endobj stream Producers of the Los Cabos Mexican Foods line of frozen foods and sandwiches for institutions. stream
Cabo Primo Extreme Whole Grain Bean and Cheese Burrito, 5.2 Ounce -- 96 per case. qϸ�z��Q/�bl�
endobj 1 offer from $108.05. ͪg�L0��)F��he3JEL���
Los Cabos Beef Bean and Cheddar Cheese Burrito, 5.2 Ounce -- 48 per case. 96 count. Hi$S �$�w�FRд�����o�H�D���AR��4���q���kH��Y�`��wvY��yN߂��ދ�}#��L���%�|`��Ŝ����0nj�f��Uhcsa� �M����X�'�. %PDF-1.5
Convection Oven: Preheat Oven to 300 deg. Heating times may vary due to variation in equipment used. No more than 480 mg Sodium, Less than 12% Calories from Saturated fat, 0 Trans Fat. x�c```g``�� �� �fb�(H-30�b�g`�g*�����A� _Q HEATING INSTRUCTIONS SHIPPING INFORMATION INGREDIENTS CN MEAL CONTRIBUTIONS LOOK FOR WHOLE GRAIN BID SPECS Nutritional Facts for Ultra Bean & Cheese Burrito Serving Size (each): 1 (155.93 g(s)/serving) Calories (kcal): 297.61 Sodium (mg): 410.65 mg Total Fat 10.16 g 0/0 Calories from Fat: 30.72 0/0 Saturated Fat (g): 4.5 g
Pre-heat oven to 300°F.
endobj Heating above 165 deg. 2 0 obj Place burritos on a sheet pan with seam of wrapper facing down. 2. LOS CABOS® Shredded Beef Burrito Preparation Instructions: 1. x��]mo�F�n��a�\A5�}�[Q������;臶��Xˢ+Q1����ng(*�5+���$�lQ���ٙ�y�]��6�U1l�?�j�b8*/ů�'u�Է�_|�+���դh�zr|>������n��?��ק��ÃXfa� m�L����CcĴ<�"�D\\H��R��^2B�x�ŭ}�O穸�D��e�g?�(�d����� ;��XE������X����!1HB���P�ͻSq��E}���eq�P~�)��Ke�H�c�+�Z)���$�h�X�[�7�$4�+�Ri�&H^����T/n�ھ�-��\��EG�8~�;}�ZD=Ţ�z��j|)�50���V�#4�XO����ea�:����dOXC��"Idh�S���7�����$�Yo t�Қ:*m����E���8
<< /Pages 17 0 R /Type /Catalog >>
Customers also shopped for.
No less than 290 Kcal.
Heat & Serve.-Vegetarian Los Cabos Brand 97576 1 �Z�k�"r�k��1�xj|TY-ѭU���+�JZ�����wsj|�:��cپ�7��.e�9�~�7=~��9ݎf���!,]��:�� ҇��8�)1u�?���W�X�[xw��o�벭���� L0.�8Sh�A�P��� endstream
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stream Flavorful, Mexican-inspired combinations are prepared with the freshest ingredients and placed in freshly made, hand-stretched tortillas from our bakery. 7 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 36 /Length 54 >>
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4. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed.
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Los Cabos Beef Bean and Cheddar Cheese Burrito, 5.2 Ounce -- 48 per case. F. may cause filling leakage.
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Heat from a thawed state in foil.
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Deli-style, handmade DON MIGUEL® Burritos are restaurant quality and come in 3 great new varieties including the delicious Chicken, Black Bean & Cheese, Carnitas, or Carne Asada Burritos. Preparation instruction printed on outside of case. Do not Microwave JTM Mac & Cheese Bowl Preparation Instructions: 1. 2. 3 0 obj
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Next. �Ź��&�r�Y ��pZ�z�|�8��TC���+���^��2�\�Z�� q:� ��6�F�M�(L���Y;�w0Z�҆2~ic�+��ʝ�UR�
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Heat in oven for 20-30 minutes until product reaches 165°F.