fibers excellent for making rope. (2) Thick windows set in a ship's side or deck.

", We know that pirates have a unique code of conduct, but hornswoggling is frowned upon by salty dogs and landlubbers alike.Hornswoggle means "to swindle, cheat, hoodwink, or hoax.".