For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, “For the reproaches of those who reproached Thee fell upon Me” (Romans 15:1-3). Introduction: The Puzzling Reward for Observing the Fifth Commandment. First, we honor God because we are obeying His command to honor our parents.
It's the Lord's desire. And in each case, he indicates that the Children of Israel’s ability to maintain their hold on the Land will depend on their continued commitment to the covenant. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! Netziv argues that this phrase is emphasized specifically in the fifth commandment because otherwise one might have thought, as with commandments six-ten, that the basis for this command lies in human reason (about social relationships). There is much temptation for the younger generation to think of its parents as out of date, antiquated in thinking. I believe that if one or the other must have priority, it is the wife who should be honored above the parent.
Grab yours below. Most of our spiritual forefathers and foremothers were not at all squeamish to believe a parents’ authority was delegated from God. Create a free website or blog at
53:10. Second, it is the promise of a long life, lived out in the land of Canaan.26 As it stands, the Fifth Commandment is given specifically to the Israelites, with a promise which pertains to them. In the Book of Genesis, God revealed that marriage was to bring about a change in the way a child relates to his parents: “For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). You (we, all of us) are called to honor your parents throughout their lives. 2 Corinthians 5:17). The first four commandments have dealt with the Israelite’s obligation to God. For example, I would expect a child to refuse to cooperate in any form of sexual abuse by parents or other adults. The impact of various choices on the family as a whole must be taken into account. In the culture of the ancient Near East, there was a much higher regard for those in positions of authority (in general) and for parents in particular.
And while the umbilical connection is severed at birth, our belly buttons are an everlasting reminder that life is a gift rather than a possession. The truth is parents who expect their children to honor them by keeping this commandment must themselves keep the commandments.
It will give your paper more depth and show that you thought about the topic from a different, more unique perspective. This is also in keeping with the approach developed here, as it reflects the idea that honoring one’s parents works hand in hand with recognizing and obeying God. And the Pharisees and the scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat their bread with impure hands?” And He said to them, “Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, ‘THIS PEOPLE HONORS ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR AWAY FROM ME.