These weapons deal damage based on the hybrid form’s size. A lycanthrope retains all the special qualities of the base creature and the base animal, and also gains those described below. The character remains in animal form, assuming the appropriate alignment, until the next dawn. As a Tiefling, your Ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Charisma Score increases by 2. Reason: This page is of questionable balance. | Here Be Monsters
Shop the Open Gaming Store! He or she feels an overwhelming rage building up and must succeed on a Control Shape check to resist changing into animal form. A lycanthrope’s hybrid form is the same size as the base animal or the base creature, whichever is larger. Once I make him turn at the next full moon, I'll have the discussion about how long and what it'll take to embrace the curse and then he can make an informed decision. | d20 Anime SRD New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Any.
She was going to play a weretiger and I a werewolf.
Lycanthropes are distinguished taxonomically from other shapechangers by the addition of the prefix "were-" to their names.
Weresharks prefer life at sea or in port settlements commonly frequented by seagoing merchants and pirates. | The Modern Path SRD
A lycanthrope retains the special attacks of the base creature or base animal, depending on which form it is using, and also gains the special attacks described below. The lycanthrope takes on the characteristics of some type of carnivorous or omnivorous creature of the animal type (referred to hereafter as the base animal). An afflicted lycanthrope gains DR 5/silver in animal or hybrid form. A lycanthrope possesses the senses of its animal form, including scent and low-light vision, and it has a deep empathy for (and ability to communicate with) animals of its animal form. The low-power lycanthrope gains +2 Wis and -2 Cha, gaining animal senses, but becoming of a strange, animal mindset as well. Over time, however, many lycanthropes acquire features suggestive of their animal form. The Monster Manual has rules for lycanthropy in general. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy.Keen Hearing and Smell. Your size is Medium. It might not match up to the kind of thing you had in mind. This assumes you want to keep it balanced and let the player keep control of their character. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When the moon wanes, the beast within can be controlled once again.
Reason. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, Advanced Rules Miscellany: 5th Edition Rules Modules. However, a good DM also knows that Lycanthrope can offer a wide range of intricate venues in which the player character takes on different forms and uses those additional forms … You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d6+Strength piercing damage. Natural Armor: A lycanthrope gains +2 natural armor in any form. Ability Score Increase. I honestly believe a lot of opportunity was wasted with Lycanthropes, considering the abilities attributed to them in folklore and modern entertainment.
| 13th Age SRD
Sell at the Open Gaming Store! The other members of a weresharkâs crew learn quickly that the boss is bound to skip out without much notice once a bigger fish comes along. If a healer administers the herb, use the character’s save bonus or the healer’s Heal modifier, whichever is higher. Theyâre bloodthirsty and are very easy to anger.
Afflicted lycanthropes only gain this ability in animal or hybrid form. This animal can be any predator, scavenger, or omnivore whose size is within one size category of the base creature’s size (Small, Medium, or Large for a Medium base creature). You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Sinister creatures such as rats, snakes, and wolves tend to produce evil-aligned lycanthropes. Becoming a lycanthrope is very much like multiclassing as an animal and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice. You revert back to your true form if you die.Tiger-Humanoid Hybrid Form & Tiger Form.
A hybrid may attack with a weapon and a bite, or may attack with its natural weapons.
When a character contracts lycanthropy through a lycanthrope’s bite, no symptoms appear until the first night of the next full moon. Solitary or pair, sometimes family (3-4), pack (6-10), or troupe (family plus related animals).
If the target is prone, you can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
| GumshoeSRD There are five different strains of the Lycanthropy curse which a character can contract, each with their own varying traits as seen below.
Same as the base creature plus those of the base animal. Your Dexterity Score increases by 1.Shapechanger.
An afflicted character who eats a sprig of belladonna (also called wolfsbane) within 1 hour of a lycanthrope’s attack can attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save to shake off the affliction. Other Traits. Whilst infected with one strain of Lycanthropy, the character is considered immune to recieving other forms of the curse, automatically succeeding on their Constitution Saving Throw when cursed. You have natural armour equal to 11 + Strength Modifier. Your Strength Score increases by 1.Shapechanger. Add the base save bonuses of the base animal to the base save bonuses of the base creature.
Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn't transformed. Edit this Page | All stubs, You can help D&D Wiki by better balancing the mechanics of this page. All I can find is on p. 207 of the MM, and everything in there is awesome and lycanthropy apparently has no downside.
"Lycathrope" is a template rather than a race, that can be added to any humanoid or giant. The master lycanthrope After at least six months of mutation, the player can opt to devote him- or herself to mastering his curse and turn it into a blessing.
Vampyrric Lycanthrope []. If you move at least 15 feet straight towards a target and then hit it with your Tusks on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage.
The bite attack of a hybrid is a secondary attack. In hybrid form, the lycanthrope’s natural armor bonus is equal to the natural armor bonus of the base animal or the base creature, whichever is better. It might not match up to the kind of thing you had in mind. While in your Wolf-Humanoid Hybrid form, or your Wolf form, gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. As far as I know the only known example of this combination is from the movie underworld -specifically the third one- in which Michael is infected from ancient powerful creatures of each "disease/template" and his change looks more painful than other mono-disease "changes". | 13th Age SRD I would try to make it a class with limited levels that had a transformation that worked similarly to a druid's. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks like any other members of its kind, though natural lycanthropes and those who have been afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminiscent of their animal forms.
Template Index; Open Game License; Lycanthrope. A lycanthrope is a humanoid creature that can change its shape into that of a specific animal and into a hybrid shape between the two. An afflicted character who is aware of his or her condition can try to resume humanoid form following a change (voluntary or involuntary) with a Control Shape check, but if he fails his check, he remains in animal (or hybrid) form until the following dawn. Add the base attack bonus for the base animal to the base attack bonus for the base creature.
This process may give the lycanthrope more feats than a character of its total Hit Dice would normally be entitled to; if this occurs, any "extra" feats are denoted as bonus feats. Lycanthrope, Wereshark (Legendary Games) Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), chaotic evil. Some individuals see little point in fighting the curse and accept what they are.
Becoming a lycanthrope is very much like multiclassing as an animal and gaining the appropriate Hit Dice. Ability Score Increase. Renderrs' DnD Resource is a FANDOM Games Community. DO NOT go to dndwiki, it's full of broken and OP homebrews that don't mesh well with the core books. | Starjammer SRD
You have natural armour equal to 11 + Constitution Modifier.
Your size is Medium.
You have natural armour equal to 12 + Dexterity Modifier. Changing form is a standard action. A lycanthrope spellcaster cannot cast spells with verbal, somatic, or material components while in animal form, or spells with verbal components while in hybrid form. | FateCoreSRD
All lycanthropes gain +2 to Wisdom. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Strength Modifier, Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. A humanoid creature can be afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy after being bitten by a lycanthrope, or if one or both of its parents are lycanthropes. | 5th Edition SRD You gain the Bite attack and are considered proficient: Melee Weapon Attack, one target, 1d8+Strength piercing damage.
Other lycanthropes are born as lycanthropes, and are known as natural lycanthropes.
As a Half-Elf, your ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Charisma score increases by 1, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1. You could reflavor circle of the moon druids or totem barbarians, use the shifter race from the Eberron UA article, or use Matt Mercer’s Blood Hunter class with the Order of the Lycan subclass (both available on DM’s Guild). Scent (Ex): The lycanthrope gains scent in any form (cf. On that night, the afflicted character involuntarily assumes animal form and forgets his or her own identity, temporarily becoming an NPC.
An afflicted character who is not aware of his condition remains in animal form until the next dawn. As a Half-Orc, your ability Score Increases are as follows: Your Strength Score increases by 1, your Constitution score increases by 1. | PF2 SRD. Alignment of the custom raceSize. This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Any voluntary change to animal or hybrid form immediately and permanently changes the character’s alignment to that of the appropriate lycanthrope. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 + Constitution Modifier, Constitution Saving Throw or be cursed with werewolf lycanthropy. It’s possible that a lycanthrope cannot meet the prerequisites for all its feats when in humanoid form.