Episode 2 – ‘Messy As F**k’: Still upset that he forgot her birthday the day before, Issa spends the bulk of the second episode avoiding him, while staying at Molly’s house. Accueillie avec bienveillance par la critique américaine, Insecure marque pourtant un nouveau temps d’arrêt dans la marche en avant des comédies de HBO. On retrouve aussi, entre autres, les figures de la femme noire en colère, de la Jézabel, sexuellement vorace, et de la Mammy, qui remonte dans l’histoire à la période de l’esclavage et qui décrit une femme entièrement dévouée à la famille blanche, en particulier aux enfants. One minute he’s too thirsty, the next minute he’s too distant. Et ne parlons même pas du rôle principal…, 23/05/19 | PEAK TV, Comment la multiplication des séries a permis plus de diversité, 11/09/17 | MEDIAS, «Les Glorieuses», «Sister Letter»... Les newsletters féministes, une…, 11/02/19 | «GIRL POWER», Autrices et réalisatrices, les femmes prennent le pouvoir dans les séries, Choix de consentement © Copyright 20 Minutes - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM, VIDEO. Episode 1 – ‘Insecure As F**k’: In the very first scene, in the very first episode of Insecure, we know exactly who Issa Dee is and what she stands for as a black woman. Issa: “Bitch, you’re right. She isn’t the only one that’s shady though, as it seems to be going around. This content is for LONOF Member (access courses) members only. HBO is airing the show for season 4, so we are not close to seeing the end of the series. ». ], Issa: “It’s not like it’s the cute kind!”I, ssa: “…We are not about to be the black couple fighting in Rite-Aid.”, Issa: “…I can’t talk about this right now, I gotta go.”, Issa: “Lawrence wait. Things may seem to be going smoothly in the episode’s first half, however by the second half, it’s a verbal bloodbath and Issa, Lawrence, Daniel and Molly are front and center. « Aux Etats-Unis, les œuvres audiovisuelles reprennent souvent des stéréotypes », explique Aurélie Louchart, autrice de Trop crépues ?, un essai traitant notamment de la représentation des femmes noires dans les productions culturelles grand public. Broken p***y. Here are the most memorable NSFW scenes from the first season of Insecure. Insecure is an American drama TV show created by Issa Rae, Larry Wilmoreand is produced by 3 Arts Entertainment.
Let’s just be clear, Insecure is EVERYTHING! [Issa, Molly & Tiffany sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Kelly], Guy dancing with Kelly: “Are you Jill Scott? I don’t have time for the bulls**t anymore. Created by co-star Issa Rae and writer/comic Larry Wilmore ("The Daily Show With Jon Stewart"), the comedy series looks at the friendship of two black women in a unique, authentic way. Like I spent my entire 20’s with a guy I’m not even gonna end up with.”, Molly: “I mean, well you’re still 29, you have one more year.”. Surtout si on la compare à une autre nouveauté diffusée cet automne sur FX : Atlanta, réflexion d’une toute autre profondeur sur la place de la population noire dans les États-Unis pré-Trump. Top 50 Natural Hair Products For Black Hair, Sign Up To Receive Updates From HelloBeautiful. (Hikari), qui renvoie à plusieurs études américaines, « les femmes ne représentent que 30 % des personnages parlants dans les films. If you are one of the few who hasn’t checked out this brilliant HBO comedy series from the ridiculously talented Issa Rae, then we hope you’re bin… Bitch, you don’t even deserve Lawrence.”, Issa: “Are you mad that I can actually keep a n***a?”, [Issa & Molly having a huge fight at the We Got Y’all fundraiser about their respective relationships], Lawrence: “Daniel? Les autres personnages féminins, en particulier sa meilleure amie Molly, se révèlent dans toute leur complexité, avec leurs défauts et leurs qualités. Episode 4 – ‘Thirsty As F**k’: Issa and Lawrence are officially back on track as the fourth episode begins, but things get a little complicated when Daniel shows up to apologize for his comments in the first episode. Issa et sa bande de potes sont de retour pour une saison 4 sur HBO et
Some of the best parts of this episode are in the unspoken moments, but there are a couple of standouts that speak to how others view Molly’s and Lawrence’s attitude in their respective relationships. Broken p***y.”, [Issa rapping her song ‘Broken P***y’ at open mic night to impress Daniel], Daniel: “Every black girl that went to college likes Drake.”, [Issa & Daniel in the car after hanging out at the club], [Issa showing up to Molly’s house to apologize after they have an argument]. Follows the awkward experiences and racy tribulations of a modern-day African-American woman. Can I get your Rite-Aid card for a discount?”, [Issa & Lawrence arguing in Rite-Aid after bumping into each other after a fight], Issa (as Lawrence): “So where you put all my s**t?”, Issa: “Uh ah ha ha.
The funniest moment is when Issa and Molly are on the phone as Molly attempts to cook for her potential bae Jared…shout out to the Chrissy Teigen cookbook! Il est encore rare de rencontrer ce type de personnage sur le petit écran. The most memorable exchange during the episode involves her co-worker Ken, who wonders about the stereotype of black people not swimming. Molly: “You gotta f**k a lot of frogs to get a good frog.”, Issa: “That’s not the saying. D’ailleurs l’héroïne ne cache pas ses fragilités, elle déprime, se trompe, manque fâcheusement de confiance en elle. C'est une voix de plus en plus joueuse, ouverte mais émoussée à la fois. « Les personnages qui ne font pas partie de la classe moyenne sont notamment dépeints avec moins de subtilité que les autres ». Issa: “I’m breaking up with him to-night!”, [Issa & Molly leaving the Ethiopian restaurant on Issa’s birthday], Issa: “Maybe it’s dry as hell, maybe it really smells. Relativement confidentielle en France, la série mérite toute notre attention. Merie W. Wallace/HBO . — Mis à jour le 30/04/20 à 10h27. It’s like a jungle sometimes n***a.”, Issa (as Lawrence): “So you know Imma take all my DVDs?”, Issa: “Don’t nobody want yo Steve Harvey box set.”, [Issa role-playing a conversation w/ her & Lawrence in the mirror before she goes back home]. La créatrice ne tombe pas dans le piège des contre-stéréotypes (créer une femme noire qui ne se mettrait jamais en colère, par exemple) pour répondre au cliché de la « angry black woman ». He was there tonight, right?”, Issa: “Yeah, we went to high school together and he volunteered at that Career Day we had and he did a music presentation for the kids, so they must have invited him.”, Lawrence: “Cause I am. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. However, Kelly offers up the best comic relief of the episode, perhaps to brace us for that final scene with Lawrence and Tasha that had all of social media gasping for air in shock. Search, discover and share your favorite Insecure Hbo GIFs. S’il est question de quatre femmes noires aux Etats-Unis, Insecure n’est pas pour autant une œuvre ouvertement politique, à la différence de Dear White People, par exemple, dont le titre met la problématique raciale en avant. Selon des chiffres avancés dans Trop crépues ? Issa Rae et Yvonne Orji dans Insecure — HBO Insecure , une comédie sur le quotidien de quatre afro-américaines, a fait son retour pour une quatrième saison le 13 avril sur OCS. (…) Les non-Blancs, eux, ne constituent que 28 % des personnages parlants aux États-Unis, alors qu’ils représentent 40 % de la population du pays ». Insecure is an American comedy-drama television series created by Issa … See more ideas about Insecure tv series, Issa rae, Insecure. Photo by Premiere Of HBO's 'Insecure' - Arrivals. Daniel: “I just wanted to look you in the eye and ask you why you would treat me like some random a** n***a.”, Issa: “You were just an itch I needed to scratch.”, [Issa & Daniel talking at the We Got Ya’ll fundraiser (which she didn’t know he was coming to) about having sex and her avoiding him since], Issa: “I made a mistake, but at least I can see the s**t that I do wrong.”, Issa: “Have you noticed Molly, that the common denominator in all your ‘can’t find a man’ bulls**t is you? En croisant ces deux chiffres, il est encore plus improbable de tomber sur une femme non-blanche avec des dialogues dans une œuvre.