See anything you like? : Got anything in the fridge? : Steve and Laura is involved to help set things right with Carl in getting Greta married to Eddie with Waldo and Maxine.
It happens every year the day of the prom. Steve Urkel : My "play-ground pass"? With Steve out of her life, Myra is going to make sure Laura is out of his too.
Dave McClure (father) Unnamed Mother : How much is that one? Yeah, but what are you gonna do? I'm more of a polka kinda guy.
I'm wearing a Bart Simpson's mug. That promise would later be broken when she saw how insensitive and chauvinistic he was and told him about Greta's devastating secret. Finally, Steve sets both Eddie and Laura straight on how ungrateful they were to have each other. :
Steve, how did you get so good at checkers? : How long do you think it'll be? Steve Urkel Steve Urkel Well, Laura doesn't want a date with me. Waldo Steve and Stefan arm themselves with roses and rings as they both decide to propose to Laura. Family Matters (TV Series 1989–1998) Jaleel White as Steve Urkel, Stefan Urquelle, Myrtle Urkel, Bruce Lee Urkel, O.G.D. Nope. Ken : Whose Man Is It Anyway? : Cool. Steve Urkel Go home, Steve! Laura Steve Urkel Estelle Winslow
Waldo :
Carl : It's fascinating.
: Steve Urkel | Steve Urkel He's now free to be with his true love, Laura. Good point... PANIC! : Looking for something to watch? :
You couldn't. Steve Urkel We're not going anywhere. I will not give you a lock of my hair. Unlike Laura's would be boyfriends who failed to ward off Steve (since he knows their real intent), Greta is more successful in warding her off, even in Eddie's nightmares in Nightmare at Urkel Oaks. His girlfriend, Greta is going to make sure that the wedding doesn't happen because she knows it's a farce.
This is "Familly Matters: Myrtle Mae Urkel vs Greta McClure" by AKUMIE S on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. Maxine Johnson : [just got lemon tart filling thrown at him]. THAT FEEB YOU'RE TALKIN' ABOUT WAS ME! : :
WOW! : [entering]
Eddie apologized to her the next day for his behavior. What did you say? : : : Eddie : Curtis No sweat, my pet? And then there was the time we went camping and we were in dyer need of a generator and we just plugged the toaster into Uncle Elijah and the Pop Tarts were flying. WHOOAAOOH! Who does these things? You know, every time you laugh you burn off three and a half calories? You showed me a picture of your dog. : Eddie : When Myrtle decides to get a makeover to steal Eddie away from Greta one last time. [after thinking a moment]
Nice flowers. Stefan Urkelle Laura Radio Shack. Why, I can see the headlines now! : Immediate Family:see: Family
All right, Laura, we'll randeavou at the Isetta. Eddie Steve Urkel Steve Urkel My whole family is flying out to Washington for the funeral, Laura I got nougat on my shoe!
Carl Well, I didn't have one.
Today is Eddie's birthday and Myrtle surprises him with a leather jacket present and her video tape. Stefan Urquelle is an alter-ego character of Steve Urkel from the network of ABC/CBS sitcom Family Matters who was portrayed by Jaleel White. My grandmother died! Laura! Laura Steve Urkel Bazooms! She actually said, "Human Being". Can Steve and Carl stop them before they wreck havoc in the Winslow House? People just love juicy gossip! Steve Urkel Not when the bomb is in the basement with you! : : Carl Use the HTML below. What, Steve? Learn how to report a violation. So, you used me! :
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She originally told Laura in secret with the promise in not telling Eddie about the jobs. : Lt. Murtaugh Unnamed Private High School : : Yeah. Steve Urkel : [while Laura and Maxine hit Steve with two Boston Cream Pies], [ice pack on his head from a hangover, Carl just told him a story from his drinking days]. Steve Urkel Age: Rachel Crawford Steve Urkel It's not? Actually, it was my dad who said that.
Relatives: Maxine Johnson :
Steve Urkel Waldo Steve Urkel Well, if I did, nobody would ever let me in. Steve Urkel : Before getting over, I stopped by at the cemetery! She's mine! : The eighth season of the family sitcom onFamily Matterswhich originally aired on ABC from September 20, 1996 to May 9, 1997. : Fortunately, when I was young I had no friends.