Materials Traders will not show up in anarchy systems. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This table lists the exchange rates used when converting between items of the same category.
Arsenic is a Raw Material. You make 200mil credits per hour at the same time as collecting around 200 raw materials an hour, which can be traded up for any raw materials you want. You must log in or register to reply here. Classification
Many hours of SRV driving. Used in Medicines pesticides and herbicides optoelectronic compounds and for strengthening alloys. 1. Anyone know how to use the material trader to get grid resistors. Share!,! Each trader type only trades in their type of materials and can be found in different economy types. Arsenic Unfortunately, the lower grade elements (like Arsenic) share a RNG class, so it's still random how many Arsenic you will get from a POI, but you will get some. It was introduced in v2.0. Raw Material At a Raw Material Trader you can trade raw materials for other raw materials, best is to trade down from higher tiers within the same material group. Example: trading Open Symmetric Keys (Grade 3 Encryption Files) for Adaptive Encryptors Capture (Grade 5 Encryption Files), 36 units of input data are consumed to yield 1 unit of output data. 3. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Shoot every rock you see. Elite Dangerous Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Trade from lower tiers or other categories is also possible, but at a significant loss. In this case, since arsenic is grade 2, you could trade down mercury or polonium. JavaScript is disabled. I feel for you. Melting point 887K. Greetings Commander, want a more instant approach to your questions and need for help? Each of the three types of material can be further broken down into categories. 2. Two tourist beacons, shoot needle crystals, collect polonium, trade down for large quantities of arsenic (if memory servers, Ray Gateway in Diaguandri is the nearest raw mats trader). At a Raw Material Trader you can trade raw materials for other raw materials, best is to trade down from higher tiers within the same material group. Tell the rest of us. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You can shortcut the first stepby going to. Maxed out Iron and Nickle along the way. It has arsenic, and mercury (worth 2 arsenic) and polonium (worth 9 arsenic). Note that the conversions marked with an asterisk (*) in the table above are not possible to achieve due to the limitations on material/data storage. I've spent 3 nights on a planet with highest % listed for Antimony and finally got the total I needed last night. Changing both grade and category, and/or changing by more than one grade, multiplies all the relevant factors together. These are the rates at which all Material Traders exchange materials. I’m dying out here hunting n gathering. Raw Materials Trader: found at Refinery and Extraction economies, only trades in raw material found on planet surfaces and planetary rings. It was introduced in v2.0. geological (and biological, but nobody has made a database for them yet) POIs have outcrops with every element available on that specific planet. This table lists the exchange rates used when converting between items of a different category. Example 1: trading Adaptive Encryptors Capture (Grade 5 Encryption Files) for Peculiar Shield Frequency Data (Grade 5 Shield Data), 6 units of input data are consumed to yield 1 unit of output data. Locations material traders can be found are: 1. Example 2: trading Open Symmetric Keys (Grade 3 Encryption Files) for Datamined Wake Exceptions (Grade 5 Wake Data), 216 units of input data are consumed to yield 1 unit of output data. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Elite Dangerous Beyond - How to Find Material Traders, Material trader - Everything you need to know - Elite dangerous 3.0 Beyond. For arsenic specifically, go to Boston's Wreck in Exioce. instead of mindlessly driving an SRV around, go painite mining.