Leaders combine big dreams and action; they leap into situations where both the payoff and the risk are substantial. For followers, that kind of thinking doesn't come naturally at all. * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT Followers are more reactive with their emotions, while leaders are more responsive. Men naturally want to do things they excel at. Your reliability should be predictable. First, the follower almost always moves backwards. Wondering if you can become a leader?
Be willing to stand apart. To be a good leader, we have to understand what it means to be a great follower. If our husbands are not asking us to sin, God may be trying to lead us through them. 2.
I’d love to hear your ideas!
Gulab’s courage saved Luttrell’s life. And others eventually followed, but not because these people were leaders: Others followed because they were going in a direction that even the herd could eventually see was better than the direction the leadership offered. My site is not intended for those experiencing issues with active addictions, unrepentant infidelity, uncontrolled mental health disorders, nor abuse. * THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR
It is her grace, musicality, and beautiful footwork that we can't take our eyes off. Leadership is not about empowering oneself. */
Those things go way beyond the scope of this post or my blog. My husband is a pastor. They will find someone else to make their decisions for them. Followers either focus on the moment or sign on to a leader's vision.
The higher leaders rise in the ranks, the heavier the responsibility they carry, the louder the criticism, and the more lonely life gets. They Lead by Force, Not Example. Because he embraced humbly learning from others, he reached an even higher level of excellence. And the most unexpected discovery about being a follower was that she is, in fact, the most important person in this dance. My husband may not lead in the way I imagine he should.
Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. The best way to inspire people to be part of a mission is to know their gifts and passions and then position them to use those gifts and passions. There is an infinite number of ways that men may choose to lead in their marriages and families. Traditionally tango is danced by a man and a woman.
Followers watch and take notes; they move more slowly.
My job is to support his leadership, honor his leadership and respect him. That’s the difference between a leader and the crowd. Cults begin with a charismatic leader who claims some supreme knowledge. // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable We look up to our mentors and seniors and wish to have an influential persona like them.
All Rights Reserved. My absolute pet hate is anyone ordering me about, and anyone who tries it gets short shrift very quickly.