You take 30% less radiation from eating or drinking. (+5 Max). Devastate and stagger enemies by sprinting into them with Power Armor.
Your ranged sneak attacks do 2.3x normal damage. (No Power Armor), Sprinting consumes 40% fewer Action Points. Gain 12 Damage & Energy Resist (max 36) for each teammate, excluding you.
(No Power Armor), Your automatic pistols now do +10% damage, Your automatic pistols now do +15% damage, Your automatic pistols now do +20% damage.
Buying and selling prices at vendors are better. Drinking any liquid has a 30% reduced chance to cause disease. In Power Armor, heavy guns gain more accuracy and ignore 15% armor. The maximum attribute level is 15 fo… Up to a max of 3. Gain +50% damage bonus for 2 minutes when a player revives you. As with Fallout: New Vegas, this perk also increases the HP effect of many edible aid items including plants, raw meat and pre-War packaged foods. 5% bonus damage means enemies may explode into a gory red paste.
has a chance to fill your Critical meter. The content is not described in full detail on this page.
All Power Armor parts and chassis weights are reduced by 50%. V.A.T.S. Your shotguns gain a 10% stagger chance and a 20% chance to cripple a limb. When you craft anything, there is a 10% chance you'll get double results! Gain +10% (max 60%) damage for 30s per kill. You gain complete immunity to chem addiction. Aim your gun a creature below your level for a 75% chance to pacify it.
Your melee sneak attacks do 2.6x normal damage.
Fallout 76 Edit.
80% chance to find extra ammo when you "Search" an ammo container. Your bows and crossbows now do +10% damage.
Players you revive come back with high health regen for 60 seconds. has a 15% chance to restore all Action Points.
Fallout 76 Chem Fiend perk card description, effects, rank strength and pairing. Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 30%, Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 60%, Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 90%. Crafting workshop items now costs 25% fewer materials. Gain +7% (max 42%) damage for 30s per kill. Aim your gun at any Animal below your level for a 25% chance to pacify it. Damage and stagger enemies by sprinting into them with Power Armor.
(No Molotov), Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop, Hunger and thirst grow 80% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop. Eating Human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores even more Health and hunger.
Chem Fiend. Gain +1 lockpicking skill, and the lockpicking 'sweet spot' is 10% larger. You are 30% less likely to catch a disease from the environment, You are 60% less likely to catch a disease from the environment, You are 90% less likely to catch a disease from the environment.
Weights of all Chems (including Stimpaks) are reduced by 30%. Certain effects calculation may not be implemented yet or implemented just partially. You can now craft advanced armor mods.
Restore much more of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink.
You deal +80% damage to workshop objects.
Chance your equipped armor will greatly repair itself when struck. Crafting workshop items now costs 50% fewer materials. All food satisfies hunger by an additional 75%. Food in your inventory will spoil 60% more slowly. Your melee sneak attacks do 3x normal damage.
Eating dog food is now three times as beneficial. Your armor breaks 60% more slowly and is cheaper to repair.
Cards of higher rank are created by combining 2 identical cards of lower rank.