Looks like your connection to ClassicWoW.live was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect. aw = no For complete information about the cookies we use, data we collect and how we process them, please check our. 30 d j f 30 f d d = ill n a iila l l (ii’llnail all), d a p is or ok 294 B = y o u lo ve me NUD E, Copyright © 2019 Wowguider | All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. WOW: Speaking to Horde as Alliance Dictionary Here is a list of some phrases that Alliance can speak in chat and Horde will be able to read it. Of course, it's not beautiful.
Many people want to know if there's a way to communicate reliably with cross factions in World of Warcraft without relying on / spit or / globe to express their feelings. Orcs are great DPS warriors due to, Shaman: Healing, Hybrid Melee DPS, Hybrid Ranged DPS, Druid: Tank, Healer, Hybrid Melee DPS, Hybrid Ranged DPS. You're warned! There are ways to talk to Horde and vice versa, however use them at your own risk because you could get banned for 24 hours. I prefer to talk to the alliance with sign language. Horde says '27 11 11', Alliance reads 'mu ha ha'. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. 17 41 17 â¢Ã Ãà D C 0 = me come with you, d a p is or ok 294 B = y o u lo ve me NUD E, 3 1 p 12 11 2 ppp 41 12 11 = y o u re an e vil ko re an, âย â๠à¹à¹ L t A A F = RA GE MO RE N l G G A, à 3 Æ Æ Ã 3 Ã Æ Æ = Kiss my ass (Kyss my ass), * ' ⢠2 3 ' 0 à à 'Æ Æ = Love your Anus, * ' ⢠2 3 ' 0 Ã Ã Æ Æ = Love your ass, * ' ⢠2 3 ' 0 à 3à Ãà Ã⢠= Love your mother, * ' ⢠2 3 ' 0 à 3à Ãà Ã⢠'Ã Æ = love your mother ass, * ' ⢠2 3 ' 0 à 3à Ãà Ã⢠â¢3⢠3 ' 0 à 'Ã Æ = love your mother and your ass, * ' ⢠2 20 à * â¢* Ãà 3 ' 0 à 3à Ãà Ã⢠= love anal with your mother, â¢0 20 à * â¢* Ãà â¢Ã = Go anal with me, â¢0 63636 3 ' 0 à à 'Æ Æ = Go regen your anus. Didn't know where to put this so here ya go... You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! 101 101 = Zug Zug. Please note, however, that it has been said that bypassing the language filter is the basis for disciplinary action against your account. Recent translations: Horde says 'd c d', Alliance reads 'l o l'. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you may not be able to execute some actions. This topic has been deleted. Alliance says '17 13 34 3 1 p', Horde reads 'me lo ve y o u'. Can Horde and Alliance players not text chat normally? World of Warcraft Translator World of Warcraft Translator. We also use content and scripts from third parties that may use tracking technologies. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. You won't be able to have a deep and meaningful dialogue with your Orcish friends about philosophy and other issues, but it should be enough to make you understand your views without resorting to emotions. Close. 27 11 11 = mu ha ha. I don't think anything would happen unless someone reports you, and even then I doubt the punishment would go beyond being told to knock it off.
All Alliance characters should understand Common language. Alliance says '3 1 p 13 23', Horde reads 'y o u lo se'. 83. Horde says 'j c 108 d', Alliance reads 'n o kil l'. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Alliance says '17 2 ppp', Horde reads 'me e vil'. Famous translations: Horde says '11 d d c', Alliance reads 'ha l l o'. I'm fairly new to the game still. Horde to Alliance Translation List. Many people say this is impossible, but as long as your expectations are not high, you can consistently convert a limited set of letter combinations from Orcish to common, and vice versa.
Horde says 'd c d', Alliance reads 'l o l'. Horde says '27 11 11', Alliance reads 'mu ha ha'. Buy WoW Classic Gold Cheap. There are ways to talk to Horde and vice versa, however use them at your own risk because you could get banned for 24 hours.
Horde says 'j c 108 d', Alliance reads 'n o kil l'. The opposite faction may not see the words in the correct format, such as "hallo", but more like "h a 11 o". As you can see, as long as you keep the phrase very simple and use simple Unicode characters instead of complete words, you can do some basic translation between factions. Alliance says '17 13 34 3 1 p', Horde reads 'me lo ve y o u'. Alliance says '17 13 34 3 1 p', Horde reads 'me lo ve y o u'. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Common is the language spoken by the Alliance members. Horde says 'üö ‚ ◃ ƒ ð I I', Alliance reads 'ge t z k i l l'. Alliance says '‡ p Š Ÿ ◒ Ÿ 3', Horde reads 'r u n a w a y'. Horde says 'd c d', Alliance reads 'l o l'. /moon while making a great escape is the best feeling in the world. Horde to Alliance): Examples of Orcish common (Alliance to Horde translation): Please note that the translated text is not accurate. Horde says '11 d d c', Alliance reads 'ha l l o'. ž 1 ž = lol . Horde says 'c ‚ f', Alliance reads 'o r t a'. This topic has been deleted. Some translations from Alliance (Common) to Horde (Orcish) Tip. NoScript). € 3 2 = bye. Archived. Alliance says 'Š 2 ä 2 ßt ž 1 Š 2 Š 1 1 €', Horde reads 'n e v e ra l o n e n o o b'.
I'm not sure if it still stands... but didn't it use to be against the rules to try to communicate with the other faction on PvP servers?
Alliance says '3 1 p 13 23', Horde reads 'y o u lo se'. Horde says '10 a a f d d o', Alliance reads 'ka g g a l l i'. 83 votes, 34 comments. Horde says '10 a a f d d o', Alliance reads 'ka g g a l l i'. UO UO = HA HA. Some translations from Alliance (Common) to Horde (Orcish) Tip. WoW - Translator can help you with talking to the opposite fraction in the popular MMORPG game World Of Warcraft! Auf den einzelnen Servern sieht man jedoch teilweise starke Favoriten. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. ƒ 1 ‡ ‡ 3 = sorry ž 1 ž = lol € 3 2 = bye Š 1 1 € = noob „ Ÿ „ Ÿ = haha ž 1 ƒ 2 ‡ = loser ž 1 ä 2 3 1 p = love you 3 1 p ƒ 1 … Alliance says '3 1 p Ÿ 12 € ÀÁ', Horde reads 'y o u a re b ad'. Just type in your word or sentence, select your fraction and get your translation! Alliance says '3 1 p 12 2 ppp', Horde reads 'y o u re e vil'. Many races have their own language they can switch to, both void elves and blood elves can speak Thalassian. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. So it has developed its own slang overtime. In the same sense that using a joke name on a RP server is. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. © www.wowgold.hk 2005-2019 At here,you can buy wow gold with cheapest price,best wow gold site recommended with fast delivery and safe guaranteed. So, what are you waiting for? Horde says '27 11 11', Alliance reads 'mu ha ha'. Its counterpart for the Horde is the Orcish language. Horde says 'f j f d 108 d', Alliance reads 'a n a l kil l'. ƒ 1 ‡ ‡ 3 = sorry. Trying can't be against the rules. ... //f00l.de/wowtranslator.php. Horde says '10 a a f d d o', Alliance reads 'ka g g a l l i'. Note: Some of the following phrases are dirty and contain adult language so exercise caution. Horde says '27 11 11', Alliance reads 'mu ha ha'. Horde says 'j c 108 d', Alliance reads 'n o kil l'.
Alliance says '3 1 p 12 11 2 ppp 41 12 11', Horde reads 'y o u re an e vil ko re an'. Horde says 'j o a a f', Alliance reads 'n i g g a'. As long as there are blood elves around, thalassian does the job. I suppose this comes in handy whenever you’re leveling and see a random horde. Horde says '10 a a f d d o', Alliance reads 'ka g g a l l i'. Horde says '◃ c ◃ ð', Alliance reads 'z o z i'. There are only eight races and nine classes in Classic WoW, with some select class/race combos added in later expansions such as Cataclysm (Night Elf Mage) and Legion (Gnome Hunter). Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t bypassing the language barrier in a way like this against the ToS? Horde says 'j o a a f', Alliance reads 'n i g g a'. Horde says 'I c I', Alliance reads 'l o l'. https://f00l.de/wowtranslator.php. Nope the words get mangled into a random mush unless the speaker uses a language the listener can understand.Orcish is the general horde language, and common the alliance one. Alliance says '3 1 p 13 23', Horde reads 'y o u lo se'. Alliance says '3 1 p 12 2 ppp', Horde reads 'y o u re e vil'. Considering there's a potion to do it now (sort of), I don't think so. Famous translations: Horde says '11 d d c', Alliance reads 'ha l l o'. Posted by. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. ž 1 ä 2 3 1 p = love you. Download the client and get started. Famous translations: There’s a potion in Dalaran that allows you to converse to the opposite faction as it allows you to understand either Common or Orcish. Please post more using the translator !
in Classic WoW, Shamans are limited to the Horde while Paladins are limited to the Alliance. Mage - Troll in PvE due to the very strong, Priest - Troll in PvE due to the powerful, Rogue - Orcs are the best race for Rogues due to the DPS cooldown, Shaman - Trolls are preferable for healers and ranged DPS as, Warlock - Both Orc and Forsaken have strong PvP racials.
Horde says 'I c ƒ 115', Alliance reads 'l o k tar'. Convert from English to World of Warcraft (WOW) slang. Horde says 'f j f d 108 d', Alliance reads 'a n a l kil l'. Horde to Alliance Translations.
New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Class and Race combinations are different than live WoW. Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. (Stand: 10.09.2019 - 10:57 Uhr) Generelles Fraktionsgleichgewicht. Void elf masterrace. Horde says 'j o a a f', Alliance reads 'n i g g a'. WOW slang usually shortens the word in abbreviation. Horde says '11 d d c', Alliance reads 'ha l l o'. If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. Alliance says '3 1 p 12 11 2 ppp 41 12 11', Horde reads 'y o u re an e vil ko re an'. Horde to Alliance Translation List. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. The Orc racial, Warriors - Each race shines in different situations. Buy WoW Classic Gold Safe and Fast-3% off coupon: AOE. So don’t spam them or something like that . Horde says '11 d d c', Alliance reads 'ha l l o'.Horde says '10 a a f d d o', Alliance reads 'ka g g a l l i'.Horde says 'f j f d 108 d', Alliance reads 'a n a l kil l'.Horde says 'j c 108 d', Alliance reads 'n o kil l'.Horde says 'j o a a f', Alliance reads 'n i g g a'.Horde says 'd c d', Alliance reads 'l o l'.Horde says '27 11 11', Alliance reads 'mu ha ha'.Alliance says '17 13 34 3 1 p', Horde reads 'me lo ve y o u'.Alliance says '3 1 p 13 23', Horde reads 'y o u lo se'.Alliance says '3 1 p 12 2 ppp', Horde reads 'y o u re e vil'.Alliance says '3 1 p 12 11 2 ppp 41 12 11', Horde reads 'y o u re an e vil ko re an'.Alliance says '17 2 ppp', Horde reads 'me e vil'.