It appears that 100 is a guaranteed crit. For the majority of functions, a Form ID will be needed. The syntax to do an if statement in the console is as follows. To completely disable all imagespace modifiers use the following command: This will disable all image space modifications which can hide some effects that tend to be more of an annoyance than a benefit (i.e. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. To use these commands target the workshop with your console open. Unfortunatley ShowRaceMenu doens't work in fallout 4. The number that will be used in the name of the. If the player has more than 300 bottle caps then the if the statement is true. setpv bAllowCaravan 1 - This should allow you to force a normally not movable settler to become a caravan. DLC03_RadMistWeatherBeforeGrantMessedItUp. Base settlement size is 10 settlers for most settlements, plus your character's charisma. Nov 7, 2016 @ 12:11am How do I open the looks menu for ... it's not that hard to google console commands click your character, type showlooksmenu 1 (they changed it from showracemenu) #2. Adding power to an object that doesn't have a power connection means the power cannot be used. E.g. In case of the player character, you can actually just use "player" as a reference ID which the console will automatically convert to 00000014 upon executing the command. If used on the player, it will reset all effects currently affecting the player. Allows the value to change. This is easiest if you first click on something in the world with the console open to target it. It is possible to add legendary modifiers to items, however no weapon or piece of armor can have more than one legendary stat, and applying a legendary mod to an item that already has one replaces it. If multiple scripts are found with the same function, you will have to clarify which script using the "Script.Function" syntax. Otherwise, the statement is false and nothing happens. Flippy. You can change the values or the items to be whatever you want. This settler will have different randomized looks from the Commonwealth settlers and will have generic dialogue specific to Far Harbor. Also, if you duplicate a settler, they will have to be assigned to a settlement. ModAV luck 10, but for the rest you must use the ID. This will produce food without a settler assigned to it, since the pump does not normally require anyone assigned to it. Or a mod that let's me do it? ), [Semi-God Mode without tgm, sets player to level 50, adds extreme amount of carry weight] THIS IS PERMANENT, (Select an NPC in console then use the bat command [Works with Companions]), [Console limits how much you can add per command, this should solve that issue] i think irs showracemenu thats what it was in all the others. The getav command will allow you to see the current values. In Console Mode, first you need to click on a bed in a settlement. Up to 10 parameters can be added, each separated by a space. After restarting Fallout 4 pressing the equivalent button from above will open the console. For details, please see the respective articles.
Some commands will be noted to be able to both be used either with a target or without one, resulting in a global or targeted effect. How to Use : The console can be used to enter cheat codes and commands. You can sometimes get the placed workbench to work without going into god mode.