Bedrooms in our dreams can help us understand our most intimate and private aspects of self. *Shivers* If you've had dreams like this, you are very far from alone; according to a survey conducted by Amerisleep, nearly 16 percent of Americans have had recurring dreams of someone breaking into their homes. Intruder dreams. I knew where the key was so I let myself in and did some exploring and was going to take one of my exes shirts. I have a tracking thing on my phone that allowed my mom to realize that I had broken into someone else's house. It's important to note if the house is half-built or half-demolished, as this will give you insight into the unfinished task before you. Hello. A bathroom dream might indicate cramped and stopped-up emotions.

Dreamers often find themselves walking down hallways, sometimes a hallway filled with doors. Dreaming of three houses may symbolize the dreamer's past, present, and future. The presence and condition of a porch in our dreams may reflect how extraverted we are and our overall tendency to socialize.

Press J to jump to the feed. What is in the living room is very important to note—or what is missing from the room. I walked to the house, climbed into the house through the balcony window, and kind of walked around the house for fun while it was vacant and sat on the roof.

Many may associate this part of the house with what is "in the back of their mind" or possibly the thoughts and memories they try to avoid. "The intruder in the dream represents some part of ourself that we have kept outside our awareness for too long and now needs to be let in," he explained. My mom was furious while my aunt was making jokes like "why do we set you on parole when you should be punished" or something lol. This dream warns you about possible problems you might soon encounter. This dream might indicate a need for change in your life or a desire to start anew. I told her that I didn't know why I was here and that I would leave as soon as possible. For example, a blackened window or one tightly closed behind curtains could indicate we are closed off to the outside world or outside information. Exploring a basement in a dream can be very cathartic, allowing us to discover what has been untouched, stored away, and ignored for some time. What it really means when you dream about someone breaking into your house. The bathroom is often a place where we "let go" and allow ourselves to be our most authentic or vulnerable selves. Objects from our childhood could be found in the back yard.

We can imagine what would happen to our homes if we did not fix leaks or address an infestation, and this applies to our internal homes as well.

They are absolutely what we would classify as nightmares: a person breaking into your home, your safe space, thereby taking away your sense of security, safety, and privacy in the one place in the world those things are supposed to be guaranteed. On the other hand, it might indicate a desire to do something different, make something new, start from scratch, or make something bigger and better. When I came home, my entire family was there. Our closets are places to hide or store things. Is the move positive or negative? The additional living space represents the new developments in my life. These details can show the dreamer what is being worked on socially and what is being revealed to others.

A window may reflect our perception of the outside world, while looking into a window from the outside could hint at self-awareness. Dreamers are ultimately the experts of their own dreams. 5: Put in a backup offer. Maybe you keep having the same dream because you have not seen or understood something about yourself that the dream is trying to tell you, perhaps this is an opportunity to recognize the small changes occurring over time, or maybe this is a chance to approach an old pattern or problem in a new way. The intruder in the dream may represent some awareness or insight that is about to break through into our consciousness.

Finding holes in the floor, and exploring what is in these holes, could help us identify the unconscious emotions that are influencing our thoughts and actions in our waking life. New avenues have begun to open up, and now I realized that’s what this dream meant. Besides reflecting our own thoughts and ideas of our own house, a past house or a dream (as in ideal) house, a house tends to relate to our physical body, our mind, and/or the dwelling of our soul. She advises that you include as many details as you can recall about your house dream: size, shape, color, and condition. This type of dream may help us identify either our insecurities or authentic aspects of self we may not openly share with others. I woke up the next morning with the desire to break into the house again, but this time for no reason other than for fun. Dreams of the kitchen often reflect our heart and soul, how we are fed and what we are preparing spiritually, and what is nourishing our mind, body, and soul. This may lead to a woman symbolizing their emotions in dreams.

Happy Dreaming! A dream that your house or property is being or has been ruined or lost due to damage often indicate that you feel threatened, vulnerable, or attacked. I had my phone on me and my mom was texting me to come home. * Keep a dream journal. Thank you for your comment, Glenn.

These types of dreams often increase our awareness about how our childhood affects our current reality and allow us insight into what is influencing our decision-making and behavior today. I finally came home and scrolled on tiktok to find that the tiktoker that I visited found out that their house had been broken into and they knew who it was. But because we have not yet come to acknowledge and integrate them, these aspects of ourselves "appear alien and scary to us in our dreams.". The structure of the house itself tends to symbolize ourselves while the rooms of that house tend to symbolize specific aspects of selfhood.

This can give you insight into your feelings about change. Regarding how feminine I look in real life, I began to doubt that I was the one that the tiktoker was talking about, which was really strange. If your dream home is not destroyed by the water but, instead, floats on top of it, this can mean that the dreamer is able to safely and happily ride the tide of emotion. * Post links to interesting sites or videos related to dreams. * Connect with a community of dream enthusiasts. I found their iPad on their bed and I took it up with me onto the balcony that led outside of their room.

Both dreams prompt us to re-evaluate ourselves, seek actions that will restore balance, and increase our overall self-care.

* Ask questions and learn about dreams. Dream description starts here: Started with me watching TikTok. A leak in a ceiling, for example, could show us that something we have attempted to keep out (memories of the past, thoughts) are inescapable and are bleeding through, demanding our attention. While I was walking there, I was wearing a mask (covid protection in my dream amiright) and I passed by some people from school in the food plaza I was in. I've never done any of the actions that I have listed above in real life. It is about to break into our awareness, and then we will have to confront this unwanted aspect of ourself."

Break-In. Dreams that emphasize the floor or ceiling can help us identify what is influencing us. I was as honest as possible to her. "It is a very complex look into your soul. Being in a beautiful, well-functioning bathroom may give us the positive imagery of self-care, lightening our emotional load, and emotional or psychological cleansing. In this case, the dreamer's attitude toward the house's movement is important to consider: Is the movement fun or terrifying, frustrating or easy?

If we are not sure where we are going as we walk down this hallway, this may reflect our lack of self-awareness and identify our need to get to know ourselves more. When a dream focusus on a back yard, it can be associated with the unconscious mind, our inner life, information we choose to hide from others, and/or safe haven from the outside world. I didn’t know what that dream meant until now that I read your article.

Your answers will help you interpret what your subconsciousness is trying to tell you about how you can handle change in your life. Who is in the bedroom often brings greater meaning into our dream. The next day, I literally WOKE UP in the house. I looked up that person's name on WhitePages, or whatever name tracking device weird people use, and I found out that they live nearby. I tried opening the front door without hesitating to knock or understand what I was doing. Right here, I don't remember what happened. The objects found in the back yard and the condition it is in can help us gain further insight. I wasn't injured or anything, which was strange. The living room could represent the part of ourselves we invite others to experience or allow others to see. Isn't it interesting that so many of us have similar dreams reflecting our life experiences? I didn't laugh and some sort of coldheartedness overcame me enough to leave the situation without talking. In these terms, our houses/homes are representative of ourselves. A cluttered attic in our dreams may reflect feeling overwhelmed and with thoughts or ideas. If the fire feels destructive, then it may represent negative and out-of-control passions. The dream might symbolize a disconnect between who you are and what you think you are. The house sat atop a hill which was cool. This typically relates to our childhood memories and playfulness and how our past and development influence us now. Although still personal in nature, the living room is the place where we interact with others and may represent the more public, shared, and collaborative parts of our lives. Glenn Stok from Long Island, NY on February 10, 2019: This was very informative Sue. What Does a Dream About Someone Breaking Into My Home Mean? Something is out there, but it remains unconscious for us. Sex in dreams is often less of a physical symbol as much as it is reflecting an emotional or psychological union of opposites. The hallway could represent the major arteries of our selves and can reflect the overall health of our internal world. The porch is a social part of the house, the place where you greet the world and welcome visitors. For example a blue house symbolizes a positive mindset, and a red house symbolizes a negative mindset. If we dream of a drafty house with many leaks or breaks, we may recognize feeling vulnerable, and the existence of boundaries that are too loose. The meaning of your specific dream about a house depends on the message your subconscious self is trying to send you. The bedroom may reflect those intimate thoughts, feelings, desires, and aspects of who we are that we don't share. When windows are the focal point of our dreams, the dream often reflects our outlook and perspective.

However, researching interpretations of a dream and exploring alternative meanings can only enrich your understanding. Hallways in dreams connect us to different parts of self.

It is a social area of the house. This dream is your subconsciousness giving you another chance to work through scary emotions or memories you haven't faced or fully processed. In many ways, the kitchen is the heart of the house. These dreams can range from terrifying to enlightening. The floor can often reflect how grounded or stable we feel. Fears of the past, present, or future can all be represented. This type of dream may leave us feeling rejuvenated and prepared to face life's stressors and obstacles. And while these traits may be unknown or denied by us in our waking states, they are often aspects of our personalities that are "quite evident" to those who live with us or know us deeply, he says. When a closet presents itself in a dream, it is important to review one's "skeleton's in the closet."