Due to what he's done, I don't care what anyone says, your God has still done awful things.
"People who have been victimized seek justice"…..God judges people and then tells us to forgive….He gives leniency to those of his choice, not those who are right and follow the law.
I do believe in after life though, Maybe you should switch to a different denomination. If anyone needs a hex ritual of retribution go to : you tube:" the black mass by anton lavey. •God approves of slavery, and instructs owners to beat their slaves. Insidious is an unique creature. I believe in Jesus but I am very wanting to see a demon&talk to it but how can I??? Despite all of these people voicing what they thought of it, positive or negative, they all had one thing in common: just about everyone thought that it was pretty darn scary.
On top of that, we get lots of her awesome comic relief sidekicks, Tucker and Specs, who are one of my favourite parts of any Insidious movie. I believe you must be some what spiritual . My wish of retribution just happened as it did many times……or i am the luckiest person i know. Some thought that it was the new wave of horror. hey girly how about you prove god is real before you say demons arent. There were also times you were expecting build up but then they just hit you right away, like the face behind the gauze over the crib. What else needs to be said? Im one of those ppl. In addition to what he called the “crown princes” of Hell (Satan, the fallen angel Belial, and the destructive sea monster Leviathan) LaVey lists other vicious demons who also occupy the “Royal Palace of Hell.”. just get away. Of course, from Oscar winners to forgotten B-movies, horror films have featured demonic entities for decades. Related: Insidious: The Last Key's Twisted Demon KeyFace Explained.
Of course, the potency of the demon extends beyond possessing mere mortals, but inanimate objects as well. Go ahead and take this as a joke laugh it up .. and laugh at us because you expected us to reply back so you can laugh at us.. laugh it up man I dont care how stupid you think we are for replying back but there is one GOD who I would protect here on earth with the word and look stupid for.. You are probly too lazy to start this healing process of repenting and trying to look good in GODs eye, well I am at war with evil as we speak I beieve and I will always believe and battle evil till god says to me my war is over, You havent even started but it is okay huh? We get a glimpse of a woman who has struggled long and hard to get where she is now, and Lin Shaye nails it. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Talk about power in numbers! You just made my day! Annabelle has horrified audiences in three standalone films. AZAZEL – The demon who taught man to make weapons of war and introduced women to cosmetics. Adjusted for inflation, the 1973 Best Picture Winner is still among the highest-grossing films ever made.