It has been a long few months, and the journey is far from over, but we are so glad to have you back. If necessary, print that page and circulate it among employees. Please call the following number, where you can reach members of our team who are happy to answer questions and help walk you through tips on how to disinfect and sanitize your home or business during the COVID-19 outbreak. Following is the template of writing a memorandum: From: This will inform the addressee as to who sends the memo.
To get everyone on board the cleaning bus, involve employees and collectively develop motivating incentives and rewards for compliance. – Group bubbles, for example, are becoming a popular method. Regularly clean the mouthpiece of the office telephone. Also outline how shared work space is to be used and maintained and what the results will be if directives are not followed.
.adslot_1{width:300px;height:250px;} Please also reach out regarding any questions on the cleaners and chemicals we are using to prevent COVID-19 from spreading. Dear [Customer Name], Cleaning services have been deemed an essential business in the state of [State], which means that we are remaining open to serve you and your family and ensure your homes and businesses remain safe, healthy, and clean.
Required fields are marked *. In order to maintain the cleanliness and order of the office, it is a good idea to distribute a memo to office staff regarding the cleanliness of the office. Even though the office is cleaned every day, it can still seem dirty at times. Encourage employees by explaining how their cooperation, or lack thereof, affects the company. Cleaning services have been deemed an essential business in the state of [State], which means that we are remaining open to serve you and your family and ensure your homes and businesses remain safe, healthy, and clean.
To spur the growth and prosperity of the organization, strict adherence to these norms is a must. We kindly ask for your assistance in making sure that you remove all floor mats or. Thank you all for your personal understanding and cooperation. This means it’s essential that you keep communication as clear and regular as possible. That is especially true in these days to minimize the spread of COVID-19 or coronavirus. You can write down a short memo and distribute it among the co-workers. September 1, 2020 A memo on Office Spring Cleaning is written by an employee in which he/she informs the rest of the staff members about the upcoming spring-cleaning day. There you will see a breakdown of the simple steps your business can take to keep as well protected from coronavirus as possible. Take some time to familiarise yourself with all the new signs around the office and do reach out if there is anything you are not sure of. Hygiene is our greatest weapon in the fight against coronavirus. Involve staff in generating ideas to ensure you are offering something people want. You can write down a short memo and distribute it among the co-workers. Trash removal from the large gray trash and recycle containers will continue to be serviced on the daily schedule.
Promoting frequent and thorough hand washing, including providing workers with a place to wash their hands. The main change for the staff and faculty will be that the wastebaskets in your office/workstation will be emptied 1 time a week instead of 5 days a week. Coronavirus has no doubt ground the world to a halt in 2020. Refer to the following letter sample that tells employees to keep the office clean – in a polite manner!
How To Grow Your Cleaning Business During a Pandemic, 3 Tips for Cleaning Companies to Persevere Through COVID-19, How to Start a Cleaning Business: A Guide in 8 Simple Steps. This is because this is a transitional period where everyone is trying to get used to new ways of living and working together. Pitch in to show employees the importance of working together to keep the business clean. 987 Illustration Street Similarly, the tone in which your letter is written makes a difference. The cleanliness not only energizes the mindset of the workers it also provides a boost to the organization by providing more clients and business. 5. When choosing cleaning chemicals, we have consulted information on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved disinfectant labels with claims against emerging viral pathogens. See what WorkWave Service can help your business accomplish. We kindly ask for your assistance in making sure that you remove all floor mats or. However, unless your staff has lots of extra time to clean, there is only so much they can do while getting their own work done. Home » Sample Letters » Letter to Employees to Keep the Office Clean. @media(min-width:550px){ .adslot_1{width:300px;height:250px;} A cleanliness study by Kimberly-Clark Professional of 4,800 surfaces and 3,000 employees … } There are many working policies you can implement to help maintain workplace safety. Choosing the right words, and making sure that you elicit information in a positive manner is what will make this happen.
Just as you might counsel an employee on improving communication skills or meeting sales quotas, discuss personal cleanup as well. In order to maintain the cleanliness and order of the office, it is a good idea to distribute a memo to office staff regarding the cleanliness of the office. – Also, shifting rotas around to ensure employees are not too closely packed togethe could be another option to consider. XVX Company Make sure that the memo is brief and to the point so that the message rolls through effectively. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The health and safety of our customers and employees is always our first priority and we are looking forward to when we can reopen and continue serving you and your family, ensuring your homes and businesses remain safe, healthy, and clean. Often, it is difficult to provide each employee with information, especially if it is a big organization. If soap and running water are not immediately available, we provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol. Your email address will not be published. The condition of an office or place of business can impact how customers perceive your operation — for better or worse. That’s why it is important that your employees are aware of what they should be doing as they come back to work. To: All Staff From: Office Manager Subject: Kitchen Cleaning Responsibilities Date: September 2019 Dear Staff Members: It has come to …
Your email address will not be published. Keeping your company premises clean is now more important than ever . If workers know leaving a messy trail could cost them a raise or promotion, they may be motivated to make cleaning more of a priority. Cleaning rules for employees should begin in their own workspaces. Also highlight the burden employees put on co-workers when they do not cooperate.
Subject Line: Office Cleaning Scheduled
This office is our home away from home – let’s keep it a happy place to be in! Working together, we can all stay as safe as possible. For instance, … Provide your employees with an office cleaning policy and make sure to enforce the rules on a regular basis. That is especially true in these days to minimize the spread of COVID-19 or coronavirus. Irvine from Jenkins Department Store from Scotland. Start leveraging powerful features and streamlining processes today!
There is a lot of work that we all need to do to adjust to our ‘new normal’, but we can get there together. John DoeManaging DirectorAAA Company33 Rose StreetHouston, TX 69888(000) 124-1421, See also: Letter to Employees to Keep the Office Clean, Your email address will not be published. Consider a role-playing activity at a staff meeting to emphasize your points — for example, someone not being able to find an important document because of a messy desk and losing a sale. The credit for this goes to all the passionate and hard working office colleagues. Here are a few tips that you can follow to maintain cleanliness: I am confident that my instructions will be taken in a positive light by all of you. Please remember to wash your hands regularly, use face masks where appropriate, and shield any coughs and sneezes. Lack of attention to those details makes our company look sloppy and can have a negative impact on what we each earn.”. She is also the author of several nonfiction trade publications, and, in 2012, had her first young-adult novel published by Glass Page Books. It’s also important you let your employees know that you are there to support them through this difficult transition into new working practices. Always place a liner in your trash-bin for quick emptying and disposal of trash. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); The following sample memo will guide you in this regard.
That is especially true in these days to minimize the spread of COVID-19 or coronavirus. ... Our fellow Utility Personnel is conducting regular daily cleaning in the office premises and general cleaning on Saturdays. Office Wide Kitchen Cleaning Memo Sample #1. Date: Subject: Mention the reason of writing the memo in the first paragraph. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); You may not know how to start, and how to word your letter. Keep your customers informed about the status of your business as well as the status of the services they’ve purchased. Encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick. How To Get Employees To Care About “Clean”, Top 10 Ways to Encourage Employees to Keep Their Workspace Clean. I expect that the workers at XVX Company are enjoying every moment while performing their respective duties. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Workplace environment also can affect the mood and productivity of staff, making a clean, organized space all the more important. Since our inception, we are receiving positive feedback from clients because of our hard work and enthusiasm to perform our tasks in a customer service-oriented environment.
While lockdowns all over the world are starting to ease a little, it’s important for us all to keep our eyes on the ball. If you have not written and sent a memo to staff to keep the office clean, now is the time. If you’re looking for more information, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, then you’ve come to the right place.
Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.
It has never been more important for companies to take the lead and ensure their employees know about office cleanliness.
The workers here are expected to understand their responsibilities linked with cleanliness inside the office premises. Emphasize its importance by making it part of regular performance reviews. During one of my visits to the office, I saw that desks were piled up, and dust was obvious on many surfaces. Consider remote working options, too.
by emily on March 24, 2012.
memo to staff to keep office clean; sample memo to staff {1 comment} Sample What is a Memo Letter. Make sure your desks are not overly cluttered. Memo to staff to keep office clean Coronavirus has no doubt ground the world to a halt in 2020. Keeping in touch with the office employees regarding internal official matters is important. McQuerrey's work has garnered awards from the U.S. Small Business Administration, the International Association of Business Communicators and the Associated Press.
For any of your cleaning needs or questions during this time, please contact us at [contact information] or click the link below to schedule your service. See also: Sample Memo to Keep the Office Clean. Give employees constructive feedback on what needs to be done, such as taking out trash, removing old food from the shared refrigerator or washing and putting away dishes after use.